Repository for "Exploiting smart contract vulnerabilities" bachelor thesis at School of Electrical Engineering, University of Belgrade.
The paper is written in Serbian (Eksploatacija_propusta_u_pametnim_ugovorima.pdf) and there are 5 exmples of vulnerable smart contracts and how to exploit them with instructions in English. Everything is implemented in Solidity.
NFT Auction
- Implementation of auction that has reentrancy vulnerability
- Inspired by DAO hack
- Smart contract that has half implementation of ERC20 contract with overflow vulnerability
- Exploitation of this vulnerability leads to hyperinflation of token
- Inspired by BEC (BeutyChain) hack
Ether chest
- Smart contract that enables users to lock their Eth for some time
- To exploit this contract attacker needs to combine reentracny, overflow and underflow vulnerabilities
King of Ether
- Famous king of ether game with additional protection (checks if caller is smart contract and if it is stops function call)
- Example of Denial of Service (DOS) attack
- Contract that is giving away 10 Ethers, but you need to give 1 eth to enter the giveaway
- Attacks combines unexpected ether vulnerability and bad usage of delegatecall
Instructions for running each example is in readme inside each example directories in src directory.
- Use Checks-Effects-Interactions pattern
- Use pull over push pattern
- Implement circuit breakers
- Use formal verification
- Use modifiers only for checks
- Do not use kill and selfdestruct
- Keep the code small and modular
- Use events to track activities in smart contract
- Use well known libraries like the ones from OpenZeppelin
- Don't forget that all data is public on blockchain
- use commitment schemes with separate phases: first commit using the hash of the values and in a later phase revealing the values
- Limit the maximum number of Eth that contract can accept (if possible)
More useful recommendations here
Slither - Static Analyzer for Solidity
Mythril - Security analysis tool for EVM bytecode
Manticore - Symbolic execution tool
Oyente - An Analysis Tool for Smart Contracts
Echidna - Ethereum smart contract fuzzer
If you see any mistake or have improvement idea, feel free to open an issue and PR, or contact the author.