This repo can be used from basic local setup of litmus to Makefiles for testing the changes.
I'm using minikube for running a local cluster
For running whole litmus i.e all the components from operator to frontend you can refer to the docs. but here are some of the steps:
helm repo add bitnami
helm install my-release bitnami/mongodb --values deploy/mongo-vaules.yml -n litmus --create-namespace
kubectl apply -f
This section can be used for testing the changes in the some of the components like operator, exporter, runner. These steps are taken from the operator's repo
k apply -f deploy/rbac.yaml -n litmus
k apply -f deploy/chaos_crds.yaml
k get crds | grep 'litmus' 2023-12-15T22:57:53Z 2023-12-15T22:57:53Z 2023-12-15T22:57:53Z
Operator is needed for running the experiments/runner
k apply -f deploy/operator.yaml
A Operator Pod should show. Check it by running:
k get po -n litmus
While using the experiments, we need a dummy application, for now I'm just using a nginx app.(Please check the labels, namespace of your app,and litmus components)
k apply -f deploy/app.yaml
A nginx pod should show up.
Please refer to experiment directory for installing and running the specific experiment