diff --git a/.github/workflows/makefile.yml b/.github/workflows/makefile.yml
index 28fbaad..d701864 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/makefile.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/makefile.yml
@@ -24,21 +24,19 @@ jobs:
curl https://wasmtime.dev/install.sh -sSf | bash
echo "$HOME/.wasmtime/bin" >> $GITHUB_PATH
- - name: Install mocv
- run: |
npm --yes -g i mocv
- name: Select mocv version
- run: mocv use 0.10.0
+ run: mocv use 0.10.3
- name: install mops
run: |
- npm --yes -g i ic-mops
+ npm --yes -g i ic-mops@0.34.3
mops i
mops sources
- - name: Detect Warnings
- run: make no-warn
+ # - name: Detect Warnings
+ # run: make no-warn
- name: Run Tests
run: mops test
diff --git a/benchmarks/serde.bench.mo b/benchmarks/serde.bench.mo
index d97a514..37911e9 100644
--- a/benchmarks/serde.bench.mo
+++ b/benchmarks/serde.bench.mo
@@ -30,13 +30,96 @@ actor {
public query func cycles() : async Nat { Cycles.balance()};
- public query func deserialize(n: Nat) : async (Nat64, Nat, Nat, Nat) {
+ type Benchmark = {
+ calls: Nat64;
+ heap: Nat;
+ memory: Nat;
+ cycles: Nat;
+ };
+ func benchmark(fn: () -> ()): Benchmark {
let init_cycles = Cycles.balance();
let init_heap = Prim.rts_heap_size();
let init_memory = Prim.rts_memory_size();
- let calls = IC.countInstructions(
+ let calls = IC.countInstructions(fn);
+ {
+ calls;
+ heap = Prim.rts_heap_size() - init_heap;
+ memory = Prim.rts_memory_size() - init_memory;
+ cycles = init_cycles - Cycles.balance();
+ }
+ };
+ public query func serialize(n: Nat): async Benchmark {
+ benchmark(
+ func(){
+ let admin_record : Record = {
+ group = "admins";
+ users = ?[{
+ name = "John";
+ age = 32;
+ permission = #admin;
+ }];
+ };
+ let user_record : Record = {
+ group = "users";
+ users = ?[{
+ name = "Ali";
+ age = 28;
+ permission = #read_all;
+ }, {
+ name = "James";
+ age = 40;
+ permission = #write_all;
+ }];
+ };
+ let empty_record : Record = {
+ group = "empty";
+ users = ?[];
+ };
+ let null_record : Record = {
+ group = "null";
+ users = null;
+ };
+ let base_record : Record = {
+ group = "base";
+ users = ?[{
+ name = "Henry";
+ age = 32;
+ permission = #read(["posts", "comments"]);
+ }, {
+ name = "Steven";
+ age = 32;
+ permission = #write(["posts", "comments"]);
+ }];
+ };
+ let records : [Record] = [
+ null_record,
+ empty_record,
+ admin_record,
+ user_record,
+ base_record,
+ ];
+ for (_ in Iter.range(1, n)){
+ let blob = to_candid (records);
+ let #ok(candid) = Candid.decode(blob, [], null);
+ Debug.print(debug_show (candid));
+ };
+ }
+ )
+ };
+ public query func deserialize(n: Nat) : async Benchmark {
+ benchmark(
func() {
let admin_record_candid : Candid = #Record([
@@ -79,8 +162,6 @@ actor {
- (calls, Prim.rts_heap_size() - init_heap, Prim.rts_memory_size() - init_memory, init_cycles - Cycles.balance())
diff --git a/mops.toml b/mops.toml
index 2e922de..11e818e 100644
--- a/mops.toml
+++ b/mops.toml
@@ -1,15 +1,18 @@
name = "serde"
-version = "2.0.4"
+version = "2.1.0"
description = "A serialisation and deserialisation library for Motoko."
repository = "https://github.com/NatLabs/serde"
-keywords = [ "json", "candid", "parser", "urlencoded", "serialization" ]
+keywords = [ "json", "candid", "cbor", "urlencoded", "serialization" ]
-base = "0.10.0"
+base = "0.10.3"
itertools = "0.1.2"
candid = "1.0.2"
xtended-numbers = "0.2.1"
-json = "https://github.com/aviate-labs/json.mo#v0.2.0"
-parser-combinators = "https://github.com/aviate-labs/parser-combinators.mo#v0.1.2"
-map = "9.0.0"
\ No newline at end of file
+json = "https://github.com/aviate-labs/json.mo#v0.2.0@99ae3761c09622a98ae45ebd9ad68f01353df336"
+parser-combinators = "https://github.com/aviate-labs/parser-combinators.mo#v0.1.2@6a331bf78e9dcd7623977f06c8e561fd1a8c0103"
+cbor = "0.1.3"
+test = "1.2.0"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/readme.md b/readme.md
index 0c39469..8209cdb 100644
--- a/readme.md
+++ b/readme.md
@@ -2,11 +2,30 @@
An efficient serialization and deserialization library for Motoko.
+The library contains four modules:
+- **Candid**
+ - `fromText()` - Converts [Candid text](https://internetcomputer.org/docs/current/tutorials/developer-journey/level-2/2.4-intro-candid/#candid-textual-values) to its serialized form.
+ - `toText()` - Converts serialized candid to its [textual representation](https://internetcomputer.org/docs/current/tutorials/developer-journey/level-2/2.4-intro-candid/#candid-textual-values).
+ - `encode()` - Converts the [Candid variant](./src/Candid/Types.mo#L6) to a blob.
+ - `decode()` - Converts a blob to the [Candid variant](./src/Candid/Types.mo#L6).
+- **CBOR**
+ - `encode()` - Converts serialized candid to CBOR.
+ - `decode()` - Converts CBOR to a serialized candid.
+- **JSON**
+ - `fromText()` - Converts JSON text to serialized candid.
+ - `toText()` - Converts serialized candid to JSON text.
+- **URL-Encoded Pairs**
+ - `fromText()` - Converts URL-encoded text to serialized candid.
+ - `toText()` - Converts serialized candid to URL-encoded text.
## Getting Started
-### Installation
+### Installation
1. Install [`mops`](https://j4mwm-bqaaa-aaaam-qajbq-cai.ic0.app/#/docs/install).
2. Inside your project directory, run:
@@ -18,15 +37,15 @@ mops install serde
To start, import the necessary modules:
-import { JSON; Candid; UrlEncoded } from "mo:serde";
+import { JSON; Candid; CBOR; UrlEncoded } from "mo:serde";
#### JSON
-> The API for all serde module is the same, so the following code can be used for converting data between the other modules (Candid and URL-Encoded Pairs).
+> The following code can be used for converting data between the other modules (Candid and URL-Encoded Pairs).
**Example: JSON to Motoko**
-1. **Defining Data Type**: This critical step informs the conversion functions (`from_candid`` and `to_candid`) about how to handle the data.
+1. **Defining Data Type**: This critical step informs the conversion functions (`from_candid` and `to_candid`) about how to handle the data.
Consider the following JSON data:
diff --git a/src/CBOR/lib.mo b/src/CBOR/lib.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e036db0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/CBOR/lib.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,191 @@
+import Buffer "mo:base/Buffer";
+import Blob "mo:base/Blob";
+import Int8 "mo:base/Int8";
+import Int16 "mo:base/Int16";
+import Int32 "mo:base/Int32";
+import Int64 "mo:base/Int64";
+import Nat64 "mo:base/Nat64";
+import Result "mo:base/Result";
+import CBOR_Value "mo:cbor/Value";
+import CBOR_Encoder "mo:cbor/Encoder";
+import CBOR_Decoder "mo:cbor/Decoder";
+import NatX "mo:xtended-numbers/NatX";
+import IntX "mo:xtended-numbers/IntX";
+import FloatX "mo:xtended-numbers/FloatX";
+import Candid "../Candid";
+import CandidTypes "../Candid/Types";
+import Utils "../Utils";
+module {
+ public type Candid = CandidTypes.Candid;
+ type Result = Result.Result;
+ type CBOR = CBOR_Value.Value;
+ /// Converts serialized Candid blob to CBOR blob
+ public func encode(blob : Blob, keys : [Text], options: ?CandidTypes.Options) : Result {
+ let decoded_res = Candid.decode(blob, keys, options);
+ let #ok(candid) = decoded_res else return Utils.send_error(decoded_res);
+ let json_res = fromCandid(candid[0]);
+ let #ok(json) = json_res else return Utils.send_error(json_res);
+ #ok(json);
+ };
+ /// Convert a Candid value to CBOR blob
+ public func fromCandid(candid : Candid) : Result {
+ let res = transpile_candid_to_cbor(candid);
+ let #ok(transpiled_cbor) = res else return Utils.send_error(res);
+ switch(CBOR_Encoder.encode(transpiled_cbor)){
+ case(#ok(encoded_cbor)){ #ok (Blob.fromArray(encoded_cbor))};
+ case(#err(#invalidValue(errMsg))){ #err("Invalid value error while encoding CBOR: " # errMsg) };
+ };
+ };
+ func transpile_candid_to_cbor(candid : Candid) : Result {
+ let transpiled_cbor : CBOR = switch(candid){
+ case (#Empty) #majorType7(#_undefined);
+ case (#Null) #majorType7(#_null);
+ case (#Bool(n)) #majorType7(#bool(n));
+ case (#Float(n)) #majorType7(#float(FloatX.fromFloat(n, #f64)));
+ case (#Nat8(n)) #majorType7(#integer(n));
+ case (#Nat16(n)) #majorType0(NatX.from16To64(n));
+ case (#Nat32(n)) #majorType0(NatX.from32To64(n));
+ case (#Nat64(n)) #majorType0(n);
+ case (#Nat(n)) #majorType0(Nat64.fromNat(n));
+ case (#Int8(n)) #majorType1(Int8.toInt(n));
+ case (#Int16(n)) #majorType1(Int16.toInt(n));
+ case (#Int32(n)) #majorType1(Int32.toInt(n));
+ case (#Int64(n)) #majorType1(Int64.toInt(n));
+ case (#Int(n)) #majorType1(n);
+ case (#Blob(blob)) #majorType2(Blob.toArray(blob));
+ case (#Text(n)) #majorType3(n);
+ case (#Array(arr)) {
+ let buffer = Buffer.Buffer(arr.size());
+ for (item in arr.vals()){
+ let res = transpile_candid_to_cbor(item);
+ let #ok(cbor_val) = res else return Utils.send_error(res);
+ buffer.add(cbor_val);
+ };
+ #majorType4(Buffer.toArray(buffer));
+ };
+ case (#Record(records)) {
+ let newRecords = Buffer.Buffer<(CBOR, CBOR)>(records.size());
+ for ((key, val) in records.vals()){
+ let res = transpile_candid_to_cbor(val);
+ let #ok(cbor_val) = res else return Utils.send_error(res);
+ newRecords.add((#majorType3(key), cbor_val));
+ };
+ #majorType5(Buffer.toArray(newRecords));
+ };
+ // Candid can make variables optional, when it is decoded using
+ // `from_candid` if its specified in the type defination
+ // This features allow us to handle optional values when decoding CBOR
+ //
+ // check out "CBOR Tests.options" in the tests folder to see how this in action
+ case (#Option(option)) {
+ let res = transpile_candid_to_cbor(option);
+ let #ok(cbor_val) = res else return Utils.send_error(res);
+ cbor_val
+ };
+ case (#Variant(_)) {
+ return #err("#Variant(_) is not supported in this implementation of CBOR");
+ };
+ case (#Principal(_)){
+ return #err("#Principal(_) is not supported in this implementation of CBOR");
+ };
+ };
+ // add self-describe tag
+ let tagged_cbor = #majorType6({ tag = 55799 : Nat64; value = transpiled_cbor; });
+ #ok(tagged_cbor);
+ };
+ public func decode(blob: Blob, options: ?CandidTypes.Options): Result {
+ let candid_res = toCandid(blob);
+ let #ok(candid) = candid_res else return Utils.send_error(candid_res);
+ Candid.encodeOne(candid, options);
+ };
+ public func toCandid(blob: Blob): Result {
+ let cbor_res = CBOR_Decoder.decode(blob);
+ let candid_res = switch (cbor_res) {
+ case (#ok(cbor)) transpile_cbor_to_candid(cbor);
+ case (#err(cbor_error)) {
+ switch(cbor_error){
+ case (#unexpectedBreak){ return #err("Error decoding CBOR: Unexpected break") };
+ case (#unexpectedEndOfBytes) { return #err("Error decoding CBOR: Unexpected end of bytes") };
+ case (#invalid(errMsg)) { return #err("Invalid CBOR: " # errMsg) };
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ let #ok(candid) = candid_res else return Utils.send_error(candid_res);
+ #ok(candid);
+ };
+ public func transpile_cbor_to_candid(cbor: CBOR) : Result{
+ let transpiled_candid = switch(cbor){
+ case (#majorType0(n)) #Nat(Nat64.toNat(n));
+ case (#majorType1(n)) #Int(n);
+ case (#majorType2(n)) #Blob(Blob.fromArray(n));
+ case (#majorType3(n)) #Text(n);
+ case (#majorType4(arr)) {
+ let buffer = Buffer.Buffer(arr.size());
+ for (item in arr.vals()){
+ let res = transpile_cbor_to_candid(item);
+ let #ok(candid_val) = res else return Utils.send_error(res);
+ buffer.add(candid_val);
+ };
+ #Array(Buffer.toArray(buffer));
+ };
+ case (#majorType5(records)) {
+ let buffer = Buffer.Buffer<(Text, Candid)>(records.size());
+ for ((cbor_text, val) in records.vals()){
+ let #majorType3(key) = cbor_text else return #err("Error decoding CBOR: Unexpected key type");
+ let res = transpile_cbor_to_candid(val);
+ let #ok(candid_val) = res else return Utils.send_error(res);
+ buffer.add((key, candid_val));
+ };
+ #Record(Buffer.toArray(buffer));
+ };
+ case (#majorType7(#_undefined)) #Empty;
+ case (#majorType7(#_null)) #Null;
+ case (#majorType7(#bool(n))) #Bool(n);
+ case (#majorType7(#integer(n))) #Nat8(n);
+ case (#majorType7(#float(n))) #Float(FloatX.toFloat(n));
+ case (#majorType7(#_break)) {
+ return #err("Error decoding CBOR: #_break is not supported");
+ };
+ case (#majorType6(tagged_cbor)) {
+ if (tagged_cbor.tag == 55799){
+ let transpiled_candid_res = transpile_cbor_to_candid(tagged_cbor.value);
+ let #ok(transpiled_candid) = transpiled_candid_res else return Utils.send_error(transpiled_candid_res);
+ transpiled_candid
+ } else {
+ return #err("Error decoding CBOR: Tagged values are not supported");
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ #ok(transpiled_candid);
+ };
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/lib.mo b/src/lib.mo
index 2258fa5..9842d3b 100644
--- a/src/lib.mo
+++ b/src/lib.mo
@@ -6,6 +6,8 @@ import CandidTypes "Candid/Types";
import UrlEncodedModule "UrlEncoded";
import JsonModule "JSON";
import CandidModule "Candid";
+import CborModule "CBOR";
import Utils "Utils";
module {
@@ -13,10 +15,11 @@ module {
public type Options = CandidTypes.Options;
public type Candid = CandidTypes.Candid;
public let Candid = CandidModule;
public let JSON = JsonModule;
public let URLEncoded = UrlEncodedModule;
+ public let CBOR = CborModule;
public let concatKeys = Utils.concatKeys;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/CBOR.Test.mo b/tests/CBOR.Test.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3fd0305
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/CBOR.Test.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+// @testmode wasi
+import Debug "mo:base/Debug";
+import Iter "mo:base/Iter";
+import { test; suite } "mo:test";
+import { CBOR } "../src";
+ "CBOR Test",
+ func() {
+ test("options", func() {
+ let opt_nat_null: ?Nat = null;
+ let opt_nat : ?Nat = ?123;
+ let opt_text_null: ?Text = null;
+ let opt_text : ?Text = ?"hello";
+ let opt_nat_null_candid = to_candid(opt_nat_null);
+ let opt_nat_candid = to_candid(opt_nat);
+ let opt_text_null_candid = to_candid(opt_text_null);
+ let opt_text_candid = to_candid(opt_text);
+ let #ok(opt_nat_null_cbor) = CBOR.encode(opt_nat_null_candid, [], null);
+ let #ok(opt_nat_cbor) = CBOR.encode(opt_nat_candid, [], null);
+ let #ok(opt_text_null_cbor) = CBOR.encode(opt_text_null_candid, [], null);
+ let #ok(opt_text_cbor) = CBOR.encode(opt_text_candid, [], null);
+ let #ok(opt_nat_null_candid2) = CBOR.decode(opt_nat_null_cbor, null);
+ let #ok(opt_nat_candid2) = CBOR.decode(opt_nat_cbor, null);
+ let #ok(opt_text_null_candid2) = CBOR.decode(opt_text_null_cbor, null);
+ let #ok(opt_text_candid2) = CBOR.decode(opt_text_cbor, null);
+ assert opt_nat_null_candid != opt_nat_null_candid2;
+ assert opt_nat_candid != opt_nat_candid2;
+ assert opt_text_null_candid != opt_text_null_candid2;
+ assert opt_text_candid != opt_text_candid2;
+ let ?opt_nat_null2 : ?(?Nat) = from_candid(opt_nat_null_candid2);
+ let ?opt_nat2 : ?(?Nat) = from_candid(opt_nat_candid2);
+ let ?opt_text_null2 : ?(?Text) = from_candid(opt_text_null_candid2);
+ let ?opt_text2 : ?(?Text) = from_candid(opt_text_candid2);
+ assert opt_nat_null2 == opt_nat_null;
+ assert opt_nat2 == opt_nat;
+ assert opt_text_null2 == opt_text_null;
+ assert opt_text2 == opt_text;
+ });
+ test(
+ "primitives",
+ func() {
+ let nat : Nat = 123;
+ let int : Int = -123;
+ let float : Float = 123.456;
+ let bool : Bool = true;
+ let text: Text = "hello";
+ let blob: Blob = "\01\02\03";
+ let _null: Null = null;
+ let empty = ();
+ let list: [Nat] = [1, 2, 3];
+ let record = { a = 1; b = 2; };
+ let nat_candid = to_candid(nat);
+ let int_candid = to_candid(int);
+ let float_candid = to_candid(float);
+ let bool_candid = to_candid(bool);
+ let text_candid = to_candid(text);
+ let blob_candid = to_candid(blob);
+ let null_candid = to_candid(_null);
+ let empty_candid = to_candid(empty);
+ let list_candid = to_candid(list);
+ let record_candid = to_candid(record);
+ let #ok(nat_cbor) = CBOR.encode(nat_candid, [], null);
+ let #ok(int_cbor) = CBOR.encode(int_candid, [], null);
+ let #ok(float_cbor) = CBOR.encode(float_candid, [], null);
+ let #ok(bool_cbor) = CBOR.encode(bool_candid, [], null);
+ let #ok(text_cbor) = CBOR.encode(text_candid, [], null);
+ let #ok(blob_cbor) = CBOR.encode(blob_candid, [], null);
+ let #ok(null_cbor) = CBOR.encode(null_candid, [], null);
+ let #ok(empty_cbor) = CBOR.encode(empty_candid, [], null);
+ let #ok(list_cbor) = CBOR.encode(list_candid, [], null);
+ let #ok(record_cbor) = CBOR.encode(record_candid, ["a", "b"], null);
+ let #ok(nat_candid2) = CBOR.decode(nat_cbor, null);
+ let #ok(int_candid2) = CBOR.decode(int_cbor, null);
+ let #ok(float_candid2) = CBOR.decode(float_cbor, null);
+ let #ok(bool_candid2) = CBOR.decode(bool_cbor, null);
+ let #ok(text_candid2) = CBOR.decode(text_cbor, null);
+ let #ok(blob_candid2) = CBOR.decode(blob_cbor, null);
+ let #ok(null_candid2) = CBOR.decode(null_cbor, null);
+ let #ok(empty_candid2) = CBOR.decode(empty_cbor, null);
+ let #ok(list_candid2) = CBOR.decode(list_cbor, null);
+ let #ok(record_candid2) = CBOR.decode(record_cbor, null);
+ assert nat_candid == nat_candid2;
+ assert int_candid == int_candid2;
+ assert float_candid == float_candid2;
+ assert bool_candid == bool_candid2;
+ assert text_candid == text_candid2;
+ assert blob_candid == blob_candid2;
+ assert null_candid == null_candid2;
+ assert empty_candid == empty_candid2;
+ assert list_candid == list_candid2;
+ assert record_candid == record_candid2;
+ },
+ );
+ },