Skosmos 0.7.2
This is a maintenance release containing bug fixes and minor enhancements.
Bug fixes:
- #175: global search results now indicate the actual vocabulary where the result was found
- #187: layout broken in IE9 if the site is in the intranet zone
- #180: fix a PHP warning
- #188: hierarchy tab improperly shown in some cases
- property values (e.g. concept terms) were sometimes improperly translated using gettext, leading to e.g. "te" changing to "telugu"
- don't break if vocabulary categories don't have labels in the UI language (thanks @danmichaelo !)
- #146: support Related Resource Description values (reified resources with rdf:value) in documentation properties such as skos:definition (used in e.g. AGROVOC and VocBench)
This release is based on the v0.7-maintenance branch.