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Releases: NatLibFi/Skosmos

Skosmos 1.2

17 Sep 07:51
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This release contains significant improvements, especially to the concept group index. Also URL handling has been reimplemented, which should make it easier to deploy Skosmos behind HTTP proxies.

Usability improvements:

  • #186, #195, #197, #217, #276, #280, #282, #283 Redesigned concept group display that supports hierarchical concept groups
  • #250 Concept groups are now searchable
  • #198 Option to show more properties in search result list
  • #199 Show notice when concept is missing a label in the current language
  • #247 Timestamps moved to bottom right of concept display, reducing clutter

Technical improvements:

  • #207, #225, #274 Reimplemented and simplified URL handling and link generation
  • #182 Configurable timeouts for external Linked Data requests
  • #275 Compatibility with jena-text 3.0.0 / Fuseki 1.3.0 / Fuseki 2.3.0
  • #295 Much better performance for the REST types method

Bugs fixed:

  • #246 Hierarchy view does not show narrower concepts in some cases
  • #262 Labels for mapped concepts in external vocabularies shown in wrong language
  • #269 Sub property detection is broken
  • #277 Alphabetical index: loading more data ignores content language
  • #278 Anylang parameter gets lost when entering a concept page through the autocomplete
  • #286 "Belongs to group" shows also arrays on concept page
  • #288 REST data method fails to respect Accept header

Code quality improvements:

  • Request handling has been refactored, introducing a new Request class.
  • Composer dependencies are no longer locked to specific versions (with a lock file) in this release, allowing for more flexibility in the choice of installed versions
  • Code Climate score now 0.9 of 4. The score decreased because unit tests were excluded from the analysis. Actual code quality has improved despite the lower score.
  • Unit test coverage is now tracked via Code Climate. It has increased thanks to new unit tests and is now at 80%.

For a more complete list of bug fixes and new features in this version, see issues tagged with the 1.2 milestone.

See the upgrade instructions in the wiki for information about upgrading from earlier versions. NOTE: You will need to update during the upgrade.

Skosmos 1.1.1

24 Jun 11:21
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This is a maintenance release containing bug fixes and minor enhancements.

Bug fixes:

  • #259 "Any language" selection fails
  • #260 "from all" vocabulary selection doesn't show checkbox
  • #261 Labels for matching concepts in wrong language
  • #266 Don't break when encountering concepts with no labels
  • #267 "full alphabetical index" broken
  • fixed Swedish translation for "content language"


  • #258 Hover text for abbreviated vocabulary names
  • add mention of new website to the README file

This release is based on the v1.1-maintenance branch.

Skosmos 1.1

20 May 12:50
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This is a release containing significant enhancements for multilingual vocabulary support, as well as many bug fixes.

With multilingual vocabularies it is now possible to select the content language (i.e. language of terms, definitions, notes etc.) independent of the user interface language, using a drop-down menu. In previous versions of Skosmos, the content language was tied to the user interface language.

Major changes since 1.0:

New features:

  • #190 Allow setting content language separately from UI language
  • #191 Human-friendly display of timestamps
  • #205 Add clear button to search box

Usability improvements:

  • #219 Groups ordered alphabetically in concept display
  • #216 Enhanced group name display
  • #209 Word wrapping for long terms in hierarchy display

Bug fixes:

  • #248 Repeated auto-refreshing on Safari if using back button
  • #237: Support REST calls with non-UI language parameters
  • #212, #213, #214: Fix PHP warnings

Code quality improvements:

For a more complete list of bug fixes and new features in this version, see issues tagged with the 1.1 milestone.

See the upgrade instructions in the wiki for information about upgrading from earlier versions.

Skosmos 1.0

27 Feb 12:15
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This is the 1.0 version of Skosmos. The version number signifies that this release is considered ready for general use. Further development will of course continue, both as patch releases (1.0.x) and new feature releases (1.x, eventually 2.0 and more). We try to adhere to semantic versioning principles.

The 1.0 release brings support for all SKOS Core properties (see Data Model for details). The user interface is multilingual and available in five languages: English, Finnish, German, Norwegian (Bokmål) and Swedish.

Major changes since 0.7.x:

User interface translations:

  • #183 Norwegian Bokmål translation thanks to @danmichaelo (Dan Michael O. Heggø, University of Oslo Science Library)
  • #202 German translation thanks to @armin11 (Armin Retterath, Rhineland-Palatinate spatial data infrastructure initiative)

Usability fixes:

  • #97, #120 adjust display of search results
  • #141 make default tab on vocabulary home page configurable
  • #172 drop-down list goes outside browser window
  • #176 new layout for terms in multiple languages
  • #196 fix improper hierarchy scrolling

Bug fixes:

  • #178 opening concept from group index shows empty hierarchy tab
  • #179 don't perform gettext translation on concept labels
  • #187 fix IE9 layout breakage in intranet zone
  • #192 multiple vocabulary selections lost on search results page
  • #194, #203 fix PHP errors

Other improvements:

  • #166 support skos:notation
  • #174, #189 use language tag translations from CLDR / Punic
  • #185 support rdfs:seeAlso as a mapping property
  • #200 hide type information if it's only skos:Concept
  • #206 support restriction to multiple types in alphabetical index

For a more complete list of bug fixes and new features in this version, see issues tagged with the 1.0 milestone.

See the upgrade instructions in the wiki for information about upgrading from earlier versions.

Skosmos 0.7.2

28 Jan 11:24
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This is a maintenance release containing bug fixes and minor enhancements.

Bug fixes:

  • #175: global search results now indicate the actual vocabulary where the result was found
  • #187: layout broken in IE9 if the site is in the intranet zone
  • #180: fix a PHP warning
  • #188: hierarchy tab improperly shown in some cases
  • property values (e.g. concept terms) were sometimes improperly translated using gettext, leading to e.g. "te" changing to "telugu"
  • don't break if vocabulary categories don't have labels in the UI language (thanks @danmichaelo !)


  • #146: support Related Resource Description values (reified resources with rdf:value) in documentation properties such as skos:definition (used in e.g. AGROVOC and VocBench)

This release is based on the v0.7-maintenance branch.

Skosmos 0.7.1

13 Jan 13:01
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This is a maintenance release containing bug fixes and minor enhancements.

Bug fixes:

  • #161 Concept groups not shown in search results
  • #167 Terms in other languages not shown in search results
  • #163 Vocabs restriction not used in AJAX request for more search results
  • #170, #171: fix PHP warnings
  • #173: fix search results limiting by parent


  • #139 Limit global search to known graphs
  • #168, #177, #158: show version number and credits on about page
  • #165 support skos:relatedMatch

This release is based on the v0.7-maintenance branch.

Skosmos 0.7

19 Dec 09:49
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This version brings some new features and bugfixes. The most significant updates are:

Performance improvements:

  • #125 Vocabulary statistics loaded using AJAX, speeding up initial load of the vocabulary home page
  • #118 Option to disable Linked Data fetching
  • #156 Rendering concept pages slow when there are narrower concepts organized in arrays

Usability fixes:

  • #127 Redesigned display of terms in other languages
  • #144, #153 Show language names, not language tags
  • #155 Preserve scroll position on search results page

Other enhancements:

  • #101 Support for searching multiple types of concepts at once
  • #78 Support for downloads in multiple formats (Turtle and RDF/XML)

For a more complete list of bug fixes and new features in this version, see issues tagged with the 0.7 milestone.

See the upgrade instructions in the wiki for information about upgrading from 0.6.x.

Skosmos 0.6

29 Oct 08:20
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This version brings several performance improvements as well as new features. The most significant updates are:

  • performance updates
    • #55: jena-text now used for all text searches (requires Fuseki 1.1.1 and a new text index configuration)
    • #91: faster initial loading of alphabetical index
    • #83: updated hierarchy display to use jsTree 3 which is much faster than the old jsTree 1
  • #88: further improved display of linked concepts (e.g. LCSH), taking into account configured languages
  • #64: unit tests now include Fuseki tests
  • #57: PHP Composer no longer bundled with Skosmos code

For a more complete list of bug fixes and new features in this version, see issues tagged with the 0.6 milestone.

See the upgrade instructions in the wiki for information about upgrading from 0.5.x.

Skosmos 0.5.2

08 Oct 11:07
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This is a maintenance release containing bug fixes. Issues fixed:

  • #103 Deprecated concepts shown in Group index
  • #104 500 Internal Server Error accessing ConceptScheme page
  • #107 Alphabetical letters show up multiple times
  • #108 Searching for accented characters fails in IE11

This release is based on the v0.5-maintenance branch.

Skosmos 0.5.1

02 Oct 12:03
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This is a maintenance release containing bug fixes and minor performance optimizations. Issues fixed:

  • #62 Remove unnecessary SPARQL query in hierarchy method implementation
  • #72 Hierarchy tab was lost when clicking on other tabs
  • #96 Prevent spurious entries in autocomplete list when performing suffix search
  • #99 Prevent 500 Internal Server Error in language detection for non-existing vocabularies
  • #100 Fix URI encoding issues when localnames contain special characters
  • #102 Correct JSON-LD label language in REST search method
  • correct problems with language links
  • updated translations

This release is based on the v0.5-maintenance branch.