- Last modified: tis apr 30, 2024 10:59
- Sign: nylander
- Account on GitHub (https://github.com/)
- Member of Naturhistoriska organization (https://github.com/Naturhistoriska) (Fill out Bestallningsblankett-2017-V2.pdf (don't forget your GitHub user name) and send to Dept. head. Tell JN when approved.)
- WSL2 installed on your NRM Windows machine (https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/wsl/install)
- Accounts on msl1.nrm.se, galaxy.nrm.se, junior.nrm.se (ask JN)
- Account on nrmdna01.nrm.se (ask NRM IT. You need to provide "your public ed25519 SSH key" (see ssh or ask JN))
- Functioning (NRM) VPN client if working remotely (consult NRM IT)
- Personal account on uppmax. NOTE rackham (provided by uppmax) is being decomissioned during 2024. You still need still, however, to first register at https://supr.naiss.se, so you can apply for access to a new system (most probably "Dardel").
- Member of projects
on rackham (uppmax, ask JN or BC. See also note about rackham being decomissioned above.) - Start to learn and use documentation in Markdown syntax.