E-Store App 🛍️ Welcome to the E-Store App project! This open-source Android app allows users to browse and purchase products conveniently. The app follows best practices and utilizes modern technologies and components to provide a seamless shopping experience.
✨ Splash Screen: Display a captivating splash screen upon app launch.
🔒 Login and Authentication: Secure user login and authentication functionality.
🏠 Home Screen with Product Listings: Present an attractive home screen showcasing various product listings.
🔍 Search Functionality: Enable users to search for specific products.
❤️ Favorites Management: Allow users to mark and manage their favorite products.
👤 Profile Management: Enable users to view and update their profile information.
🛒 Cart Management: Implement a shopping cart feature for users to add and manage their selected products.
Technologies Used
📱 Framework: Android Native
🔤 Language: Kotlin
🎨 Design: XML
🏗️ Architecture: MVVM (Model-View-ViewModel)
🧹 Clean Architecture Principles
🌐 Network Requests: Retrofit
🗄️ Local Database: Room
🗝️ Dependency Injection: Hilt
🧭 Navigation: Jetpack Navigation Components
API Provider
The app utilizes the API provided by Fake Store API link: https://fakestoreapi.com/ to fetch product data and perform various e-commerce operations.
The app design is based on the UI kit available in Figma. You can find the design here link: https://www.figma.com/file/bMM1RGrYjadIW0Vedfurq6/Ecommerce-App-UI-Kit-(Community)?type=design&node-id=1-916&mode=design&t=ifnxere7pw7ZoFEq-0 , which serves as a reference for the visual appearance and layout of the app.
Getting Started
👥 Clone the repository.
📂 Open the project in Android Studio.
🔨 Build and run the app on an Android device or emulator.
🌟 Explore the various features and start shopping! 💫
Contributions to the project are welcome! If you find any issues or have suggestions for improvements, feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request.
let's shine the project together 🙌🎉
For any inquiries or questions, please reach out to naveed32001@gmail.com. 📩