- Extracted from DroidGap by @brodybits (Chris Brody)
- Fail-safe nested transaction support by @ef4 (Edward Faulkner)
- Translated to Coffee-Script using js2coffee tool by @brodybits (Chris Brody)
- API changes by @brodybits (Chris Brody)
- Transaction timing fixes to support PouchDB by @nolanlawson
- Extracted from DroidGap by @brodybits (Chris Brody)
- Transaction batch processing of Android version by @marcucio
- Maintained by @brodybits (Chris Brody)
- Fixes to support old Android versions by @nolanlawson
- Original authors: @davibe (Davide Bertola dade@dadeb.it) and @joenoon (Joe Noon joenoon@gmail.com)
- Cordova 2.7+ port with background processing by @j3k0 (Jean-Christophe Hoelt hoelt@fovea.cc)
- Maintained by @brodybits (Chris Brody)
- SQLiteProxy.js by @vldmrrr (Vladimir Avdonin) and @brodybits (Chris Brody)
- SQLite3-WinRT C++ classes and SQLite3JS (Javascript part) by @doo (doo GmbH)
- SQLite3-Windows8.1.vcxproj to build SQLite3.winmd by @EionRobb
- Original author: @marcucio (Mike Arcucio mike@marcucio.com)
- Enhancements for background processing & improved transaction support by @Gillardo (Darren Gillard darren.gillard81@gmail.com)
- DB threading and open/close/delete fixes by Mark Oppenheim mark.oppenheim@mnetics.co.uk
- Uses csharp-sqlite library by Noah Hart and others (MIT license)