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NDK — Business rules DSL with auxiliary tools

NDK modules

  • core — core module, contains DSL definition and execution engine
  • ndk-integration-rest — auxiliary module, adds functionality to wrap business flow with REST API
  • ndk-integration-kafka — auxiliary module, adds functionality to wrap business flow with Kafka streaming topic to topic transformation
  • ndk-test-kit — test kit, containing utility classes and DSL for convenient tests writing
  • ndk-tracker-kafka — additional module, that adds functionality to track flow execution and send traces into Kafka topic
  • ndk-renderer — auxiliary module, necessary for flow rendering in case of ndk-idea-plugin is also used

NDK Syntax by examples

The NDK syntax is a set of different operators. Each operator can contain the attributes id and name, where name is an optional attribute. The name attribute is used for logging and flow rendering purposes. The id attribute is used to track flow execution and testing.

For now there are available such operators:

  • action
  • rule
  • gateway
  • flow
  • forEach
  • while
  • table
  • REST service operator
  • python operator

To start creating your beautiful business flows you need some imports:

import ru.neoflex.ndk.dsl.syntax._
import ru.neoflex.ndk.dsl.implicits._

Let's start with an action.


action("sop-a-1", "Set output parameters") {
  chQuality.amountOfPayment = values.amountOfPayment
  chQuality.totalSumCRE = values.totalSumCRE
  chQuality.maxDelinquencyOverallHistory = applicant.externalCheck.loansOverview.worstStatusEver
  chQuality.ratioPastDueOverTotalAmount = values.totalDelqBalance / values.totalSumCRE

The above code is a simple example of an action declaration. It also could be declared as a separate class with variables in the constructor that could be used in action's body:

case class ScoreAction(in: ScorePerson) extends ActionBase({
    in.score += 1
    println(s"ScorePerson after adding value: $in")

An Action is an operator, that can be executed without any conditions. Actions require specifying only it's body.


rule("rule-id", "Simple rule name") {
  condition("Condition name", 1 == 1) andThen {
    println("True condition action")
  } condition("Another condition", 2 == 2) andThen {
    println("Another condition action")
  } otherwise {
    println("False condition action")

The code above is a simple example of a rule declaration. Rule must contain at least one condition with action. It is also possible to specify additional conditions. Of all the true conditions only one branch will be executed. The otherwise branch will be executed if all other branch conditions was false. The otherwise branch is optional.


Flow — is a special operator that can contain a sequence of many other operators, including other flows. In other words, a flow is a business process consisting of many blocks that are processed sequentially. User defined flow class should be extended from the abstract class ru.neoflex.ndk.dsl.Flow. As in a user defined action class, variables also could be defined in the constructor and further used in the body of the flow. Each operator that has been defined in the flow will be executed in the order in which they are specified.

case class ScoringFlow(in: Person, out: ApplicationResponse)
    extends Flow(
      "Person scoring calculation flow",
        rule("s-r-1") {
          condition("sex = WOMAN", == "WOMAN") andThen {
            out.scoring += 50
          } otherwise {
            out.scoring -= 10

        rule("a-r-1") {
          condition("age < 39", in.age < 39) andThen {
            out.scoring += 13
          } condition("age >= 30 and age <= 39", in.age >= 30 && in.age <= 39) andThen {
            out.scoring += 17
          } condition("age >= 40 and age <= 49", in.age >= 40 && in.age <= 49) andThen {
            out.scoring += 23
          } otherwise {
            out.scoring += 23

        action("a-r-2", "Finished") {
          println(s"Scoring flow finished. Scoring value: ${out.scoring}")


Gateway — is a special operator that can change direction of flow execution depending on the conditions defined by the user. Gateway consists of several conditions and the otherwise branch. Each condition can have a name that will be displayed in the visualization of the flow. After the condition there must be a body that is any another operator. Only the first branch whose condition is true will be executed or the otherwise branch if no conditions has been met.

gateway("rl-g-1", "Risk level gateway") {
  when("Level 1 or 3") { out.riskLevel != 2 } andThen {
    rule("srl-r-1") {
      condition("riskLevel = 1", out.riskLevel == 1) andThen {
        out.underwritingRequired = false
      } otherwise {
        out.underwritingRequired = true
        out.underwritingLevel = 2
  } otherwise flow("us-f-1", "Underwriting by scoring value")(
    ScoringFlow(applicant.person, out),

    rule("uwl-r-1") {
      condition("scoring < 150?", out.scoring < 150) andThen {
        out.underwritingRequired = true
        out.underwritingLevel = 2
      } otherwise {
        out.underwritingRequired = true
        out.underwritingLevel = 1


ForEach is a loop operator over collections. It can be declared as an operator containing another operator, or as an operator containing simple action with the next collection element.

Example of the flow that contain a for each loop on a collection of loans:

case class BadDebtCalculating(loans: Seq[Loan], chQuality: CreditHistoryQuality)
  extends Flow(
    Some("Bad debt calculation"),
    forEachOp("bdc-fel-1", Some("Has more loans to determine bad debt existence?"), loans) { loan =>
        forEachOp("Payment discipline", Some("More values of payment discipline?"), loan.paymentDiscipline) { mannerOfPayment =>
          rule("manner of payment") {
            condition(Some("Is manner of payment any of 5, 7, 8, 9?"), "5789" contains mannerOfPayment) andThen {
              chQuality.isBadDebtCRE = 'Y'
        rule("loan state") {
          condition(Some("loanState > 21?"), loan.loanState > 21) andThen {
            chQuality.isBadDebtCRE = 'Y'

Example of the simple action in the loop declaration:

forEach(NoId, "Has more values for precalculation?", loans) { loan =>


While is a loop with a condition that is checked every time before executing the loop body. Where the body of the loop is another operator.

Example of simple loop that will never complete:

whileLoop("wl-1", Some("Simple while loop"), 1 == 1) {
  action {
    println("It's forever")


Table is an operator that implements decision table construction. The table consists of two sections, the first is the expressions section and the second is the conditions section. Each row in conditions section declares a condition set according to declared early expressions. Each row must contain the exact number of conditions and in the order corresponding to expressions in the expressions section. Each row all conditions of which are met will be executed.

Below is an example of the decision table with two expressions:

case class RiskLevelTable(in: Applicant, out: ApplicationResponse)
    extends Table(
      "Risk level table",
      expressions (
        "role" expr in.role,
        "channel" expr
      ) andConditions (
        row(eqv("APPLICANT"), eqv("RECOMMEND")).apply("riskLevel = 2") { out.riskLevel = 2 },
        row(eqv("APPLICANT"), eqv("PROMO")).apply("riskLevel = 3") { out.riskLevel = 3 },
        row(eqv("APPLICANT"), eqv("STREET")).apply("riskLevel = 3") { out.riskLevel = 3 },
        row(eqv("LOAN1"), eqv("RECOMMEND")).apply("riskLevel = 1") { out.riskLevel = 1 },
        row(eqv("LOAN1"), eqv("PROMO")).apply("riskLevel = 2") { out.riskLevel = 2 },
        row(eqv("LOAN1"), eqv("STREET")).apply("riskLevel = 2") { out.riskLevel = 2 },
        row(eqv("LOAN2"), eqv("RECOMMEND")).apply("riskLevel = 1") { out.riskLevel = 1 },
        row(eqv("LOAN2"), eqv("PROMO")).apply("riskLevel = 2") { out.riskLevel = 2 },
        row(eqv("LOAN2"), eqv("STREET")).apply("riskLevel = 2") { out.riskLevel = 2 },
        row(eqv("LOAN3"), eqv("RECOMMEND")).apply("riskLevel = 1") { out.riskLevel = 1 },
        row(eqv("LOAN3"), eqv("PROMO")).apply("riskLevel = 1") { out.riskLevel = 1 },
        row(eqv("LOAN3"), eqv("STREET")).apply("riskLevel = 1") { out.riskLevel = 1 },

"role" expr in.role declares expression in.role with the name role. The name will be used in the visualization. Expression will be evaluated only once and then will be used in the condition of each row. Expression can also look like in.role without the name.

The syntax of the row declaration is as follows: row(${condition operators set}).apply(${optional row name}) { ${body} } where:

  • ${condition operators set} — comparing operator with the value for each expression, a list of available operators:
    • eqv
    • neq
    • gt
    • lt
    • gte
    • lte
    • empty
    • nonEmpty
    • any
  • ${optional row name} — name of the row which will be displayed in the visualization tool if specified
  • ${body} — body of the row which will be executed when conditions of the row are met. The body may be declared in two different forms:
    • as simple action in curly braces
    • or as call to early defined action { ${action name} withArgs ${action arguments} }

Below is another example of the table with early declaration of the action:

case class PrintConditionsTable(in: Applicant, out: ApplicationResponse)
    extends Table(
      "Print conditions",
      expressions (
        "role" expr in.role,
        "channel" expr
      ) withActions (
        "print" action { (role, channel) =>
          println(s"role is: $role, channel is: $channel")
      ) andConditions (
        row(eqv("APPLICANT"), eqv("RECOMMEND")).apply { "print" withArgs(in.role, }
        row(eqv("APPLICANT"), eqv("PROM")).apply { "print" withArgs(in.role, }
        row(eqv("LOAN3"), eqv("STREET")).apply { "print" withArgs(in.role, }

REST service operator

With REST service operator you can configure call to a remote service from your business flow.

case class RestModelCallFlow(data: FlowData)
    extends Flow(
        serviceCall[MlFlowModelData[Double], List[Double]](
          "Call elasticnet wine model",
        ) { result =>
          data.result = result

This is an example of calling an ML model that is deployed with mlflow as a REST service. The most important parameters here is:

  • serviceEndpoint("http://localhost:5000") — defines service location
  • "/invocations" — defines service uri
  • data.features.mlFlowData — defines data which will be sent as a serialized json in request body to the remote service
  • { result => data.result = result } — defines a response handler which stores response data to the data.result variable

And these are all you need to call remote service. Also, you can change serviceEndpoint("http://localhost:5000") to serviceName("wine-model") and set the service location with the specified name in the application.conf configuration file.

Python operator

PythonOperator — is a special operator which helps with calling scripts written in python from a flow. Interaction between java and python processes performs via sending json structures via pipe(stdin). Step by step interaction looks as follows:

  • serialize user data structure to json string
  • send json string to python process via pipe
  • receive json string like response from python process
  • deserialize string to user data structure
  • call user response handler with deserialized structure

Bellow is an example of the python operator declaration:

final case class WineModelFlow(data: WineModelData)
    extends Flow(
        pythonCall[Seq[Double], Double](
          "Call wine model",
        ) { result =>
          data.result = result

pythonCall[Seq[Double], Double] — here in square brackets specified two type parameters:

  1. First type parameter is a type of input data structure for the python process. Here it is Seq[Double] — sequence of doubles(array in other words)
  2. Second type parameter is a type of output data structure returned from the python process. Here it is just number with double precision.

As the type parameter there could be any type that the user wants to use or has created, but there must be io.circe.Encoder and io.circe.Decoder for input and output respectively. Fortunately, for basic scala types there already exist encoders and decoders, for custom types you need to create a new one.

examples/py-model/src/main/resources/ — this is the location of the python script to be called.

data.features — this is the input data for the python script.

{ result => data.result = result } — this is the result handler.

The above example is only scala side of the interaction, there is also python side. Bellow is an example of the script:

import mlflow
import pandas as pd
from pipe_json_wrapper import PipeJsonWrapper

logged_model = '../../mlflow/examples/sklearn_elasticnet_wine/mlruns/0/b9defef6a9c8401a9ed9252fbec25d1e/artifacts/model'
loaded_model = mlflow.pyfunc.load_model(logged_model)

def predict(data):
    predictions = loaded_model.predict(pd.DataFrame([data]))
    return predictions[0]


predict is your function which will be called with deserialized from json data come from the java process. Data returned by the predict function will be automatically serialized to json and returned to the java process.

Also, to run your function with the pipe interface you need the following wrapper class:

import json
import sys

def identity(x):
    return x

class PipeJsonWrapper:
    def __init__(self, user_fn, map_input=identity, map_output=identity):
        self.user_fn = user_fn
        self.map_input = map_input
        self.map_output = map_output

    def run(self):
        for l in iter(sys.stdin.readline, ''):
            line = l.strip()
            input_data = json.loads(line)
            result = self.user_fn(self.map_input(input_data))
            result = self.map_output(result)
            output_data = json.dumps(result)

This class listens to stdin, deserializes input data, calls user function, serializes the response and sends it to stdout.


There also exist special module ndk-test-kit which helps in testing the developed flows. You need to extend one of the predefined classes(NdkSpec, NdkAnyFlatSpec, NdkAnyWordSpec) to test your flow. After that you can write as many tests as you need for your flow.

Below is an example of a flow test:

val testFlow = TestFlow()                       // create flow
testFlow run { flowContext =>                   // run created flow
  flowContext table "t1" has oneExecutedRow()   // after executing the flow, check that there was one executed row from the table with id t1
  flowContext gateway "g1" has fired()          // check that the gateway with id g1 was run
  flowContext rule "r1" has fired()             // check that the rule with id r1 was run
  flowContext flow "f2" has notFired()          // check that the sub flow with id f1 wasn't run
  flowContext forEach "loop1" has notFired()    // check that the loop with id loop1 wasn't run
  flowContext rule "loop1-r1" has notFired()    // check that the rule with id loop1-r1 wasn't run

  response.underwritingRequired should be(true) // just usual scalatest check against filled data structure
  response.underwritingLevel should be(2)

Each operator must have unique identifier across the running flow if you want to check the flow using rules like this flowContext gateway "g1" has fired(). Also, you can replace some operators in the flow for testing purposes as in the example below:

val testFlow = TestFlow(applicant, response) withOperators (
  "g1" -> gateway("g1") {
    when(response.riskLevel == 1) andThen action {
      println("Level 1 worked")
    } and when(response.riskLevel == 2) andThen action {
      println("Level 2 worked")
    } otherwise action {
      println("Otherwise worked")

Functional testing

There are many examples of DSL for constructing functional testing pipelines. They could be found in the test class ru.neoflex.ndk.testkit.func.FuncTestDslSpec in ndk-test-kit module.

First you need to extend basic class ru.neoflex.ndk.testkit.func.NdkFuncSpec to write a functional test and add some imports:

import ru.neoflex.ndk.testkit.func._
import ru.neoflex.ndk.testkit.func.implicits._

if you are going to use SQL sources or sinks:

import doobie.implicits._

if you are going to use JSON containing sources or sinks:


Simple example of the functional testing transformation pipeline:

  .json[SimpleData]("input_data.json") // Read test data from the input_data.json file and transform it to objects of the SimpleData class
  .filter(_.age > 15) // filter only those objects where field age has a value greater than 15
  .map(SimpleFlow)  // wrap SimpleData object to SimpleFlow object which is business flow definition
  .result // get the result of the flow execution
  .filter( // filter rows that have already been executed
  .map(r => (r.runId,, // transform result to simple tuple of three values
  .runWithSink(Sink.sqlTable("executed_flow_result")) // run execution and save result from the previous row into the SQL DB table executed_flow_result
  .awaitResult() // wait while execution has not finished

If you want to work with SQL DBs(sources or sinks) you need to do some actions:

  1. Extend test class with ru.neoflex.ndk.testkit.func.SqlDbBinders
  2. Override method datasourceConfig with actual database connection configuration. For example:
override protected def datasourceConfig: DataSourceConfig = DataSourceConfig(

Also, you need to add JDCB driver library to the project with your tests, for example for PostgreSQL: "org.postgresql" % "postgresql" % "42.5.0"

How to define metrics on the functional pipeline

Simple example of defining some metrics:

      .map(r => r.copy(result =
      .withMetrics {  // call to define which metrics should be collected
        _.metric("cover") // define metric with name 'cover'
        .as { r =>  // define metric calculation - percentage of all proved applications
          r.filter(_.result.status == "APPROVED").count() / r.totalElements * 100 // count rows with "APPROVED" status only, divide it to the number of all elements and multiply to 100
        .metric("declined") // define metric declined - total number of the all declined applications
        .as {
          _.filter(_.result.status == "DECLINED").count() // filter rows with "DECLINED" status only
        .toSink(Sink.sqlMetricsRows())  // save these two metrics into SQL DB table(one row for each metric)

Each test execution contains unique identifier called runId with which you can match metrics, traces and execution results of the particular run.

How to get trace of the particular flow execution

Previous example could be completed with one additional row:

      .map(r => r.copy(result =
      .withMetrics {  // call to define which metrics should be collected
        _.metric("cover") // define metric with name 'cover'
        .as { r =>  // define metric calculation - percentage of all proved applications
          r.filter(_.result.status == "APPROVED").count() / r.totalElements * 100 // count rows with "APPROVED" status only, divide it to the number of all elements and multiply to 100
        .metric("declined") // define metric declined - total number of the all declined applications
        .as {
          _.filter(_.result.status == "DECLINED").count() // filter rows with "DECLINED" status only
        .toSink(Sink.sqlMetricsRows())  // save these two metrics into SQL DB table(one row for each metric)
      .withFlowTraceSink(Sink.json[RunFlowTraceEvent]("traces.json")) // here we define where to save tracking information about flow execution. It will be saved in the traces.json file

Each trace event will contain particular runId that equals to the runId in the metrics data, and you can match these data with common identifier.