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384 lines (327 loc) · 21.9 KB

File metadata and controls

384 lines (327 loc) · 21.9 KB

  • enhancements

  • bug fix

  • deprecations

  • backwards incompatible changes

v0.9.2 (2013-06-13)

  • enhancements

    • [ExUnit] capture_io now captures prompt by default
    • [Mix] Automatically import git dependencies from Rebar
    • [Mix] Support for dependencies directly from the umbrella application
    • [Regex] Add Regex.escape
    • [String] Add String.contains?
    • [URI] Implement Binary.Chars (aka to_binary) for URI.Info
  • bug fix

    • [HashDict] Ensure HashDict uses exact match throughout its implementation
    • [IEx] Do not interpret ANSI codes in IEx results
    • [IEx] Ensure --cookie is set before accessing remote shell
    • [Kernel] Do not ignore nil when dispatching protocols to avoid infinite loops
    • [Mix] Fix usage of shell expressions in Mix.Shell.cmd
    • [Mix] Start the application by default on escripts
  • deprecations

    • [Regex] Regex.index/2 is deprecated in favor
    • [Kernel] super no longer supports implicit arguments
  • backwards incompatible changes

    • [Kernel] The =~ operator now returns true or false instead of an index

v0.9.1 (2013-05-30)

  • enhancements

    • [IEx] Limit the number of entries kept in history and allow it to be configured
    • [Kernel] Add String.start_with? and String.end_with?
    • [Typespec] Allow keywords, e.g. [foo: integer, bar: boolean | module], in typespecs
  • bug fix

    • [Dict] Enum.to_list and Dict.to_list now return the same results for dicts
    • [IEx] Enable shell customization via the IEx.Options module
    • [Kernel] Fix a bug where unquote_splicing did not work on the left side of a stab op
    • [Kernel] Unused functions with cyclic dependencies are now also warned as unused
    • [Mix] Fix a bug where mix deps.get was not retrieving nested dependencies
    • [Record] Fix a bug where nested records cannot be defined
    • [Record] Fix a bug where a record named Record cannot be defined

v0.9.0 (2013-05-23)

  • enhancements

    • [ExUnit] ExUnit.CaptureIO now accepts an input to be used during capture
    • [IEx] Add support for .iex files that are loaded during shell's boot process
    • [IEx] Add import_file/1 helper
  • backwards incompatible changes

    • [Enum] Enum.Iterator was replaced by the more composable and functional Enumerable protocol which supports reductions
    • [File] File.iterator/1 and File.biniterator/1 have been removed in favor of the safe File.iterator!/1 and File.biniterator!/1 ones
    • [Kernel] Erlang R15 is no longer supported
    • [Kernel] Elixir modules are now represented as Elixir.ModuleName (using . instead of - as separator)

v0.8.3 (2013-05-22)

  • enhancements

    • [CLI] Flags -p and -pr fails if pattern match no files
    • [CLI] Support --hidden and --cookie flags for distributed Erlang
    • [Enum] Add Enum.to_list/1, Enum.member?/2, Enum.uniq/2, Enum.max/1, Enum.max/2, Enum.min/1 and Enum.min/2
    • [ExUnit] Add ExUnit.CaptureIO for IO capturing during tests
    • [ExUnit] Consider load time on ExUnit time reports
    • [IEx] Support ls with colored output
    • [IEx] Add #iex:break to break incomplete expressions
    • [Kernel] Add, Enum.fetch and Enum.fetch!
    • [Kernel] Add String.to_integer and String.to_float
    • [Kernel] Add Dict.take, Dict.drop, Dict.split, Dict.pop and Dict.fetch!
    • [Kernel] Many optimizations for code compilation
    • [Kernel] in can be used with right side expression outside guards
    • [Kernel] Add Node.get_cookie/0 and Node.set_cookie/2
    • [Kernel] Add __DIR__
    • [Kernel] Expand macros and attributes on quote, import, alias and require
    • [Kernel] Improve warnings related to default arguments
    • [Keyword] Add Keyword.delete_first/2
    • [Mix] Add local.rebar to download a local copy of rebar, and change deps.compile to use it if needed
    • [Mix] Support umbrella applications
    • [Mix] Load beam files available at MIX_PATH on CLI usage
    • [String] Add String.valid? and String.valid_character?
  • bug fix

    • [ExUnit] Handle exit messages from in ExUnit
    • [ExUnit] Failures on ExUnit's setup_all now invalidates all tests
    • [Kernel] Ensure we don't splice keyword args unecessarily
    • [Kernel] Private functions used by private macros no longer emit an unused warning
    • [Kernel] Ensure Elixir won't trip on empty receive blocks
    • [Kernel] String.slice now returns an empty string when out of range by 1
    • [Mix] Generate manifest files after compilation to avoid depending on directory timestamps and to remove unused .beam files
    • [Path] Path.expand/2 now correctly expands ~ in the second argument
    • [Regex] Fix badmatch with Regex.captures(%r/(.)/g, "cat")
    • [URI] Downcase host and scheme and URIs
  • deprecations

    • [Code] Code.eval is deprecated in favor of Code.eval_string
    • [Exception] Exception.format_entry is deprecated in favor of Exception.format_stacktrace_entry
    • [ExUnit] assert left inlist right is deprecated in favor of assert left in right
    • [IO] IO.getb is deprecated in favor of IO.getn
    • [List] List.member?/2 is deprecated in favor of Enum.member?/2
    • [Kernel] var_context in quote was deprecated in favor of context
    • [Kernel]! and Dict.get! is deprecated in favor of Enum.fetch! and Dict.fetch!
  • backwards incompatible changes

    • [Dict] List.Dict was moved to ListDict
    • [IO] IO.gets, IO.getn and friends now return binaries when reading from stdio
    • [Kernel] Precedence of |> has changed to lower to support constructs like 1..5 |> Enum.to_list
    • [Mix] mix escriptize now receives arguments as binaries

v0.8.2 (2013-04-20)

  • enhancements

    • [ExUnit] Use ANSI escape codes in CLI output
    • [ExUnit] Include suite run time on CLI results
    • [ExUnit] Add support to doctests, allowing test cases to be generated from code samples
    • [File] Add and!
    • [IEx] Support pwd and cd helpers
    • [Kernel] Better error reporting for invalid bitstring generators
    • [Kernel] Improve meta-programming by allowing unquote on def/2, defp/2, defmacro/2 and defmacrop/2
    • [Kernel] Add support to R16B new functions: insert_elem/3 and delete_elem/2
    • [Kernel] Import conflicts are now lazily handled. If two modules import the same functions, it will fail only if the function is invoked
    • [Mix] Support --cover on mix test and test_coverage on Mixfiles
    • [Record] Each record now provides Record.options with the options supported by its new and update functions
  • bug fix

    • [Binary] inspect no longer escapes standalone hash #
    • [IEx] The h helper can now retrieve docs for special forms
    • [Kernel] Record optimizations were not being triggered in functions inside the record module
    • [Kernel] Aliases defined inside macros should be carried over
    • [Kernel] Fix a bug where nested records could not use the Record[] syntax
    • [Path] Fix a bug on Path.expand when expanding paths starting with ~
  • deprecations

    • [Kernel] setelem/3 is deprecated in favor of set_elem/3
    • [Kernel] function(:is_atom, 1) is deprecated in favor of function(is_atom/1)
  • backwards incompatible changes

    • [Kernel] unquote now only applies to the closest quote. If your code contains a quote that contains another quote that calls unquote, it will no longer work. Use Macro.escape instead and pass your quoted contents up in steps, for example:

          quote do
            quote do: unquote(x)

      should become:

          quote do

v0.8.1 (2013-02-17)

  • enhancements

    • [ExUnit] Tests can now receive metadata set on setup/teardown callbacks
    • [ExUnit] Add support to ExUnit.CaseTemplate to share callbacks in between test cases
    • [IO] Add IO.ANSI to make it easy to write ANSI escape codes
    • [Kernel] Better support for Unicode lists
    • [Kernel] Reduce variables footprint in case/receive clauses
    • [Kernel] Disable native compilation when on_load attributes is present to work around an Erlang bug
    • [Macro] Macro.expand also considers macros from the current __ENV__ module
    • [Mix] Improve support for compilation of .erl files
    • [Mix] Add support for compilation of .yrl and .xrl files
    • [OptionParser] Switches are now overridden by default but can be kept in order if chosen
    • [Typespec] Better error reporting for invalid typespecs
  • bug fix

    • [Mix] Allow Mix projects to be generated with just one letter
  • backwards incompatible changes

    • [Kernel] before_compile and after_compile callbacks now receive the environment as first argument instead of the module
  • deprecations

    • [ExUnit] Explicitly defined test/setup/teardown functions are deprecated
    • [Kernel] Tidy up and clean quote API
    • [Kernel] Old :local.(args) syntax is deprecated
    • [Process] Process.self is deprecated in favor Kernel.self

v0.8.0 (2013-01-28)

  • enhancements

    • [Binary] Support << "string" :: utf8 >> as in Erlang
    • [Binary] Support \a escape character in binaries
    • [Binary] Support syntax shortcut for specifying size in bit syntax
    • [CLI] Support --app option to start an application and its dependencies
    • [Dict] Support put_new in Dict and Keyword
    • [Dict] Add ListDict and a faster HashDict implementation
    • [ExUnit] ExUnit now supports multiple runs in the same process
    • [ExUnit] Failures in ExUnit now shows a tailored stacktrace
    • [ExUnit] Introduce ExUnit.ExpectationError to provide better error messages
    • [Kernel] Introduce Application.Behaviour to define application module callbacks
    • [Kernel] Introduce Supervisor.Behaviour to define supervisors callbacks
    • [Kernel] More optimizations were added to Record handling
    • [Kernel] ?\x and ?\ are now supported ways to retrieve a codepoint
    • [Kernel] Octal numbers can now be defined as 0777
    • [Kernel] Improve macros hygiene regarding variables, aliases and imports
    • [Mix] Mix now starts the current application before run, iex, test and friends
    • [Mix] Mix now provides basic support for compiling .erl files
    • [Mix] mix escriptize only generates escript if necessary and accept --force and --no-compile as options
    • [Path] Introduce Path module to hold filesystem paths related functions
    • [String] Add String.capitalize and String.slice
    • [System] Add System.tmp_dir, System.cwd and System.user_home
  • bug fix

    • [Kernel] import with only accepts functions starting with underscore
    • [String] String.first and String.last return nil for empty binaries
    • [String] String.rstrip and String.lstrip now verify if argument is a binary
    • [Typespec] Support ... inside typespec's lists
  • backwards incompatible changes

    • [Kernel] The AST now allows metadata to be attached to each node. This means the second item in the AST is no longer an integer (representing the line), but a keywords list. Code that relies on the line information from AST or that manually generate AST nodes need to be properly updated
  • deprecations

    • [Dict] Deprecate Binary.Dict and OrdDict in favor of HashDict and ListDict
    • [File] Deprecate path related functions in favor of the module Path
    • [Kernel] The /> operator has been deprecated in favor of |>
    • [Mix] Mix.Project.sources is deprecated in favor of Mix.Project.config_files
    • [Mix] mix iex is no longer functional, please use iex -S mix
    • [OptionParser] :flags option was deprecated in favor of :switches to support many types

v0.7.2 (2012-12-04)

  • enhancements

    • [CLI] --debug-info is now true by default
    • [ExUnit] Make ExUnit exit happen in two steps allowing developers to add custom at_exit hooks
    • [IEx] Many improvements to helpers functions h/1, s/1 and others
    • [Kernel] Functions defined with fn can now handle many clauses
    • [Kernel] Raise an error if clauses with different arities are defined in the same function
    • [Kernel] function macro now accepts arguments in M.f/a and f/a formats
    • [Macro] Improvements to Macro.to_binary
    • [Mix] Mix now echoes the output as it comes when executing external commands such as git or rebar
    • [Mix] Mix now validates application callback's values
    • [Record] Record accessors are now optimized and can be up to 6x faster in some cases
    • [String] Support \xXX and \x{HEX} escape sequences in strings, char lists and regexes
  • bug fix

    • [Bootstrap] Compiling Elixir source no longer fails if environment variables contain utf-8 entries
    • [IEx] IEx will now wait for all command line options to be processed before starting
    • [Kernel] Ensure proper stacktraces when showing deprecations
  • deprecations

    • [Enum] Enum.qsort is deprecated in favor of Enum.sort
    • [List] List.sort and List.uniq have been deprecated in favor of their Enum counterparts
    • [Record] Default-based generated functions are deprecated
    • [Typespec] Enhancements and deprecations to the @spec/@callback and the fun type syntax

v0.7.1 (2012-11-18)

  • enhancements

    • [IEx] Only show documented functions and also show docs for default generated functions
    • [IO] Add IO.binread, IO.binwrite and IO.binreadline to handle raw binary file operations
    • [ExUnit] Add support for user configuration at HOME/.ex_unit.exs
    • [ExUnit] Add support for custom formatters via a well-defined behaviour
    • [Kernel] Add support for defrecordp
    • [Kernel] Improved dialyzer support
    • [Kernel] Improved error messages when creating functions with aliases names
    • [Mix] Improve SCM behaviour to allow more robust integration
    • [Mix] Changing deps information on mix.exs forces users to fetch new dependencies
    • [Mix] Support (parallel) requires on mix run
    • [Mix] Support -q when running tests to compile only changed files
    • [String] Support String.downcase and String.upcase according to Unicode 6.2.0
    • [String] Add support for graphemes in String.length, and others
    • [Typespec] Support @opaque as attribute
    • [Typespec] Define a default type t for protocols and records
    • [Typespec] Add support for the access protocol in typespecs
  • bug fix

    • [Kernel] Fix an issue where variables inside clauses remained unassigned
    • [Kernel] Ensure defoverridable functions can be referred in many clauses
    • [Kernel] Allow keywords as function names when following a dot (useful when integrating with erlang libraries)
    • [File] File is opened by default on binary mode instead of utf-8
  • deprecations

    • [Behaviour] defcallback/1 is deprecated in favor of defcallback/2 which matches erlang @callbacks
    • [Enum] Enum.times is deprecated in favor of using ranges
    • [System] halt moved to System module

v0.7.0 (2012-10-20)

  • enhancements

    • [Behaviour] Add Behaviour with a simple callback DSL to define callbacks
    • [Binary] Add a Dict binary that converts its keys to binaries on insertion
    • [Binary] Optimize Binary.Inspect and improve inspect for floats
    • [CLI] Support --detached option
    • [Code] Code.string_to_ast supports :existing_atoms_only as an option in order to guarantee no new atoms is generated when parsing the code
    • [EEx] Support <%% and <%# tags
    • [ExUnit] Support after_spawn callbacks which are invoked after each process is spawned
    • [ExUnit] Support context data in setup_all, setup, teardown and teardown_all callbacks
    • [IEx] Support after_spawn callbacks which are invoked after each process is spawned
    • [Kernel] Better error messages when invalid options are given to import, alias or require
    • [Kernel] Allow partial application on literals, for example: { &1, &2 } to build tuples or [&1|&2] to build cons cells
    • [Kernel] Added integer_to_binary and binary_to_integer
    • [Kernel] Added float_to_binary and binary_to_float
    • [Kernel] Many improvements to unquote and unquote_splicing. For example, unquote(foo).unquote(bar)(args) is supported and no longer need to be written via apply
    • [Keyword] Keyword list is no longer ordered according to Erlang terms but the order in which they are specified
    • [List] Add List.keyreplace and List.keystore
    • [Macro] Support Macro.safe_term which returns :ok if an expression does not execute code and is made only of raw data types
    • [Mix] Add support for environments - the current environment can be set via MIX_ENV
    • [Mix] Add support for handling and fetching dependencies' dependencies
    • [Module] Support module creation via Module.create
    • [Range] Support decreasing ranges
    • [Record] Improvements to the Record API, added Record.defmacros
    • [Regex] Add :return option to and Regex.scan
    • [String] Add a String module responsible for handling UTf-8 binaries
  • bug fix

    • [File] File.cp and File.cp_r now preserves the file's mode
    • [IEx] Fix a bug where printing to :stdio on IEx was causing it to hang
    • [Macro] Fix a bug where quoted expressions were not behaving the same as their non-quoted counterparts
    • [Mix] mix deps.get [DEPS] now only gets the specified dependencies
    • [Mix] Mix now exits with status 1 in case of failures
    • [Protocol] Avoid false positives on protocol dispatch (a bug caused the dispatch to be triggered to an invalid protocol)
  • backwards incompatible changes

    • [ExUnit] setup and teardown callbacks now receives the test name as second argument
    • [Kernel] Raw function definition with def/4, defp/4, defmacro/4, defmacrop/4 now evaluates all arguments. The previous behaviour was accidental and did not properly evaluate all arguments
    • [Kernel] Change tuple-related (elem and setelem), Enum functions (find_index, nth! and times) and List functions (List.key*) to zero-index
  • deprecations

    • [Code] Code.require_file and Code.load_file now expect the full name as argument
    • [Enum] List.reverse/1 and were moved to Enum
    • [GenServer] Rename GenServer.Behavior to GenServer.Behaviour
    • [Kernel] Bitstring syntax now uses :: instead of |
    • [Kernel] Erlang. syntax is deprecated in favor of simply using atoms
    • [Module] Module.read_attribute and Module.add_attribute deprecated in favor of Module.get_attribute and Module.put_attribute which mimics Dict API

v0.6.0 (2012-08-01)

  • incompatible changes

    • [Kernel] Compile files now follow Elixir-ModuleName convention to solve issues with Erlang embedded mode. This removes the __MAIN__ pseudo-variable as modules are now located inside Elixir namespace
    • [Kernel] __using__ callback triggered by use now receives just one argument. Caller information can be accessed via macros using __CALLER__
    • [Kernel] Comprehensions syntax changed to be more compatible with Erlang behavior
    • [Kernel] loop and recur are removed in favor of recursion with named functions
    • [Module] Removed data functions in favor of unifying the attributes API
  • deprecations

    • [Access] The semantics of the access protocol were reduced from a broad query API to simple data structure key-based access
    • [ExUnit] Some assertions are deprecated in favor of simply using assert()
    • [File] File.read_info is deprecated in favor of File.stat
    • [IO] IO.print is deprecated in favor of IO.write
    • [Kernel] Deprecate __LINE__ and __FUNCTION__ in favor of __ENV__.line and __ENV__.function
    • [Kernel] Deprecate in_guard in favor of __CALLER__.in_guard?
    • [Kernel] refer is deprecated in favor of alias
    • [Module] Module.add_compile_callback(module, target, callback) is deprecated in favor of Module.put_attribute(module, :before_compile, { target, callback })
    • [Module] Module.function_defined? is deprecated in favor of Module.defines?
    • [Module] Module.defined_functions is deprecated in favor of Module.definitions_in
  • enhancements

    • [Enum] Enhance Enum protocol to support Enum.count
    • [Enum] Optimize functions when a list is given as collection
    • [Enum] Add find_index, nth! and others
    • [ExUnit] Support setup and teardown callbacks
    • [IEx] IEx now provides autocomplete if the OS supports tty
    • [IEx] IEx now supports remsh
    • [IEx] Elixir now defaults to compile with documentation and d can be used in IEx to print modules and functions documentation
    • [IEx] Functions c and m are available in IEx to compile and print available module information. Functions h and v are available to show history and print previous commands values
    • [IO/File] Many improvements to File and IO modules
    • [Kernel] Operator ! is now allowed in guard clauses
    • [Kernel] Introduce operator =~ for regular expression matches
    • [Kernel] Compiled docs now include the function signature
    • [Kernel] defmodule do not start a new variable scope, this improves meta-programming capabilities
    • [Kernel] quote special form now supports line and unquote as options
    • [Kernel] Document the macro @ and allow attributes to be read inside functions
    • [Kernel] Add support to the %R sigil. The same as %r, but without interpolation or escaping. Both implementations were also optimized to generate the regex at compilation time
    • [Kernel] Add __ENV__ which returns a Macro.Env record with information about the compilation environment
    • [Kernel] Add __CALLER__ inside macros which returns a Macro.Env record with information about the calling site
    • [Macro] Add Macro.expand, useful for debugging what a macro expands to
    • [Mix] First Mix public release
    • [Module] Add support to @before_compile and @after_compile callbacks. The first receives the module name while the latter receives the module name and its object code
    • [OptionParser] Make OptionParser public, add support to flags and improved switch parsing
    • [Range] Add a Range module with support to in operator (x in 1..3) and iterators
    • [Record] Allow Record[_: value] to set a default value to all records fields, as in Erlang
    • [Record] Records now provide a to_keywords function
    • [Regex] Back references are now properly supported
    • [System] Add System.find_executable

v0.5.0 (2012-05-24)

  • First official release