This course covers reinforcement learning algorithms and generative deep learning methods.
Course website: is a simple way to call other mains in command line, contains an hyperparameters search tool. A main file for each algorithm/TME is available under 'TP' folder. Hyperparameters of each algorithm can be tuned in 'Config/model_parameters', and then executed through the associated main function in 'TP'.
- UCB and LinUCB Bandits
- Policy and Value Iteration
- QLearning, SARSA, DynaQ
- Deep Q Learning (minDQN), DuelingDQN, TargetDQN, Double VanillaDQN
- Goal VanillaDQN, Hindsight Experience Replay, Iterative Goal Sampling
- Actor Critic A2C
- Trusted Region Actor Critic PPO and Clipped PPO
- DDPG, Multi Agent DDPG
- SAC, Adaptative Temperature SAC
- Imitation Learning (GAIL)
- Normalizing Flow: GLOW
Grid World, Cartpole, Lunar Lander, Pendulum, Continuous Lunar Lander, Mountain Car, MultiAgent