- 18.03.2023 Fixed a bug that prevented resetting the battery low flag. Updated all Firmwares to 3.1-180323.
- 31.12.2022 Happy new year for everyone! 2023 i will try looking for a partner company for new kits.
- 31.03.2021 Finally, all kits are sold out. Thank you to all Nokolino fans out there!
- 17.01.2021 Only 13 kits are left in the heise shop!.
- 02.01.2021 Happy new year for everyone!
- 27.08.2020 The kit and the tutorial are available at heise shop!.
- 23.07.2020 Thank you to all the visitors in the workshop!
- 11.07.2020 The workshop is dated on 23.07.2020.
- 10.07.2020 Tested new IDE 1.8.13. Works good.
- 25.06.2020 New firmware 3.1-250620: Music box mode now plays more than one file.
- 23.06.2020 The kit and the workshop ticket are now available at heise shop!. Cheers!
- 01.06.2020 Finished the German Wiki.
- 28.05.2020 Launched release V1.0.
- 27.05.2020 Nokolino is ready! Enjoy!
- 26.05.2020 Finished the reprository. The release will be ready in a couple of days.
- 21.05.2020 Opened the Nokolino kit repository.
- 18.05.2020 Finished Nokolino Firmware 3.1-180520 -- KIT VERSION --.