Try Harder
Progress is not moving forward on the problem. It is learning more. If you are learning ways that don't work, you are progressing and don't qualify to ask/look for hints.
Applications break on bad inputs, not on good ones. Developers forget to consider bad inputs or edge test cases, they are your go-to.
Wechall: Global rank: 3091 / 22851 (Last update: Mar 18, 2021)
HackTheBox: 703 (Last Update: May 3, 2021)
HTTP based python trojan for remote code execution
Time - Walkthrough Have to work on ippsec's approach.
Tenet - Walkthrough Rooted. Walkthrough comes after the box is retired.
Knife - Walkthrough Rooted. Walkthrough comes after the box is retired
OSINT Easy Phish - Walkthrough
Web Emdee five for life - Walkthrough
You-know-0xDiablos - Walkthrough
A list of replayed CTFs
- San Diego CTF 2021: ctftime.org - walthroughs