- 💬 Real-time messaging using Socket.io
- 📎 Send attachments as messages using UploadThing
- ✏️ Delete & Edit messages in real time for all users
- 🎙️ Create Text, Audio, and Video call Channels
- 🔗 1:1 conversation between members
- 📹 1:1 video calls between members
- 👥 Member management (Kick, Role change Guest / Moderator)
- 🎟️ Unique invite link generation & full working invite system
- 🖍️ Collaborative whiteboard with a virtual hand-drawn style
- 🔄 Infinite loading for messages in batches of 10 with @tanstack/query
- 🛠️ Server creation and customization
- 🌗 Light / Dark mode
- 📱 Full responsivity and mobile UI
- 🎨 Beautiful UI using TailwindCSS and ShadcnUI
- 🔁 WebSocket fallback with Polling and alerts
- 🗄️ ORM using Prisma
- 🗃️ MySQL database using NeonDB
- 🔑 Authentication with Clerk