House Price is increasing every yr. for example a buyer wants to buy a house or a developer wants to sell a house. How will they decide the price to buy/sell the house ??????
Design a system/website that can predict the price of the house that can help the developer to determine the selling price of a house or a buyer who is planning to buy a house so he can know the price range in the future.
To build a Machine Learning model using the house price data(for any region) that will predict the house price with a high degree of predictive accuracy.
To run this project, you will need to download the following :
IDE: jupyternotebook
python version : 3.9.12
libraries : mentioned in requirements.txt
pycharm version : 23.1.1
- Import Required library
- Importing Dataset
- Data Understanding
- Describing Dataset
- Cleaning Dataset
- Feature Tansformation
- Perform EDA(Exploratory Data Analysis)
- Feature Extraction
- Splitting Dataset into Train and Test
- Feature Scaling
- Model Building |Linear Regression| Ridge Regression | Lasso Regression |
- Model Evaluation
Sucessfully built a House Price Predictor that predicts the house price for a region with an accuracy of 80%.