diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 42eae7ad..43c61b59 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -1,2 +1,113 @@
# npmx-zephyr
-npmx integration with Zephyr
+## Overview
+npmx-zephyr repository provides an example of [npmx library][npmx_repo] integration with the [Zephyr][zephyr_site] RTOS environment. This can be used as a starting point for an integration with other RTOS or bare-metal environments.
+For the user's convenience, this repository includes also a variety of sample applications demonstrating how to use the [npmx drivers][npmx_drivers].
+## Supported devices
+ - nPM1300 Engineering B
+## How to use
+### Repository initialization
+The recommended way to clone the repositories is by using the `west` tool. Information about the installation, available commands, configuration and more can be found in the [Zephyr's west][west_doc] tool documentation.
+To initalize the npmx-zephyr repository, run the following commands:
+west init -m https://github.com/NordicSemiconductor/npmx-zephyr
+cd npmx-zephyr
+west update
+Alternatively, you can clone repositories by using git only. In this case pay special attention to revisions - both Zephyr and npmx revisions should match the ones specified in the `west.yml`. Moreover, the `npmx` folder should be placed in the `zephyr/modules` subdirectory.
+### Building and running sample application
+To run one of the [sample applications][samples_dir], do the following:
+* Configure the setup based on the relevant sample documentation.
+* Build and flash the application to the target device by using the following commands:
+ ```bash
+ cd /samples/
+ west build -b
+ west flash
+ ```
+For instance, if you want to run the LED sample for nPM1300 Engineering B used with nRF52840DK, you must configure the setup as specified in the [LED sample README][led_readme]. After that, run the following commands:
+cd npmx-zephyr/samples/led
+west build -b nrf52840dk_nrf52840
+west flash
+As a result, you should see LEDs blinking on the board.
+>Make sure that the ``ZEPHYR_BASE`` variable is set as a path to your Zephyr folder (the one you have cloned with west).
+>If not, set this variable manually with the following command:
+>export ZEPHYR_BASE=
+## Directories
+├── doc # Project documentation files
+├── drivers # npmx drivers files
+├── dts # Devicetree source files for nPM devices
+├── samples # npmx samples files
+│ ├── buck # Samples related to BUCK peripheral
+│ ├── ldo # Samples related to LDO peripheral
+│ .
+│ .
+├── scripts # Various scripts
+└── zephyr # Zephyr configuration files
+## Generating documentation
+All files that are required to compile the Sphinx-based documentation for the `npmx-zephyr` repository are located under the [doc][doc_dir] folder.
+### Requirements
+Install Python 3 and its dependencies with the following command:
+pip install -r scripts/requirements.txt
+### Build
+You can build the documentation in two ways:
+* Use the provided script `doc/sphinx_build_local.sh` and open the `doc/build/html/index.html` file to see the output.
+* Build it manually by going to the `doc` directory and running the following command:
+ ```bash
+ sphinx-build -M html . build
+ ```
+## pre-commit
+For smoother workflow, `npmx-zephyr` includes hook scripts that are managed by using the `pre-commit` framework. These scripts help to identify common issues, such as trailing whitespaces or missing licenses, right before the code review.
+Information about the usage, available commands, configuration and more can be found on the [pre-commit page][pre_commit_website].
+To enable or disable the pre-commit functionality, run the relevant command:
+pre-commit install
+pre-commit uninstall
+[doc_dir]: doc
+[led_readme]: samples/led/README.rst
+[npmx_drivers]: https://github.com/NordicSemiconductor/npmx
+[npmx_repo]: https://github.com/NordicSemiconductor/npmx-zephyr
+[pre_commit_website]: https://pre-commit.com/
+[samples_dir]: samples
+[west_doc]: https://docs.zephyrproject.org/latest/develop/west/index.html
+[zephyr_site]: https://zephyrproject.org/
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