A CLI that transforms text into ASCII Art.
Usage: geekcode [options] file
-h --help : Display this information.
-v --version : Display the version of GeekCode.
-c --custom <char> : Use a custom character to print the text.
-o --output <file> : Specifies the output file.
- CMakeLists.txt :
- main.cpp :
- C++14 or Higher
- CMake v3.5.1 or higher
- Make (for Windows users : copy and rename MinGW/bin/mingw32-make.exe as make.exe)
- Go to the root of the project then :
foo@bar/GeekCode:~$ cd build
foo@bar/GeekCode/build:~$ cmake .. -G "MinGW Makefiles"
foo@bar/GeekCode/build:~$ make
- Launch your executable "geekcode".
foo@bar/GeekCode/build:~$ geekcode <filename>
- Support essential alphanumeric characters -- DONE.
- Support customizable character to draw characters -- DONE.