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Only use Expr.t to store model values
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As arrays can occur into model values, we need to use `Expr.t` to
represent them.

We cannot produce the appropriate model term with `Arrays.to_model_term`
because we haven't semantic values for arrays. Instead we perform two
passes on a pre-model generating with `X.to_model_term`.
- The first pass collects all the values of arrays and generates a model
  term for each array. If the array was declared by the user, we add
  it to the model.
- The second pass substitutes all the array identifiers in the pre-model
  by model terms we have generated in the first pass.
  • Loading branch information
Halbaroth committed Dec 11, 2023
1 parent 3ac0e0a commit 8da2850
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Showing 13 changed files with 152 additions and 67 deletions.
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion src/lib/reasoners/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -439,7 +439,8 @@ module Shostak (X : ALIEN) = struct
Option.bind l @@ fun l ->
Some (E.mk_term Sy.(Op Record) l ty)

| Other (a, _) -> X.to_model_term a
| Other (a, _) ->
X.to_model_term a
| Access _ -> None
in fun r -> to_model_term (embed r)
41 changes: 26 additions & 15 deletions src/lib/reasoners/
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Expand Up @@ -1065,8 +1065,7 @@ let terms env =

(* Helper functions used by the caches during the computation of the model. *)
module Cache = struct
let store_array_get arrays_cache (t : Expr.t) (i : ModelMap.Value.t)
(v : ModelMap.Value.t) =
let store_array_get arrays_cache (t : Expr.t) (i : Expr.t) (v : Expr.t) =
match Hashtbl.find_opt arrays_cache t with
| Some values ->
Hashtbl.replace values i v
Expand All @@ -1080,17 +1079,17 @@ module Cache = struct
match Hashtbl.find_opt abstracts_cache r with
| Some abstract -> abstract
| None ->
let abstract = Id.Namespace.Abstract.fresh () |> Hstring.make in
let abstract = Expr.mk_abstract (Expr.type_info t) in
Hashtbl.add abstracts_cache r abstract;

type cache = {
array_selects: (Expr.t, (ModelMap.Value.t, ModelMap.Value.t) Hashtbl.t)
array_selects: (Expr.t, (Expr.t, Expr.t) Hashtbl.t)
(** Stores all the get accesses to arrays. *)

abstracts: (r, Id.t) Hashtbl.t;
abstracts: (r, Expr.t) Hashtbl.t;
(** Stores all the abstract values generated. This cache is necessary
to ensure we don't generate twice an abstract value for a given symbol. *)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1131,7 +1130,7 @@ let compute_concrete_model_of_val cache =
(fun (arg_vals, arg_tys, mrepr) arg ->
let rep_arg, mrepr = model_repr_of_term arg env mrepr in
ModelMap.Value.Constant rep_arg :: arg_vals,
rep_arg :: arg_vals,
(Expr.type_info arg) :: arg_tys,
Expand All @@ -1152,9 +1151,9 @@ let compute_concrete_model_of_val cache =

| Sy.Op Sy.Set, _, _ -> acc

| Sy.Op Sy.Get, [Constant a; i], _ ->
| Sy.Op Sy.Get, [a; i], _ ->
store_array_select a i (Constant ret_rep);
store_array_select a i ret_rep;

Expand All @@ -1165,9 +1164,8 @@ let compute_concrete_model_of_val cache =
(* We cannot produce a concrete value as the type is abstract.
In this case, we produce an abstract value with the appropriate
type. *)
let abstract = get_abstract_for env t in
ModelMap.Value.Abstract (abstract, ty)
| _ -> ModelMap.Value.Constant ret_rep
get_abstract_for env t
| _ -> ret_rep
ModelMap.(add (id, arg_tys, ty) arg_vals value mdl), mrepr

Expand All @@ -1188,16 +1186,15 @@ let extract_concrete_model cache =
terms (ModelMap.empty ~suspicious, ME.empty)
let model =
let open ModelMap.Value in
Hashtbl.fold (fun t vals mdl ->
(* We produce a fresh identifiant for abstract value in order to
prevent any capture. *)
let abstract = get_abstract_for env t in
let ty = Expr.type_info t in
let arr_val =
Hashtbl.fold (fun i v arr_val ->
Store (arr_val, i, v)
) vals (Abstract (abstract, ty)) arr_val i v
) vals abstract
let id =
let Expr.{ f; _ } = Expr.term_view t in
Expand All @@ -1208,7 +1205,21 @@ let extract_concrete_model cache =
[array_selects]. *)
assert false
ModelMap.add (id, [], ty) [] arr_val mdl
let mdl =
if not @@ Id.Namespace.Internal.is_id (Hstring.view id) then
ModelMap.add (id, [], ty) [] arr_val mdl
(* Internal identifiers can occur here if we need to generate
a model term for an embedded array but this array isn't itself
declared by the user. *)
(* We need to update the model [mdl] in order to substitute all the
occurrences of the array identifier [id] by an appropriate model
term. This cannot be performed while computing the model with
`compute_concrete_model_of_val` because we need to first iterate
on all the union-find environment to collect array values. *)
ModelMap.subst id arr_val mdl
) cache.array_selects model
{ Models.propositional = prop_model; model; term_values = mrepr }
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18 changes: 18 additions & 0 deletions src/lib/structures/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -89,6 +89,10 @@ type mode_error =
| Invalid_set_option of string
| Forbidden_command of string

type model_error =
| Subst_type_clash of Id.t * Ty.t * Ty.t
| Subst_not_model_term of Expr.t

type error =
| Parser_error of string
| Lexical_error of Loc.t * string
Expand All @@ -98,6 +102,7 @@ type error =
| Warning_as_error
| Dolmen_error of (int * string)
| Mode_error of Util.mode * mode_error
| Model_error of model_error

exception Error of error

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -252,6 +257,18 @@ let report_mode_error fmt = function
| Forbidden_command s ->
fprintf fmt "Command %s" s

let report_model_error ppf = function
| Subst_type_clash (id, ty1, ty2) -> ppf
"Cannot substitute the identifier %a of type %a by an expression of \
type %a"
Id.pp id
Ty.pp_smtlib ty1
Ty.pp_smtlib ty2

| Subst_not_model_term e -> ppf "The expression %a is not a model term" Expr.print e

let report fmt = function
| Parser_error s ->
Format.fprintf fmt "Parser Error: %s" s;
Expand All @@ -277,3 +294,4 @@ let report fmt = function
"Invalid action during %a mode: %a"
Util.pp_mode mode
report_mode_error merr;
| Model_error err -> report_model_error fmt err
9 changes: 9 additions & 0 deletions src/lib/structures/errors.mli
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -97,6 +97,11 @@ type mode_error =
| Invalid_set_option of string
| Forbidden_command of string

(** Errors raised while using models. *)
type model_error =
| Subst_type_clash of Id.t * Ty.t * Ty.t
| Subst_not_model_term of Expr.t

(** All types of error that can be raised *)
type error =
| Parser_error of string (** Error used at parser loading *)
Expand All @@ -107,9 +112,13 @@ type error =
| Warning_as_error
| Dolmen_error of (int * string)
(** Error code + description raised by dolmen. *)

| Mode_error of Util.mode * mode_error
(** Error used when performing actions forbidden in some modes. *)

| Model_error of model_error
(** Error raised while using models. *)

(** {2 Exceptions } *)

exception Error of error
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10 changes: 9 additions & 1 deletion src/lib/structures/
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Expand Up @@ -440,6 +440,10 @@ module SmtPrinter = struct

| Sy.False, [] -> ppf "false"

| Sy.Name { hs = n; _ }, []
when Id.Namespace.Abstract.is_id (Hstring.view n) -> ppf "(as %a %a)" Id.pp n Ty.pp_smtlib ty

| Sy.Name { hs = n; _ }, [] -> Symbols.pp_name ppf (Hstring.view n)

| Sy.Name { hs = n; _ }, _ :: _ ->
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -903,6 +907,10 @@ let void = mk_term (Sy.Void) [] Ty.Tunit

let fresh_name ty = mk_term (Sy.fresh_internal_name ()) [] ty

let mk_abstract ty =
let id = Id.Namespace.Abstract.fresh () |> Hstring.make in
mk_term (Sy.Name { hs = id; defined = false; kind = Other }) [] ty

let is_internal_name t =
match t with
| { f; xs = []; _ } -> Sy.is_fresh_internal_name f
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1025,7 +1033,7 @@ let mk_ite cond th el =

let rec is_model_term e =
match e.f, e.xs with
| (Op Constr _ | Op Record), xs -> List.for_all is_model_term xs
| (Op Constr _ | Op Record | Op Set), xs -> List.for_all is_model_term xs
| Op Div, [{ f = Real _; _ }; { f = Real _; _ }] -> true
| Op Minus, [{ f = Real q; _ }; { f = Real _; _ }] -> Q.equal q
| Op Minus, [{ f = Int i; _ }; { f = Int _; _ }] -> Z.equal i
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5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions src/lib/structures/expr.mli
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -202,6 +202,11 @@ val int : string -> t
val real : string -> t
val bitv : string -> Ty.t -> t
val fresh_name : Ty.t -> t

val mk_abstract : Ty.t -> t
(** [mk_abstract ty] creates an abstract model term of type [ty].
This function is intended to be used only in models. *)

val pred : t -> t

(** smart constructors for literals *)
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2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions src/lib/structures/
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Expand Up @@ -30,6 +30,8 @@

type t = Hstring.t [@@deriving ord]

let equal = Hstring.equal

let pp ppf id = ppf
(Dolmen.Std.Name.simple (Hstring.view id))
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1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions src/lib/structures/id.mli
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Expand Up @@ -30,6 +30,7 @@

type t = Hstring.t [@@deriving ord]

val equal : t -> t -> bool
val show : t -> string
val pp : t Fmt.t

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69 changes: 33 additions & 36 deletions src/lib/structures/
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Expand Up @@ -33,40 +33,17 @@ module Sy = Symbols

type sy = Id.t * Ty.t list * Ty.t [@@deriving ord]

module Value = struct
type t =
| Abstract of Id.t * Ty.t
| Store of t * t * t
| Constant of Expr.t
[@@deriving ord]

let rec pp ppf v =
match v with
| Abstract (id, ty) -> ppf "(as %a %a)" Id.pp id Ty.pp_smtlib ty
| Store (arr, i, v) -> ppf "(@[<hv>store@ %a@ %a %a)@]"
pp arr pp i pp v
| Constant e ->
Expr.pp_smtlib ppf e

module Map = Map.Make (struct
type nonrec t = t

let compare = compare

module Graph = struct
module M = Map.Make
type t = Value.t list [@@deriving ord]
type t = Expr.t list [@@deriving ord]

type t = Value.t M.t
type t = Expr.t M.t

let empty = M.empty
let add = M.add
let map =

(* A fiber of the function [f] over a value [v] is the set of all the values
in the domain of [f] whose the image by [f] is [v].
Expand All @@ -75,11 +52,11 @@ module Graph = struct
non-empty fibers of the function represented by its graph. *)
module Fiber = struct
include Set.Make (struct
type t = Value.t list [@@deriving ord]
type t = Expr.t list [@@deriving ord]

let pp_arg ppf (ctr, arg) = ppf "(= arg_%i %a)" ctr Value.pp arg ppf "(= arg_%i %a)" ctr Expr.pp_smtlib arg

(* For an argument (x_1, ..., x_n) of the function represented by the graph,
prints the SMT-LIB formula:
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -112,26 +89,26 @@ module Graph = struct
(* Compute all the fibers of the function represented by the graph. *)
let inverse graph =
M.fold (fun arg_vals ret_val acc ->
match Value.Map.find_opt ret_val acc with
match Expr.Map.find_opt ret_val acc with
| Some fib ->
Value.Map.add ret_val (Fiber.add arg_vals fib) acc
Expr.Map.add ret_val (Fiber.add arg_vals fib) acc
| None ->
Value.Map.add ret_val (Fiber.of_list [arg_vals]) acc
) graph Value.Map.empty
Expr.Map.add ret_val (Fiber.of_list [arg_vals]) acc
) graph Expr.Map.empty

let pp_inverse ppf rel =
let rec aux ppf seq =
match seq () with
| Seq.Nil -> ()
| Cons ((ret_val, _), seq) when Stdcompat.Seq.is_empty seq -> ppf "%a" Value.pp ret_val ppf "%a" Expr.pp_smtlib ret_val
| Cons ((ret_val, fiber), seq) -> ppf "(@[<hv>ite %a@ %a@ %a)@]"
Fiber.pp fiber
Value.pp ret_val
Expr.pp_smtlib ret_val
aux seq
aux ppf (Value.Map.to_seq rel)
aux ppf (Expr.Map.to_seq rel)

module P = Map.Make
Expand All @@ -157,13 +134,33 @@ let add ((id, arg_tys, _) as sy) arg_vals ret_val { values; suspicious } =

let empty ~suspicious = { values = P.empty; suspicious }

let rec subst_in_term id e c =
let Expr.{ f; xs; ty = ty'; _ } = Expr.term_view c in
match f, xs with
| Sy.Name { hs = id'; _ }, [] when Id.equal id id' ->
let ty = Expr.type_info e in
if not @@ Ty.equal ty ty' then
raise (Errors.Error (Model_error (Subst_type_clash (id, ty', ty))));
| _ ->
let xs = (subst_in_term id e) xs in
Expr.mk_term f xs ty'

let subst id e { values; suspicious } =
if not @@ Expr.is_model_term e then
raise (Errors.Error (Model_error (Subst_not_model_term e)));
let values = ( (subst_in_term id e)) values in
{ values; suspicious }

let pp_named_arg_ty ~unused ppf (arg_name, arg_ty) =
let pp_unused ppf unused = if unused then ppf "_" else () in ppf "(%aarg_%i %a)" pp_unused unused arg_name Ty.pp_smtlib arg_ty

let pp_define_fun ppf ((id, arg_tys, ret_ty), graph) =
let inverse_rel = Graph.inverse graph in
let is_constant = Value.Map.cardinal inverse_rel = 1 in
let is_constant = Expr.Map.cardinal inverse_rel = 1 in
let named_arg_tys = List.mapi (fun i arg_ty -> (i, arg_ty)) arg_tys in ppf "(@[define-fun %a (%a) %a@ %a)@]"
Id.pp id
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