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File metadata and controls

58 lines (38 loc) · 2.16 KB

This is a python script + nginx config to store and serve approved images with limited resizing capabilities.

Image links are signed and expire regularly. Images can be proxied or stored permanently.



  • edit /tmp/imgproxy paths in nginx/imgproxy.conf and move file to nginx's sites-enabled dir

  • Create directory structure for each bucket

    bucket="i" for x in {a..z} {A..Z} {0..9} _ - ; do mkdir "$bucket/$x" ; for y in {a..z} {A..Z} {0..9} _ - ; do mkdir "$bucket/$x/$y" ; done ; done
  • in change SIG_SECRET (same as gazelle's IMAGE_CACHE_SECRET)


  • uvicorn main:app (or any other ASGI-compatible server)

See contrib/imageproxy.service for a systemd service.

URL format description

URI format: /{cache_bucket}/{img_size}/{signature}/{ext_url}{extension}

cache_bucket is a bucket to save images in. There must be a pre-populated folder tree (see above) for each images/{cache_bucket} you wish to use.

img_size can be one of: full or {h}x{w} (x denotes the literal character "x") h and w can be an integer or empty string. The integer must be one of the preconfigured and allowed sizes (in pixels) in the imageproxy server. If w and h are given, the image is resized to the maximum size that keeps the correct aspect ratio while not exceeding any of the two limits. Suggested values are 150/250/500.

signature is the result of urlsafe-base64(hmac-sha256-trunc(key={IMG_PROXY_SECRET}{current_year}{iso_current_week}, message={cache_bucket}/{ext_url}{extension})). HMAC result is truncated to 12 bytes, producing a 16 characters encoded signature.

ext_url is the result of urlsafe-base64(image_url). Trailing = may be stripped.

extension is either the empty string or the string /proxy which instructs the imageproxy server to not permanently store the source image. Resizing is not supported in proxy-only mode.

Signature test vector

date=1640730000 // (2021-12-29)

-> /i/full/ae0_4RXxKhh6_AwX/aHR0cHM6Ly9leGFtcGxlX3VybC9pbWcuanBn