ClickHouse type. The type of the column.
Default type. This is the type returned by Octonica.ClickHouseClient.ClickHouseDataReader.GetFieldType(int ordinal)
. The method Octonica.ClickHouseClient.ClickHouseDataReader.GetValue(int ordinal)
returns either a value of the default type or System.DBNull
Supported types. The value can be converted to one of this types.
ClickHouseDataReader's method. The method dedicated to the default type.
You can get the value of one of supported types by calling GetFieldValue<T>(int ordinal)
or GetFieldValue<T>(int ordinal, T? nullValue)
. The latter doesn't throw an error on NULL value.
ClickHouse type | Default type | Supported types | ClickHouseDataReader's method |
Int8 | sbyte | short, int, long | GetSByte |
Int16 | short | int, long | GetInt16 |
Int32 | int | long | GetInt32 |
Int64 | long | GetInt64 |
Int128 | System.Numerics.BigInteger | GetBigInteger |
Int256 | System.Numerics.BigInteger | GetBigInteger |
UInt8 | byte | ushort, uint, ulong, int, long | GetByte |
UInt16 | ushort | uint, ulong, int, long | GetUInt16 |
UInt32 | uint | ulong, long | GetUInt132 |
UInt64 | ulong | GetUInt64 |
UInt128 | System.Numerics.BigInteger | GetBigInteger |
UInt256 | System.Numerics.BigInteger | GetBigInteger |
Float32 | float | double | GetFloat |
Float64 | double | GetDouble |
Decimal | decimal | GetDecimal |
Date* | System.DateOnly | System.DateTime | GetDate |
Date32* | System.DateOnly | System.DateTime | GetDate |
DateTime | System.DateTimeOffset | System.DateTime | GetDateTimeOffset |
DateTime64 | System.DateTimeOffset | System.DateTime | GetDateTimeOffset |
String | string | char[], byte[] | GetString |
FixedString | byte[] | string, char[] | |
UUID | System.Guid | GetGuid |
IPv4 | System.Net.IPAddress | string, int, uint | GetIPAddress |
IPv6 | System.Net.IPAddress | string | GetIPAddress |
Enum8 | string | sbyte, short, int, long | |
Enum16 | string | short, int, long | |
Nothing | System.DBNull | GetValue |
Nullable(T) | T? | ||
Array(T) | T[] | ||
Tuple(T1, ... Tn) | System.Tuple<T1, ... Tn> | System.ValueTuple<T1, ... Tn> | |
LowCardinality | T | The method for T |
Map(TKey, TValue) | System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair<TKey, TValue>[] | System.Tuple<TKey, TValue>[], System.ValueTuple<TKey, TValue>[] |
* The type System.DateOnly
is available since .NET 6.0. For previous .NET versions dates are mapped to System.DateTime