A Developer friendly, minimalistic and responsive component library.
Currently in development
Full documentation is available at ani-design.netlify.app.
- A wide range of components to suit all needs.
- Utility classes for more more control.
- A limited and minimalistic color pallete.
- Consistent Font Sizing.
- The components are made with Pure CSS.
- The documentation site is made with HTMl & CSS.
Clone the project
git clone https://github.com/OmKakatkar/Ani-Design.git
Start using the library in any project by simply adding the following into the <head>
of the html
<!-- Ani-Design Stylesheet -->
<!-- Ani-Design JS File -->
<script defer src="https://ani-design.netlify.app/js/index.js"></script>
- Ani-Design uses fontawesome v5.15.4 as its icon libray. If you are copying the code snippets, make sure you add your fontawesome CDN in the HTML.