- Root commit -> initial comment
- Branch -> arrangements of comments By default(master)
To create config
git config --global user.name "hadeer"
git config --global user.email "hadeer"
git config --global core.editor "nano" # or add your Fav Text editor
# to see all config
git config --list
git init #initialize repo, do it in folder to create a repo
# it creates .git directory, the place where git sotre all your commits and changes
git status # status of files
git status -s # summarize status for every file
git add file.txt # add file to stage
git add <filename> # grouping files like this(*,f*,*txt) or using `.` to add all files
git commit -m "message" -> make version
git commit -am "message" # TODO: Description
fit commit --amend # TODO: Description
git rm --cached fileName # TODO: Description
git restore filename # TODO: Description
git restore --staged file #to unstage file
git reset --soft <Hash> # TODO: Description
git reset <Hash> # TODO: Description
git reflog # TODO: Description
git log # see history
git log --oneline # summarize each commit
git log --oneline file.txt # see commits for specific file
git log --oneline -n number # TODO: Description
git log --oneline --graph # list a clear path for every branch
git log --oneline --decorate --graph --all # TODO: Description
git diff # display changes of files (before stage)
git diff --staged # display changes of files(that are in stage area)
git diff SHA1..SHA1 # TODO: Description
gi diff SHA..HEAD # TODO: Description
git show SHA1 # TODO: Description
git branch branchName # create new branch
git branch # to show branches
git switch branchName # move to the branch
# or you can use checkout to switch
git checkout branchName
git checkout -b branchName <startPoint> # TODO: Description
git merge branchName # merge branch, NOTE (you should be at branch that you to merge in)
- There is three types of Merging based on changes that done in commit at both two branches.
1. Fast Forward Merge
- it happens when there is no new commit in master (or what you merge in).
- In this case, Git just move the master branch pointer to point to the last commit in other branch
git branch --merged # TODO: Description
git branch --no-merged # TODO: Description
git branch -d branchName # TODO: Description
- It’s called three ways, as Git does three things
Finding the common ancestor of the two branches. This ancestor is called “merge base.”
Finding the last two snapshots.
Creating new commit that points to the last two snapshots
check slide for more information..
- If you changed the same part of the same file in the two branches you’re merging, Git won’t be able to merge them cleanly. It will leave this task for you!
check slide for more information and how to solve it..
Take a copy from original project directly into your local machine, then push or pull(fetch)
git clone url fileName
git remote add <url> writeName # adding more than one remote in your local repository
git remote # TODO: Description
git remote -v # TODO: Description
git branch -r # TODO: Description
git fetch # first get updates
git checkout --track remoteName/branchName # track branch
git fetch origin branchName # TODO: Description
git merge # TODO: Description
# Or Do
git pull # TODO: Description
alias nameOfCommand="command"
alias graph="git log --online --all --graph --decorate"