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- ow.format.addNumberSeparator
- ow.format.cron.isCronMatch
- ow.format.cron.nextScheduled
- ow.format.cron.parse
- ow.format.cron.prevScheduled
- ow.format.cron.sleepUntilNext
- ow.format.cron.timeUntilNext
- ow.format.dateDiff.inDays
- ow.format.dateDiff.inHours
- ow.format.dateDiff.inMinutes
- ow.format.dateDiff.inMonths
- ow.format.dateDiff.inSeconds
- ow.format.dateDiff.inWeeks
- ow.format.dateDiff.inYears
- ow.format.elapsedTime
- ow.format.elapsedTime4ms
- ow.format.escapeHTML
- ow.format.escapeString
- ow.format.fromBinary
- ow.format.fromByte
- ow.format.fromDate
- ow.format.fromHex
- ow.format.fromOctal
- ow.format.fromUnixDate
- ow.format.fromWedoDate
- ow.format.fromWedoDateToDate
- ow.format.getActualTime
- ow.format.getPublicIP
- ow.format.isWedoDate
- ow.format.round
- ow.format.string.bestPrefix
- ow.format.string.closest
- ow.format.string.distance
- ow.format.string.leftPad
- ow.format.string.lsHash
- ow.format.string.lsHashDiff
- ow.format.string.progress
- ow.format.string.rightPad
- ow.format.string.separatorsToUnix
- ow.format.string.separatorsToWindows
- ow.format.string.wordWrap
- ow.format.testPort
- ow.format.testPublicPort
- ow.format.timeago
- ow.format.toAbbreviation
- ow.format.toBinary
- ow.format.toBytesAbbreviation
- ow.format.toDate
- ow.format.toHex
- ow.format.toOctal
- ow.format.toUnixDate
- ow.format.toWedoDate
- ow.format.transposeArrayLines
- ow.format.xls.autoFilter
- ow.format.xls.getStyle
ow.format.addNumberSeparator(aNumber, aSeparator) : String
Returns a formatted number with decimal separators (default is comma but you can provide a custom aSeparator).
(available after ow.loadFormat())
ow.format.cron.isCronMatch(aDate, aCronExpression) : boolean
Returns trues if the provided aDate is a match for the provided aCronExpression. Otherwise returns false.
ow.format.cron.nextScheduled(expr, count, start, end) : Date
Given a cron expr returns the next Date object when it will occur. If count > 1 it will provide an array of Dates with the next n Dates. If start and end Date are defined they will limit the range on which to provide dates.
ow.format.cron.parse(aCronExpression) : Map
Parses aCronExpression and produces a Map with a schedules array and a exceptions array (if any error is found). Each schedules array item map has a key with all the number possibilities for the given aCronExpression provided:
s - seconds (0-59)
m - minutes (0-59)
h - hours (0-23)
D - month day (1-31)
M - month (1-12)
d - week day (1-7)
ow.format.cron.parse("0 5 * * *"); // 5am
ow.format.cron.prevScheduled(expr, count, start, end) : Date
Given a cron expr returns the previous Date object when it will occur. If count > 1 it will provide an array of Dates with the previous n Dates. If start and end Date are defined they will limit the range on which to provide dates.
Sleeps until the cron expr is expected to be true.
ow.format.cron.timeUntilNext(expr) : Number
Returns a number of ms until the cron expr is expected to be true.
ow.format.dateDiff.inDays(dateBefore, dateAfter, shouldRound) : Number
Difference between dateAfter and dateBefore in days. If shouldRound = true will round from the previous time unit.
ow.format.dateDiff.inHours(dateBefore, dateAfter, shouldRound) : Number
Difference between dateAfter and dateBefore in hours. If shouldRound = true will round from the previous time unit.
ow.format.dateDiff.inMinutes(dateBefore, dateAfter, shouldRound) : Number
Difference between dateAfter and dateBefore in minutes. If shouldRound = true will round from the previous time unit.
ow.format.dateDiff.inMonths(dateBefore, dateAfter) : Number
Difference between dateAfter and dateBefore in months.
ow.format.dateDiff.inSeconds(dateBefore, dateAfter, shouldRound) : Number
Difference between dateAfter and dateBefore in seconds. If shouldRound = true will round from the previous time unit.
ow.format.dateDiff.inWeeks(dateBefore, dateAfter, shouldRound) : Number
Difference between dateAfter and dateBefore in weeks. If shouldRound = true will round from the previous time unit.
ow.format.dateDiff.inYears(dateBefore, dateAfter) : Number
Difference between dateAfter and dateBefore in years.
ow.format.elapsedTime(aStartTime, aEndTime, aFormat) : String
Shortcut for ow.format.elapsedTime4ms calculating the absolute difference, in ms, between aStartTime and aEndTime.
ow.format.elapsedTime4ms(aMs, aFormat) : String
Given aMs (milleseconds) will convert into a string with the corresponding human-readable time and date components up to years. This is usually helpful when comparing dates (see also ow.format.elapsedTime). You can control the output format by adding options to aFormat:
aFormat = {
full : false, // when true outputs everything even if it's 0 value
abrev: false, // when true outputs smaller "1h2m3s" instead of "1 hour, 2 minutes and 3 seconds"
pad : false, // when true pads values with 0 on the left
colon: false, // when true outputs just values separated by ":"
sep : ", ", // customizes the values separator, defaults to ", " or "" (in case of abrev = true)
maxLeft : 7, // the maximum number of time units to show counting from the left
maxRight: 7 // the maximum number of time units to show counting from the right
ow.format.escapeHTML(aString) : String
Will escape, and return, aString for HTML/XML special characters.
(available after ow.loadFormat())
ow.format.escapeString(aString, aExceptString) : String
Will escape, and return, aString for RegExp special characters with the exception of any characters in aExceptString.
(available after ow.loadFormat())
ow.format.fromBinary(aString) : Number
Converts a provided binary aString into the decimal number.
ow.format.fromByte(aByte) : Number
Converts a byte info a decimal number.
ow.format.fromDate(aDate, aFormat, aTimeZone) : String
Will convert a javascript aDate into a String representation given aFormat:
G - Era descriptor (AD)
y - Year (1996; 96)
Y - Week year (2009; 09)
M - Month in year (July; Jul; 07)
w - Week in year (27)
W - Week in month (2)
D - Day in year (189)
d - Day in month (10)
F - Day of week in month (2)
E - Day name in week (Tuesday; Tue)
u - Day number of week (1 = Monday, ..., 7 = Sunday) (1)
a - Am/pm number (PM)
H - Hour in day (0-23)
k - Hour in day (1-24)
K - Hour in am/pm (0-11)
h - Hour in am/pm (1-12)
m - Minute in hour (30)
s - Second in minute (55)
S - Millisecond (978)
z - Time zone (Pacific Standard Time; PST; GMT-08:00)
Z - Time zone (-0800)
X - Time zone (-08; -0800; -08:00)
Optionally you can also provide aTimeZone (like 'America/New_York', 'Europe/London', 'UTC', ...)
(available after ow.loadFormat())
ow.format.fromHex(aString) : Number
Converts a provided hexadecimal aString into the decimal number.
ow.format.fromOctal(aString) : Number
Converts a provided octal aString into the decimal number.
ow.format.fromUnixDate(aUnixDate) : Date
Converts aUnixDate timestamp into a javascript Date.
ow.format.fromWedoDate(aWedoDate, aFormat) : String
Shortcut for ow.format.fromDate but using a wedo date. See ow.format.fromDate for more help.
(available after ow.loadFormat())
ow.format.fromWedoDateToDate(aWedoDate) : Date
Returns a date object from a wedo date. (available after ow.loadFormat())
ow.format.getActualTime(useAlternative) : Date
Retrieves the current actual time from NIST (through https). The current actual time will be returned in a Date. If useAlternative = true it will use now.httpbin.org (through http)
ow.format.getPublicIP() : Map
Uses the functionality provided by http://ifconfig.co to return a map with the apparent current public ip address, public hostname and a guess of country and city. Please be aware of the request limits of the service (around 1 request per minute).
ow.format.isWedoDate(aWedoDate) : boolean
Determines if the aWedoDate object is a wedo date type (returns true if yes, false otherwise).
(available after ow.loadFormat())
ow.format.round(aNumber, aDigits) : String
Will return aNumber rounded to 0 decimal digits or aDigits decimal digits.
(available after ow.loadFormat())
ow.format.string.bestPrefix(aString, anArrayOfStrings) : aString
Given anArrayOfStrings will try to find the best prefix string on that array for the provided aString. See ow.format.string.closest if you don't want to be based on the prefix.
var anArrayOfStrings = [ "/user", "/use", "/username", "/u" ];
ow.format.string.bestPrefix("/user/1", anArrayOfStrings); // Returns /user
ow.format.string.bestPrefix("/u1", anArrayOfStrings); // Returns /u
ow.format.string.bestPrefix("/userna", anArrayOfStrings); // Returns /user
ow.format.string.closest(aString, anArrayOfStrings, aThreshold) : aString
Given anArrayOfStrings will try to find the closest string on that array for the provided aString. If aThreshold is not provided a default value of 3 will be used. See ow.format.string.bestPrefix if you want to be based on the prefix.
var anArrayOfStrings = [ "/user", "/use", "/username", "/u" ];
ow.format.string.closest("/user/1", anArrayOfStrings); // Returns /user
ow.format.string.closest("/u1", anArrayOfStrings); // Returns /u
ow.format.string.closest("/userna", anArrayOfStrings); // Returns /user
ow.format.string.closest("/usernam", anArrayOfStrings); // Returns /username
ow.format.string.distance(aStringA, aStringB, maxOffset) : Number
Calculates the distance between aStringA and aStringB into the number of inserts, deletions and updates needed. If the maxOffset is not provided a value of 5 maximum characters difference will be used. (Currently based on Sift4)
ow.format.string.leftPad(aString, length, padExpression) : String
Using a padExpression will left pad aString for the given length.
ow.format.string.lsHash(aStringA, aStringB, dontCareDiffSize) : String
Generates a locality sensitive hash for aStringA. If aStringB is provided it will compute the hash difference between aStringA and aStringB returning a number (if 0 means the strings are almost identical; if 200 or higher means the strings are very different). Optionally you can indicate that the difference should care about differences in size dontCareDiffSize = true. This is based on https://github.com/trendmicro/tlsh/blob/master/js_ext.
Note: A aStringA and aStringB should be, at least, 512 characters long and have enough randomness to generate a proper hash.
ow.format.string.lsHashDiff(aHashA, aHashB, dontCareDiffSize) : String
From a previously created, with ow.format.string.lsHash, aHashA and aHashB will calculate the difference between them returning a number (if 0 means the strings are almost identical; if 200 or higher means the strings are very different). Optionally you can indicate that the difference should care about differences in size dontCareDiffSize = true. This is based on https://github.com/trendmicro/tlsh/blob/master/js_ext.
ow.format.string.progress(aNumericValue, aMax, aMin, aSize, aIndicator, aSpace) : String
Outputs an in-line progress bar given aNumericValue, aMax value, aMin value, the aSize of the bar and the aIndicator to use. If not provided, aMax defaults to aValue, aMin defaults to 0, aSize defaults to 5, aIndicator defaults to "#" and aSpace defaults to " ". Example:
loadLodash(); ow.loadFormat();
var arr = [-30, -25, -10, 0, 3, 5], max = _.max(arr), min = _.min(arr);
for(let i in arr) {
print(ow.format.string.progress(arr[i], max, min, 5, '-'));
ow.format.string.rightPad(aString, length, padExpression) : String
Using a padExpression will right pad aString for the given length.
ow.format.string.separatorsToUnix(aFilenamePath) : String
Tries to convert the provided aFilenamePath into a path with unix folder separators.
ow.format.string.separatorsToWindows(aFilenamePath) : String
Tries to convert the provided aFilenamePath into a path with windows folder separators.
ow.format.string.wordWrap(aString, maxWidth, newLineSeparator) : String
Given aString word wraps the text on it given the maxWidth length per line. Optionally you can provide a newLineSeparator otherwise '\n' will be used. (available after ow.loadFormat())
ow.format.testPort(aAddress, aPort, aCustomTimeout) : boolean
Tries to connect to aPort (e.g. 1234) on aAddress (e.g. If the connection is successfull it will disconnect and return true, otherwise it will return false. If aCustomTimeout (in ms) is defined, it will use that value as the timeout instead of the 1,5 seconds by default.
ow.format.testPublicPort(aPort) : Map
Uses the functionality provided by http://ifconfig.co to return a map with the result of testing if aPort is within public reach from your apparent current public ip address. Please be aware of the request limits of the service (around 1 request per minute).
ow.format.timeago(aDate) : String
Will output how much time ago aDate is (e.g. 2 years ago, 30 minutes ago, etc...).
(available after ow.loadFormat())
ow.format.toAbbreviation(aNumber, aDigits) : String
Returns a number abbreviation to "k", "m", "b", "t". Will round number to 2 decimals if aDigits doesn't provide a different decimal digits to round to.
(available after ow.loadFormat())
ow.format.toBinary(aNumber, aLength) : String
Converts a provided aNumber to the binary representation. Optionally you can provide a length for 0 left pad.
ow.format.toBytesAbbreviation(aNumber, aDigits) : String
Returns a number abbreviation to "bytes", "KB", "MB", "GB", "TB", etc. Will round number to 3 significant digits if aDigits doesn't provide a different number of precision digits to convert to.
(available after ow.loadFormat())
ow.format.toDate(aStringDate, aFormat) : Date
Will convert aStringDate into a javascript Date given aFormat:
G - Era descriptor (AD)
y - Year (1996; 96)
Y - Week year (2009; 09)
M - Month in year (July; Jul; 07)
w - Week in year (27)
W - Week in month (2)
D - Day in year (189)
d - Day in month (10)
F - Day of week in month (2)
E - Day name in week (Tuesday; Tue)
u - Day number of week (1 = Monday, ..., 7 = Sunday) (1)
a - Am/pm number (PM)
H - Hour in day (0-23)
k - Hour in day (1-24)
K - Hour in am/pm (0-11)
h - Hour in am/pm (1-12)
m - Minute in hour (30)
s - Second in minute (55)
S - Millisecond (978)
z - Time zone (Pacific Standard Time; PST; GMT-08:00)
Z - Time zone (-0800)
X - Time zone (-08; -0800; -08:00)
(available after ow.loadFormat())
ow.format.toHex(aNumber, aLength) : String
Converts a provided aNumber to the hexadecimal representation. Optionally you can provide a length for 0 left pad.
ow.format.toOctal(aNumber, aLength) : String
Converts a provided aNumber to the octal representation. Optionally you can provide a length for 0 left pad.
ow.format.toUnixDate(aDate) : Number
Returns a unix timestamp from the provided javascript aDate.
ow.format.toWedoDate(aStringDate, aFormat) : Map
Shortcut for using ow.format.toDate but converting the output into a wedo date.
(available after ow.loadFormat())
ow.format.transposeArrayLines(anLineArray) : Array
Given anLineArray transposes into a new array of lines.
ow.format.xls.autoFilter(aXLSSheet, aRange)
Applies a auto filter on the provided aXLSSheet object (from XLS.getSheet) to aRange.
ow.format.xls.autoFilter(sheet, "A1:D1");
ow.format.xls.getStyle(aXLS, aStyleMap)
Creates a cell styler object, for the aXLS object (XLS plugin object instance), given the provided aStyleMap. The aStyleMap can have the following keys to define a style:
- bold (boolean)
- italic (boolean)
- underline (boolean)
- strikeout (boolean)
- fontPoints (number)
- fontName (string)
- fontColor (string)
- wrapText (boolean)
- shrinkToFit (boolean)
- backgroundColor (string)
- foregroundColor (string)
- borderBottom (string)
- borderLeft (string)
- borderRight (string)
- borderTop (string)
- borderBottom (string)
- borderLeftColor (string)
- borderRightColor (string)
- borderTopColor (string)
- borderBottomColor (string)
- rotation (number)
- indention (number)
- valign ("top", "bottom", "center", "justify")
- align ("center", "centerSelection", "fill", "general", "justify", "left", "right")
Color names:\
aqua,auto,black,blue,blue_grey,bright_green,brown,coral,cornflower_blue,dark_blue,dark_green,dark_red,dark_teal, dark_yellow,gold,green,grey25,grey40,grey50,grey80,indigo,lavender,lemon_chiffon,light_blue,light_cornflower_blue, light_green,light_orange,light_turquoise,light_yellow,lime,maroon,olive_green,orange,orchid,pale_blue,pink,plum, red,rose,royal_blue,sea_green,sky_blue,tan,teal,turquoise,violet,white,yellow
Border names:
dash_dot,dash_dot_dot,dashed,dotted,double,hair,medium,medium_dash_dot,medium_dash_dot_dot,medium_dashed,none, slanted_dash_dot,thick,thin