- Doctrine Migration fixes #130 #131
- Check for revocation in metadata service
- Replace the Webauthn frontend solution. The homemade Typescript/React app is replaced with a Stimulus app.
- Drop PHP 7 support
- Move to Symfony 6.4
- Import buffer to prevent missing reference error ##64
- Add .env.dist required for deploy
- Added Github Action for tag release automation
- Added browserlist entry in package.json to ensure IE 11 support
- Update dependencies
- Add button for iOS devices requireing a gesture before FIDO can be used
- Add favicon
- Update dependencies
- Add X-UA-Compatible header to fix issues with embedded browsers
- Add monitoring endpoints /health and /info
- Update dependencies
- Move from security-checker to local-php-security-checker
- Disable unused fragments
- Log unknown attestation certificates
- Update dependencies
- Restore layout
- Add component_info for deployment
- Update translations
- Update dependencies
- Fix maximum index size and prevent DBAL JSON support ##25
- Add logging to syslog
- First release