Make the bundle SF6 proof. And upgrade code to be PHP 8.2 compatible All homestead and vagrant references have been removed. Minor changes required by the users of this bundle have been addressed mostly in #44
- Upgrade Composer dependencies to require Symfony 5 or 6
- Require PHP ^8.1
- Migrated to Github Actions for QA
- Removed the Vagrant 'dev' environment
- Install new Stepup-saml-bundle
Deprecation warning updates
- Use the AbstractController base controller
- Dropped support for PHP 5.6
- Dropped support for Symfony 4.3 and older
- Add support for SAML extensions
For this release the StateHandlerInterface and the AuthenticationService interface have been updated. If you implement these interfaces yourself, please implement these methods in your concrete implementations. Use the bundles implementations as inspiration or, if you do not use them, leave them unimplemented logic wise.
- Expose the Scoping -> RequesterIds on StateBasedAuthenticationService
- Expose Issuer on StateBasedAuthenticationService
- Upgrade Stepup-saml-bundle to version 4.1.8 #31
- Version pin Symfony 3.4 dependencies #31
- No change notes provided
Support Symfony 4.3 #30
RMT was used to write the change logs.
Applications implementing this bundle should handle uncaught exceptions, Include logging and showing an error page to the user.
- 26/04/2018 10:00 2.0.0 initial release
- 19/06/2018 10:00 2.1.0 initial release
- 25/04/2018 10:00 1.1.0 initial release
- 18/04/2018 11:50 1.1.0 initial release
- 15/02/2018 15:25 1.0.2 initial release