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ST-Link pinout

ST-Link is not required, you can flash using DFU mode without any additional hardware.

ST-Link pinout

Selected build time options

Option Values Description
DFPLAYER NO/YES Enable DFPlayer Voice support (Since 1.11.0+)
FLYSKY_GIMBAL NO/YES Enable FlySky FS-HZCZ03-ADJ gimbal support (Since 1.11.0+)
PCBI6X_ELRS NO/YES Enable ExpressLRS/CRSF configuration tool (LUA alternative)
PCBI6X_INAV NO/YES Enable INAV Lite radar screen
PCBI6X_HELLO NO/YES Example "Hello World" radio tool to help interested programmers to create their own
USB_VBUS NO/YES Enables detection of USB connection and removes main screen popup USB Connect option for USB_VBUS mod
USB_SERIAL NO/YES Enables USB Serial modes - Telemetry mirror or debug in DEBUG build.
PCBI6X_BACKLIGHT_MOD NO/YES Adds support for for backlight mod. Always enabled. (Since 1.11.0+)
USB_MSD NO/YES Enables USB Mass Storage mode.
AFHDS2A_LQI_CH 1-17 Injects RSSI at channel, default: 17
CRSF_UNINVERTED NO/YES Disable inversion of S.Port(CRSF), useful if you want to use ExpressLRS RX as TX option.(since 1.11.0+)
CRSF_EXTENDED_TYPES NO/YES Enable CRSF configuration parameters STRING and FLOAT types support.
FAKE_RSSI NO/YES Converts TRSS to RSSI data for receivers not sending RSSI.
EXTPWR_INVERT NO/YES Invert ext module power pin PC13 to allow use of P-MOSFET. (since 1.12.0+)
DEBUG NO/YES Enable DEBUG serial output
GVARS NO/YES Enable Global Variables
HELI NO/YES Enable Heli menu


docker run --rm -it -e "BOARD_NAME=i6x" -e "CMAKE_FLAGS=PCB=I6X HELI=NO GVARS=YES PCBI6X_INAV=NO PCBI6X_ELRS=YES DEBUG=NO" -v ${PWD}:/opentx ajjjjjjjj/opentx-docker-i6x

Images to use:

ajjjjjjjj/opentx-docker-i6x - to compile using recent GCC version with LTO, this is current default.

vitass/opentx-fw-build - to compile older versions (1.8.0 and older) using GCC 4.7.


ST-Link: sudo st-flash write <file_to_flash>.bin 0x08000000

STM32 USB DFU Mode: dfu-util -a0 -s 0x08000000:leave -d 0483:df11 -D <file_to_flash>.bin

APM32 USB DFU Mode: dfu-util -a0 -s 0x08000000:leave -d 314b:0106 -D <file_to_flash>.bin

Debug port

Use USB Serial mode for debug log or AUX Serial port TX located at PA9 PCB pad. Serial port runs @115200 bauds, 8N1.

STM32F072 Used peripherals and pin mapping


Channel 1: ADC              // ADC
Channel 2: TX1, TX3         // - not used - AUX Serial TX (USART1)
Channel 3: RX1, RX3         // AUX Serial RX (USART1)
Channel 4: TX1, TX2         // Telemetry TX DMA (TX2) (USART2), can be reused for A7105 SPI1 TX
Channel 5: RX1, RX2         // Telemetry RX DMA (TX2) (USART2), can be reused for A7105 SPI1 RX
Channel 6: RX2, RX3, RX4    // AUX4 Serial RX (USART4)
Channel 7: TX2, TX3, TX4    // - not used -

Exposed PADS

PA9     USART1_TX (AUX Serial TX)
PA10    USART1_RX (AUX Serial RX)

PB8     TIM16_CH1, I2C1_SCL
PB9     TIM17_CH1, I2C1_SDA

TX2 (PD5) USART2_TX (Telemetry)
PA15    USART2_RX, USB VBUS detection

PC9     TIM3_CH4 (Backlight PWM)
PC12    no useful AF
PC13    no AF, EXTMODULE Power switch
PC15    no AF. 

PD0     SPI2_NSS, I2S2_WS, CAN_RX       // slave select
PD1     SPI2_SCK, I2S2_CK, CAN_TX       // clock
PD3     SPI2_MISO, I2S2_MCK, USART2_CTS // out
PD4     SPI2_MOSI, I2S2_SD, USART2_RTS  // in
PD11    no useful AF

PF9     TIM15_CH1 (PPM IN)
PF10    TIM15_CH2 (PPM OUT)

TXD4    USART3/4_TX (AUX3 Serial TX - DFPlayer)
RXD4    USART3/4_RX (AUX4 Serial RX - FS-HZCZ03-ADJ Gimbal)


TIM1    Buzzer PWM
TIM2    -
TIM6    STM32F0 delays
TIM15   PPM (External module) + Trainer
TIM16   Internal RF

NVIC priorities

Cortex-M0 have only 2-bits NVIC priorities: 0-3 instead of 0-15: 
priority 6 becomes 2 (most probably OK),
priority 7 becomes 3 (OK), 
priority 8 becomes 0 (wrong).
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