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Releases: OpenTermsArchive/deployment


12 Jun 14:11
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2.0.2 - 2024-06-12

Full changeset and discussions: #46.

Development of this release was supported by the French Ministry for Foreign Affairs through its ministerial State Startups incubator under the aegis of the Ambassador for Digital Affairs.


  • Ensure configuration changes are taken into account on restart
  • Make refined playbook execution work with the start, stop and restart tags


04 Jun 15:36
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2.0.1 - 2024-06-04


  • Set up the Git-based databases at the proper locations
  • Make refined playbook execution work with the infrastructure tag


31 May 12:56
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2.0.0 - 2024-05-31

Full changeset and discussions: #41.

Development of this release was supported by the French Ministry for Foreign Affairs through its ministerial State Startups incubator under the aegis of the Ambassador for Digital Affairs.


  • Breaking: Replace all playbooks with a single deploy playbook; update your scripts by using ansible-playbook opentermsarchive.deployment.deploy and use tags to refine execution
  • Breaking: Change the federation-api deployment process to be a dependency of the source repository
  • Breaking: Require engine>=2 and federation-api>=v2
  • Breaking: Make ota_source_repository variable mandatory
  • Breaking: Define environment variables in a .env file instead of in inventory variables; move ota_engine_github_token, ota_engine_smtp_password, ota_engine_sendinblue_api_key, and ota_federated_api_smtp_password to a .env file placed next to the inventory file and rename them according to the new naming conventions in engine v2 and federation-api v2
  • Breaking: Rename ota_engine_declarations_branch to ota_source_repository_branch
  • Breaking: Rename ota_engine_declarations_directory to ota_directory
  • Breaking: Extract the PM2 config file pm2.config.cjs; provide this file next to the inventory file
  • Breaking: Remove the ota_engine_restart_delay variable; define this setting directly in the pm2.config.cjs
  • Breaking: Remove the ota_engine_github_bot_private_key variable in favor of the github-bot-private-key file; define the GitHub SSH private key in the github-bot-private-key


  • Breaking: Remove ota_reverse_proxy_federated_api_path config; define this path in your config/production.json under the key @opentermsarchive/federation-api: { basePath: "" }
  • Breaking: Remove ota_reverse_proxy_engine_path config; define this path in your config/production.json under the key @opentermsarchive/engine: { collection-api: { basePath: "" } }
  • Breaking: Remove obsolete ota_engine_config_path, ota_federated_api_branch, ota_federated_api_directory, and ota_federated_api_repo configs
  • Breaking: Remove obsolete update-declarations tag


22 May 13:33
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1.2.1 - 2024-05-22

Full changeset and discussions: #42.

Development of this release was supported by the French Ministry for Foreign Affairs through its ministerial State Startups incubator under the aegis of the Ambassador for Digital Affairs.


  • Fix dependencies installation


16 Apr 08:07
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1.2.0 - 2024-04-16

Full changeset and discussions: #39.

Development of this release was supported by the French Ministry for Foreign Affairs through its ministerial State Startups incubator under the aegis of the Ambassador for Digital Affairs.


  • Enable the deployment of the Open Terms Archive Engine and Federated API applications on a single server; refer to the added playbooks


08 Apr 07:52
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1.1.1 - 2024-04-08

Full changeset and discussions: #38.

Development of this release was supported by the French Ministry for Foreign Affairs through its ministerial State Startups incubator under the aegis of the Ambassador for Digital Affairs.


  • Update package metadata


14 Mar 14:04
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1.1.0 - 2024-03-14

Full changeset and discussions: #35.

Development of this release was supported by the French Ministry for Foreign Affairs through its ministerial State Startups incubator under the aegis of the Ambassador for Digital Affairs.


  • Enable configuration of engine restart delay with ota_engine_restart_delay variable


08 Mar 15:33
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1.0.0 - 2024-03-08

Full changeset and discussions: #34.

Development of this release was supported by the French Ministry for Foreign Affairs through its ministerial State Startups incubator under the aegis of the Ambassador for Digital Affairs.

No actual code changes were made in this release, but it signifies that the public API can now be considered stable.


20 Feb 16:09
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0.1.1 - 2024-02-20

Full changeset and discussions: #32.

Development of this release was supported by the French Ministry for Foreign Affairs through its ministerial State Startups incubator under the aegis of the Ambassador for Digital Affairs.


  • Ensure snapshots and versions repositories use correct SSH key


20 Feb 13:04
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0.1.0 - 2024-02-20

Full changeset and discussions: #30.

Development of this release was supported by the French Ministry for Foreign Affairs through its ministerial State Startups incubator under the aegis of the Ambassador for Digital Affairs.


  • Breaking: Extract embedded secrets and make them configurable; update your inventory to include secrets through configuration