Steps to install solc on Mac. Yes, it takes time. Yes, a lot of time.
brew update
brew upgrade
brew tap ethereum/ethereum
brew install ethereum
brew install solidity #It took around 40 minutes
brew linkapps solidity
For other guides refer to Installing solidity and Go Ethereum
Verify installation with solc --version
and geth version
Steps to install web3j on Mac.
brew tap web3j/web3j
brew install web3j
For more see Web3j Commend Line.
Verify installation with web3j version
Get IntelliJ
Setup IntelliJ and then go to Plugins -> Browse repositories -> Intellij-Solidity
Solidity contracts are in solidity directory.
We can recompile all of them and recreate java classes with ./
To run test fast we recommend ganache.
npm install -g ganache-cli