A background
(or map
, for short) file can be any type of bitmap image.
Each pixel on the image represent a space on the simulation world. World and
Seeder will parse the image to look for specific colors, which represent
special locations, called points of interest or POIs for short.
What follows is a list of every specific color and its meaning. For a
file to be considered valid, it needs to contain at least one of
each of these colors. Additional colors are ignored.
Color | RGB code | meaning |
House | |
#0000CC |
Work | |
#FFAA00 |
School | |
#FF5500 |
University | |
#FF00FF |
Party | |
#FFFF00 |
Shop | |
#00FF00 |
Park | |
Road |
Note that Road is currently unused, but is reserved for future possible upgrades.
A entities
file is a text file which contains a list of entities and their
Below is an example file with explanation (note that comments render the file invalid).
[count] <-- [count] keyword must appear only once at the beginning
1 of the file, followed by the number of entities that are
present in this file.
[entity] <-- Each entity starts with a [entity] keyword.
[infected] <-- If the keyword [infected] appears within the entity body,
the entity will be infected at the start of the simulation.
uid=0 <-- These properties are required for every entities.
worky=497 <-- End of required properties.
symptoms_resistance=0.3 <-- These properties are optional (a default value
virus_spread_chance=0.02 will be assigned).
ai=manAI <-- End of optional properties.
[/entity] <-- Each entity ends with a [/entity] keyword.
I also provided a sample entities
file. An explanation on how each
property affects an entity is found on Entity class code comments.