This is the documentation of MATLAB library for the benchmarking of quantum tomography (QT) methods. Installation instructions and basic examples are given at the home page.
- Getting started
- Tests specification
- Main functions
- qtb_startup - prepares library
- qtb_config - returns library configuration
- qtb_analyze - performs analyzes of a QT method
- qtb_report - reports benchmarks of the QT method
- qtb_compare - compares QT methods benchmarks
- qtb_tests - returns a set of all available tests
- Utils
- Helpers
- static_proto - generates protocol handler for static (non-adaptive) protocols
- iterative_proto - generates protocol handler for iterative protocols
- qn_state_analyze - wrapper for qubit state tomography analysis
- QT methods*
- Protocols
- proto_fmub - factorized mutually unbiased bases measurements
- proto_pauli - Pauli measurements of qubits
- proto_mub - mutually unbiased bases measurements
- proto_amub - adaptive mutually unbiased bases measurements
- Estimators
- Protocols
* Some other QT methods are not realized in MATLAB but presented in pyQTB library in Python.