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Deploy a GKE cluster

Robert Hagen edited this page Jun 18, 2020 · 10 revisions

This Terraform plan deploys a Kubernetes cluster in Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE).


  1. Define and configure the GCP project.

    1. Log into Google Cloud Platform using its CLI interface.

      $ gcloud auth login
    2. Create a new project in Google Cloud Platform and make it your default project.

      $ gcloud projects create cnseries-deployment
      Create in progress for [].
      Waiting for [operations/cp.8399975532101480302] to finish...done.
      Enabling service [] on project [cnseries-deployment]...
      Operation "operations/acf.7db11421-7961-43d0-94c3-9063cadc40c9" finished successfully.
      $ gcloud config set project cnseries-deployment
      Updated property [core/project].
    3. Map the newly defined project to your billing account.

      $ gcloud beta billing accounts list
      ACCOUNT_ID            NAME                OPEN  MASTER_ACCOUNT_ID
      012356-A12345-B12345  My Billing Account  True
      $ gcloud beta billing projects link cnseries-deployment --billing-account=012356-A12345-B12345
      billingAccountName: billingAccounts/012356-A12345-B12345
      billingEnabled: true
      name: projects/cnseries-deployment/billingInfo
      projectId: cnseries-deployment
    4. Enable the Kubernetes Engine API for your project (this takes a few minutes to complete).

      $ gcloud services enable
      Operation "operations/acf.c1e67633-3438-43a0-8929-61669cc6f6b3" finished successfully.
  2. Deploy the cluster using Terraform

    1. Create a terraform.tfvars file and add the following variables and their associated values.

      project = ""                           # The GCP project ID
      region = ""                            # The GCP region
    2. Initialize the Terraform providers.

      $ terraform init
    3. Validate the Terraform plan.

      $ terraform plan
    4. Apply the Terraform plan.

      $ terraform apply
  3. Access the Kubernetes cluster

    1. Update the kubeconfig file with the new cluster's information.

      $ gcloud container clusters get-credentials $(terraform output cluster_name) --region $(terraform output cluster_location) --project $(terraform output cluster_project)
    2. Verify the cluster nodes have been built and are in a Ready status.

      $ kubectl get nodes
      NAME                                                  STATUS   ROLES    AGE     VERSION
      gke-cnseries-testing-cnseries-testing-1e1ebbe6-6d3s   Ready    <none>   7m21s   v1.14.10-gke.36
      gke-cnseries-testing-cnseries-testing-c89de143-0710   Ready    <none>   7m53s   v1.14.10-gke.36
      gke-cnseries-testing-cnseries-testing-d320cbc7-rtm2   Ready    <none>   7m51s   v1.14.10-gke.36
  4. You are now ready to Deploy the CN‐Series Firewall.

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