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Releases: PanJiaChen/vue-element-admin

4.4.0 Update to vue-cli@4

21 Jun 13:42
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在新版本中将原来的 vue-cli@3 升级为 vue-cli@4

  • npm run dev 会自动开两个 tab #2944
  • npm run build:prod 页面白屏的问题 #3271

vue-cli 升级也非常简单,基本无需自己操作说明, 可参照

  1. 安装 最新版本@vue/cli
npm install -g @vue/cli
# OR
yarn global add @vue/cli
  1. 然后执行
vue upgrade


⚠️ Breaking Changes



vue-cli@3时代,使用VUE_CLI_BABEL_TRANSPILE_MODULES是 ok 的,但其实也是脆弱的,就比如在vue-cli@4时,vue-cli 引入babel-plugin-dynamic-import-node的逻辑就发生了变化,需要VUE_CLI_BABEL_TRANSPILE_MODULESVUE_CLI_BABEL_TARGET_NODE同时为 true 时才会生效,所以只要 vue-cli 的判断逻辑发生了变化,我们都需要做相对应的改动,或非常被动和耦合。所以我们在vue-cli@4版本中,不再通过VUE_CLI_BABEL_TRANSPILE_MODULES:true来设置,而是通过手动引入'babel-plugin-dynamic-import-node'的方式,具体见下一部分。


  1. .env.development文件中不在需要配置VUE_CLI_BABEL_TRANSPILE_MODULES = true,删除即可。

  2. 在命令行执行 npm install babel-plugin-dynamic-import-node -S -D

  3. babel.config.js 中添加插件

module.exports = {
  presets: ['@vue/cli-plugin-babel/preset'],
  env: {
    development: {
      plugins: ['dynamic-import-node']

具体 commit:2ea998f

Upgrade the original vue-cli @ 3 to vue-cli @ 4 in the new version.
Mainly to solve:

-npm run dev will automatically open two tags #2944 -npm run build: white screen issue on prod page #3271

The upgrade of vue-cli is also very simple, basically you don’t need to operate your own instructions, you can refer to

  1. Install the latest version @vue/cli
npm install -g @vue/cli
# OR
yarn global add @vue/cli
  1. Then execute
vue upgrade

The script will automatically upgrade for you

⚠️ Breaking Changes

One thing needs extra attention. In the new version, the control of lazy loading via VUE_CLI_BABEL_TRANSPILE_MODULES is abandoned.

Elimination reason

In the era of vue-cli@3, using VUE_CLI_BABEL_TRANSPILE_MODULES is ok, but it is actually fragile, as in vue-cli@4, vue-cli introduces babel-plugin-dynamic-import-node The logic ofhas changed, it needs to be VUE_CLI_BABEL_TRANSPILE_MODULES and VUE_CLI_BABEL_TARGET_NODE to be true at the same time, so as long as the judgment logic of vue-cli changes, we need to make corresponding changes, or be very passive and coupled . So in the vue-cli@4 version, we no longer set it by VUE_CLI_BABEL_TRANSPILE_MODULES: true, but by manually introducing 'babel-plugin-dynamic-import-node', see the next section for details.


  1. No need to configure VUE_CLI_BABEL_TRANSPILE_MODULES = true in the .env.development file, just delete it.

  2. Run npm install babel-plugin-dynamic-import-node -S -D

  3. The way to add the dynamic-import-node plugin in babel.config.js, see the next section for details.

module.exports = {
  presets: ['@vue/cli-plugin-babel/preset'],
  env: {
    development: {
      plugins: ['dynamic-import-node']

Detail commit:2ea998f


18 Jun 13:04
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🎉 新功能

  • 侧边栏 icon 支持 el-icon,在声明路由时直接使用 icon class 即可,例如:
meta: {
      title: 'Example',
      icon: 'example'
      icon: 'el-icon-s-help' //demo

🐛 修复

  • 修复 param2Obj 函数在参数中出现 == 时的 bug (#3100 by @mayunhai)
  • 修复 v-permission 不支持动态设置权限的 bug (#3251)

✨ 优化

  • chore: 在 webpack 构建时开启preload,提高首页加载速度(0bf61aa)
  • refactor: 修改所有 mock 文件为 commonjs,移除@babel/register(d3bd933)
  • 移除 package.json 中没有依赖到的 showdown (7702b3d by @Silentdoer)
  • 更新 element-ui 至 2.13.2 版本

🎉 Features

  • The sidebar icon supports el-icon, just use the icon class when declaring the route, for example:
meta: {
      title: 'Example',
      icon: 'example'
      icon: 'el-icon-s-help' //demo

🐛 Bugs

  • Fix the bug when param2Obj function appears with == in the parameter (#3100 by @mayunhai)
  • Fix the bug that v-permission does not support setting permissions dynamically (#3251)

✨ Optimization

  • chore: Turn on preload during webpack build to increase the homepage loading speed(0bf61aa)
  • refactor: Modify all mock files to commonjs, remove @babel/register(d3bd933)
  • Remove showdown which is not dependent on package.json (7702b3d by @Silentdoer)
  • Update element-ui to version 2.13.2

v4.3.0 Change Node Sass to Dart Sass

08 Jun 13:38
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⚠️ Breaking Changes

chore: change node-sass to dart-sass(#3040 by @Cat7373 )

/deep/ 已不适用,需要使用 ::v-deep进行替换

v4.3.0之前本项目都是基于node-sass进行构建的,但node-sass底层依赖 libsass,导致很多用户安装的特别的困难,尤其是 windows 用户,它强制用户在windows环境中必须安装python2Visual Studio才能编译成功。

所以为了解决这个问题,本项目在 v4.3.0修改为dart-sass进行构建,它能在保证性能的前提下大大简化用户的安装成本。通过这个 issue下面相关的评论就可以知道,安装 node-sass 是多么麻烦的一件事。

这里选择使用dart-sass还有一个更主要的原因,sass官方已经将dart-sass作为未来主要的的开发方向了,有任何新功能它都是会优先支持的,而且它已经在社区里稳定运行了很长的一段时间,基本没有什么坑了。dart-sass之所以容易安装,主要是因为它会被编译成纯 js,这样就可以直接在的 node 环境中使用。虽然这样它的运行速度会比基于 libsass的慢一些些,但这些速度的差异几乎可以忽略不计。整个社区现在都在拥抱dart-sass,我们没有理由拒绝!而且它的确大大简化了用户的安装成本。

目前vue-cli在选择sass预处理的时候也会默认优先使用dart-scss,相关 pr

相关的说明可以见该篇文章: Announcing Dart Sass

具体 dart-sass性能评测可见:Perf Report



npm uninstall node-sass

npm install sass -S -D

具体可见该: Pull Request


替换 node-sass 之后有一个地方需要注意,就是它不再支持之前 sass 的那种 /deep/ 写法,需要统一改为 ::v-deep 的写法。相关: issue

具体 demo:

.a {
  /deep/ {
    .b {
      color: red;

/* 修改为 */
.a {
  ::v-deep {
    .b {
      color: red;

不管你是否使用dart-sass,我都是建议你使用::v-deep的写法,它不仅兼容了 css 的>>>写法,还兼容了 sass /deep/的写法。而且它还是 vue 3.0 RFC 中指定的写法。

而且原本 /deep/ 的写法也本身就被 Chrome 所废弃,你现在经常能在控制台中发现 Chrome 提示你不要使用/deep/的警告。

更多: scope css 写法

⚠️ Breaking Changes

chore: change node-sass to dart-sass(#3040 by @Cat7373 )

/deep/ is no longer applicable, it needs to be replaced with ::v-deep

Before v4.3.0, this project was built based on node-sass, but node-sass low-level dependencies libsass, resulting in many users installing Especially difficult for Windows users, it forces users to install python2 and Visual Studio in the windows environment to compile successfully.

So in order to solve this problem, this project was modified to build dart-sass in v4.3.0, it can guarantee performance Under the premise of greatly simplifying the user's installation costs. Through this issue the relevant comments below can be known, install` Node-sass is such a troublesome thing.

There is a more important reason for choosing to use dart-sass here. Officially, sass has taken dart-sass as the main development direction in the future. Any new features will be supported first, and it It has been running steadily in the community for a long time, and there are basically no pits. The main reason why dart-sass is easy to install is because it will be compiled into pure js, so that it can be used directly in the node environment. Although its running speed will be slower than that based on libsass, the difference in these speeds is almost negligible. The entire community is now embracing dart-sass, and we have no reason to refuse! And it does greatly simplify the user's installation costs.

Currently, vue-cli will also prefer to use dart-scss by default when selecting sass preprocessing, related: pr

Related instructions can be found in this article: Announcing Dart Sass

Specific dart-sass performance evaluation can be seen: Perf Report

Upgrade plan

The upgrade is also very simple, requiring only two steps

npm uninstall node-sass

npm install sass -S -D

The upgrade can also be seen in detail: Pull Request is simple and only requires two steps

Not compatible

One thing to note after replacing node-sass is that it no longer supports the /deep/ writing style of sass before, and it needs to be changed to the writing style of ::v-deep. Related: issue

Concrete demo:

.a {
  /deep/ {
    .b {
      color: red;

/* change into */
.a {
  ::v-deep {
    .b {
      color: red;

Regardless of whether you use dart-sass or not, I suggest you use ::v-deep notation, which is not only compatible with the css >>> notation, but also compatible with sass /deep/ . And it's the way of writing specified in vue 3.0 RFC.

And the original writing of /deep/ itself was abandoned by Chrome. You can often find a warning in the console that Chrome reminds you not to use /deep/.

More: scope css writing


08 Jun 11:39
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🎉 新功能

  • 新增 plop store 模板,一键创建空 store 模板文件 (#2805 by @monkeycf)
  • 新增 在线 CodeSandbox,在线运行代码 (#2976)

🐛 修复

  • 修复 autocomplete 拼写错误 (#2191 by @mgbq)
  • 修复 Dashboard debounce bug (#2597 by @mayunhai)
  • 修复 登出时TagsView没有清除的 bug (#2632)
  • 修复 若干TagsViewbug (#2634, #2649)
  • 修复 Charts在被keep-alive后,resize 的 bug (#2922)
  • 修复 UserCard 中的拼错误 (#3056 by @echofly)
  • 修复 parseTime函数在 Safari中的 bug (#3066 by @Aisen60)
  • 修复 parseTime函数在在传入空值时的 bug (#3038 by @c-f-cooper)

✨ 优化

  • 默认请求不开启withCredentials,有跨域需求的请自行设置 (9538d1b)
  • 升级axios 版本,修复安全漏洞 (018c20a)
  • 升级element-ui2.13.0版本
  • 增加jsconfig.json 文件,以便让编辑器支持文件点击跳转 (#2609 by @FrancisSano)
  • 优化file-saver 的引入方式,通过 import 的方式引入 (#2347 by @gaoshijun1993)
  • 优化若干代码写法 (#2720,#2725,#2733,#2732,#2739,#2744,#2791 by @thaycacac)
  • 优化登出按钮的可点击区域 (#2896) by @wangshantao)
  • 优化mock-server (#2966 by @roblues)
  • 在开发环境中使用vue-cli 默认的 source-map以提高编译速度 (#3097)
  • 优化TagsView,当滚动时隐藏右键按钮 (#3118 by @AIME1991)

📖 文档

🎉 Features

  • Added plop store template (#2805 by @monkeycf)
  • Added CodeSandbox, could run code online (#2976)

🐛 Bugs

  • Fix spelling error of autocomplete (#2191 by @mgbq)
  • Fix Dashboard debounce bug (#2597 by @mayunhai)
  • Fix the bug that TagsView was not cleared when logging out (#2632)
  • Fix several TagsView bugs (#2634, #2649)
  • Fix "Charts" resize bug after being "keep-alive" (#2922)
  • Fix misspelling in UserCard (#3056 by @echofly)
  • Fix bug of parseTime function in Safari (#3066 by @Aisen60)
  • Fix bug of parseTime function when passing null value (#3038 by @c-f-cooper)

✨ Optimization

  • The default request does not enable withCredentials, please set it yourself if you have cross-domain requirements (9538d1b)
  • Upgrade axios version, fix security holes (018c20a)
  • Upgrade element-ui to 2.13.0 version
  • Add jsconfig.json file to let the editor support file click and jump (#2609 by @FrancisSano)
  • Optimize the way of importing file-saver, importing through import (#2347 by @gaoshijun1993)
  • Optimized some code writing (#2720,#2725,#2733,#2732,#2739,#2744,#2791 by @thaycacac)
  • Optimized the clickable area of ​​the logout button (#2896) by @wangshantao)
  • Optimized mock-server (#2966 by @roblues)
  • Use vue-cli default source-map in development environment to improve compilation speed (#3097)
  • Optimized TagsView, hide right button when scrolling (#3118 by @AIME1991)

📖 文档


27 May 08:27
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🐛 修复

  • 修复 charts 图表 在 keep-alive中的 bug(#2119)
  • 修复 同时引用多个 Tinymce 富文本 时的 bug(#2152)

✨ 优化

  • 添加 autoprefixerdevDependencies,避免有些情况下漏装的问题(#2097 by @bpzhang )
  • 优化 request.js 的错误处理 (#2160 @gaoshijun1993 )
  • dev proxy 的 target 修改为,避免修改了localhost的指向后,代理失效的问题(#2142)
  • Tinymce 富文本增加 language 选项(#2159)

🐛 Bugs

  • Fixed bug when charts in keep-alive (#2119)
  • Fixed bug when init multiple tinymces at the same time (#2152)

✨ Optimization

  • Add autoprefixer to devDependencies to avoid the problem of missing(#2097 by @bpzhang )
  • Optimized error handling for request.js (#2160 @gaoshijun1993 )
  • The target of the dev proxy is modified to, to avoid some people modifying the localhost pointer, the proxy is invalid(#2142)
  • Tinymce add language option(#2159)


21 May 02:59
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🎉 新功能

  • 新增 Spanish 文档 (#2070 by @yamelsenih )
  • vuex store 自动导入时支持嵌套文件夹 (#2047 by @yamelsenih )
  • svg 组件支持 通过外部 url 的方式引入 svg (#2052 )
  • 登录时支持携带 query (#2013 )

🐛 修复

  • 修复了 Dashboard 图表在移动端展示问题(#2060)
  • 修复重定向页面会在 vue-devtool中出现 bug(#2066 )
  • 修复切换用户权限时的 bug (#2072 )

✨ 优化

  • Tinymce 富文本优化为按需加载的形式 (#2102 )
  • Error Log 组件新增 清除 log 按钮(#2065 by @toruksmakto )
  • 优化 Right Panel 组件样式 (#2101 by @Liugq5713 )
  • 个人详情页 移动端适配(#2020)
  • 默认情况在生产环境中使用 MockJS模拟数据。若有需求请自己移除。(4ef0782)
  • 当页面跳转至 redirect的时候,面包屑不在变化(#2086 )。

⚠️ Breaking Changes

  • generate postcss.config.js instead of .postcssrc.js,与vue-cli保持一致

🎉 Features

🐛 Bugs

  • Fixed Dashboard chart showing issues on mobile#2060)
  • Fixed the redirect page will cause a bug in vue-devtool(#2066 )
  • Fixed bug when switching user permissions (#2072 )

✨ Optimization

  • Dynamic import Tinymce(#2102 )
  • Error Log component added Clear log button(#2065 by @toruksmakto )
  • Optimize the right panel component style (#2101 by @Liugq5713 )
  • Profile page mobile adapter(#2020)
  • By default, MockJS is used to simulate data in a production environment. Please remove it if you need it.(4ef0782)
  • When the page jumps to redirect, the breadcrumbs are not changing (#2086).

⚠️ Breaking Changes

  • generate postcss.config.js instead of .postcssrc.js, consistent with vue-cli


05 May 09:05
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🎉 新功能

  • 页面title修改为动态的,会随着页面的变化而变化,不再是写死的 (#1910 by @ren8179 )
  • 新增 profile 个人详情页 (#1953 by @tuandm )
  • 国际化新增了日语 (#1999 by @linzhengen )

🐛 修复

✨ 优化

  • 全面优化了代码注释
  • 优化了部分全局 css
  • 为公用函数增加了JSDoc注释 (#1883 by @tuandm )
  • Tinymce 增加了 width 参数 (#1952 by @ansonhorse )
  • login 页面的 input 增加 tabindex 使其支持 tab 切换 (#1933 by @toruksmakto )
  • 优化了设置了 fixedHeader 情况下滚动效果 (e8e6c7e)

⚠️ Breaking Changes

  • master 分支将默认不在支持国际化,所有国际化内容移至 i18n 分支 (#1828)
  • 修改Breadcrumb的参数名 noredirect => noRedirect(4ee334a)
  • 全局优化了文件名 (#1884) 详情命名规则见文档
  • Tinymce 改用 cdn 引入的方式 (#1996 )

🎉 Features

  • The title of the page is now dynamic and will change as the page changes. It is no longer written dead. (#1910 by @ren8179 )
  • Add profile profile page (#1953 by @tuandm )
  • i18n added Japanese lang (#1999 by @linzhengen )

🐛 Bugs

✨ Optimization

  • Optimized code comments
  • Optimized some global css
  • Added JSDoc comment to global function (#1883 by @tuandm )
  • Tinymce added the width prop (#1952 by @ansonhorse )
  • The input of the login page adds tabindex to support tab switching. (#1933 by @toruksmakto )
  • Optimized the scrolling effect when fixedHeader is set (e8e6c7e)

⚠️ Breaking Changes

  • The master branch will not support i18n by default, and i18n will be moved to i18n branch (#1828)
  • Modify the parameter name of Breadcrumb noredirect => noRedirect(4ee334a)
  • Globally optimized file name (#1884) For details of naming rules, see Documentation
  • Import Tinymce from cdn (#1996 )


10 Apr 07:55
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🎉 新功能

  • 修改 vuex 模块为自动导入(#1815 by @Estelle00 )
  • 新增 mock-server 支持热更新 (#1850 )
  • 侧边栏新增 高亮选项 activeMenu,可手动配置路由需要高亮的侧边栏(#1833 )

🐛 修复

  • 修复了侧边栏 scrollbar 滚动慢和定位问题(#1853 )
  • 修复了 Guide demo 页面的 bug (184125b , 25414f1)
  • 修复了 在设置了 FixedHeader 情况下,页面布局的 bug(a8c6e11)
  • 修复 tags-view 关闭最后一个页面是首页的时候出现的 bug(#1866 by @de1ck )
  • 修复了 tags-view 的层级问题(c923726)
  • 修复了 error-log 的层级问题(#1844 by @ansonhorse )
  • 修复了 drag-list demo 在 Firefox 下的 bug (#1841)
  • 修复了在使用cnpm安装模块后,optimization.splitChunks 失效的问题(c833cb6)
  • 修复了侧边栏 Sidebar 在设置了alwaysShow: true 外链跳转失效问题 (#1870)

✨ 优化

🎉 Features

  • Modify the vuex module to auto import(#1815 by @Estelle00 )
  • Added mock-server support for hot reload (#1850 )
  • Sidebar adds a highlight option activeMenu to manually configure the route to highlight in the sidebar (#1833)

🐛 Bugs

  • Fixed sidebar scrollbar scrolling slow and positioning problem(#1853 )
  • Fixed bug on Guide demo page(184125b , 25414f1)
  • Fixed style bugs with FixedHeader set(a8c6e11)
  • Fixed tags-view the bug that occurred when closing the last page was the home page (#1866 by @de1ck )
  • Fixed a problem with the tags-view z-index(c923726)
  • Fixed a problem with the error-log z-index(#1844 by @ansonhorse )
  • Fixed bug with drag-list demo in Firefox (#1841)
  • Fixed optimization.splitChunks failed after installing modules with cnpm(c833cb6)
  • Fixed Sidebar setting alwaysShow: true external link bug(#1870)

✨ Optimization

  • Login page, add capitalization prompt when write password (#1845 by @mayunhai )


01 Apr 10:12
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  • 基于 vue-cli@3进行构建

  • 调整了项目的目录结构

    • mock 文件移至根目录下
    • layout 从 views 文件夹下移至 src 下
  • 使用了最新的 eslint-plugin-vue@5,重新格式化了代码

  • 现在可以在不刷新页面的情况下 remove routes

  • 更新了husky@1.3.1

  • 增加了 jest 单元测试

  • 新增了 npm run previewnpm run test:uninpm run new指令

  • 使用了新的 mock 方式,解决了之前 mock 若干问题

  • vuex 启用了 模块化 namespaced

  • 新增了 settings.js,让 sidebarLogo、fixedHeader、TagsViews 等都可配置

  • 新增了 sidebar logo

  • 重构了侧边栏 sidebar 代码逻辑,并且优化了样式和展开收起动画,同时让二级菜单内容过多时支持滚动

  • 使用了 async/await 替代了部分 promise 代码

  • 增加了 header-search 组件 #1591

  • 增加了 fearure[TagsView]: add affix porperty #1577

  • 移除了 tree-table 组件。 element-ui v2.7.0 开始支持tree-table,所以不再独立维护。

  • 增加了权限配置 demo

  • 增加了导出多级表头 excel 的 demo

  • feature[Directive]: add auto-height table directive


  • 更好的多级页面的缓存:目前页面的缓存基于keep-alive,但当三级路由嵌套的情况下,支持的并不好。之后探索一个更好的解决方案。
  • 单元测试:当项目大了之后,没有单元测试维护起来还是有些吃力的。
    之后会慢慢补上 unit-test 的测试用例。 酌情加上一些e2e-test的例子。
  • 去国际化:其实大部分人是不需要国际化的,默认情况下移除国际化。单独开一个国际化分支。
  • 适配 webpack5:webpack5 还是解决了不少之前的痛点的,正式版发布之后会进行升级
  • vue 3.0: 等官方发布之后会基于新版本进行重构

The v4.0 version was officially released.

Breaking Changes

  • Build based on vue-cli@3

  • Adjusted the directory structure

    • Mock file move to root directory
    • Layout from the views folder to src
  • Reformatted the code with the latest eslint-plugin-vue@5

  • You can now remove routes without refreshing the page.

  • Updated husky@1.3.1

  • Added jest unit test

  • Added npm run preview, npm run test:uni, npm run new directive

  • Using the new mock method, solved some problems with the previous mock

  • vuex use namespaced

  • Added settings.js to make sidebarLogo, fixedHeader, TagsViews, etc. configurable

  • Add sidebar logo

  • Refactored the sidebar code logic and optimized the style and unfolding the animation

  • Use Async/await

  • Add header-search #1591

  • Add fearure[TagsView]: add affix porperty #1577

  • Remove tree-table. element-ui v2.7.0 started to support tree-table, so it is no longer maintained independently.

  • Added permission configuration demo

  • Added demo to export multi-level header excel

  • feature[Directive]: add auto-height table directive #1702 (by @yuntao1997 )


  • Better multi-level page caching: The current page cache is based on keep-alive, but when the three-level routing is nested, the support is not good. Then explore a better solution.
  • Unit testing: When the project is big, it is still a little difficult to maintain without unit testing.
    The unit-test test case will be added slowly. Add some examples of e2e-test as appropriate.
  • Remove i18n: In fact, most people do not need to be i18n. Open a i18n branch separately.
  • Adapting webpack5: webpack5 still solves a lot of pain points before, the upgrade will be upgraded after the official version is released.
  • vue 3.0: vue 3.0: Refactoring based on the new version after official release


28 Mar 06:23
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注意:这是 v4.0 版本之前最后的一个版本更新了。之后除非有重大bug,不然 v3.x.x版本将不再继续迭代。

Note: This is the last version update before the v4.0 version. After that, unless there is a major bug, the v3.x.x version will not continue to iterate.