Animations are a very important part of many huds. The biggest example of an animation is buffed or low health changing color and flashing.
The manifest file defines what animations files should be used. In the default hud, this file is simply:
"file" "scripts/hudanimations.txt"
"file" "scripts/hudanimations_tf.txt"
Where each "file" points to an animation file.
It's worth mentioning this because some huds will add their own animations files. One of the main reasons being, if all edited animations are in their own file, then hudanimations_tf.txt can not exist in the hud files and be loaded from the vpk, which will automatically update it whenever tf2 updates.
If an animations appears in multiple files in the manifest, the one that appears first will be loaded. For example, since "LevelInit" appears in both hudanimations.txt and hudanimations_tf.txt, tf2 will use the one found in hudanimations.txt because it is loaded first.
Hudanimations_tf.txt is where nearly all animations used in tf2 are stored. It comes with a helpful comment at the top that describes most of what you can do in an animation file:
// sample animation script
// commands:
// Animate <panel name> <variable> <target value> <interpolator> <start time> <duration>
// variables:
// FgColor
// BgColor
// Position
// Size
// Blur (hud panels only)
// TextColor (hud panels only)
// Ammo2Color (hud panels only)
// Alpha (hud weapon selection only)
// SelectionAlpha (hud weapon selection only)
// TextScan (hud weapon selection only)
// interpolator:
// Linear
// Accel - starts moving slow, ends fast
// Deaccel - starts moving fast, ends slow
// Spline - simple ease in/out curve
// Pulse - < freq > over the duration, the value is pulsed (cosine) freq times ending at the dest value (assuming freq is integral)
// Flicker - < randomness factor 0.0 to 1.0 > over duration, each frame if random # is less than factor, use end value, otherwise use prev value
// Gain - < bias > Lower bias values bias towards 0.5 and higher bias values bias away from it.
// Bias - < bias > Lower values bias the curve towards 0 and higher values bias it towards 1.
// RunEvent <event name> <start time>
// starts another even running at the specified time
// StopEvent <event name> <start time>
// stops another event that is current running at the specified time
// StopAnimation <panel name> <variable> <start time>
// stops all animations refering to the specified variable in the specified panel
// StopPanelAnimations <panel name> <start time>
// stops all active animations operating on the specified panel
// SetFont <panel name> <fontparameter> <fontname from scheme> <set time>
// SetTexture <panel name> <textureidname> <texturefilename> <set time>
// SetString <panel name> <string varname> <stringvalue> <set time>
The events themselves look like this:
event OpenWeaponSelectionMenu
StopEvent CloseWeaponSelectionMenu 0.0
StopEvent WeaponPickup 0.0
// make the display visible
Animate HudWeaponSelection Alpha "128" Linear 0.0 0.1
Animate HudWeaponSelection SelectionAlpha "255" Linear 0.0 0.1
Animate HudWeaponSelection FgColor "FgColor" Linear 0.0 0.1
//Animate HudWeaponSelection TextColor "BrightFg" Linear 0.0 0.1
Animate HudWeaponSelection TextScan "1" Linear 0.0 0.1
To describe this animation, it stops other animations that might interfere with it, and gradually (over a tenth of a second) makes the HudWeaponSelection element visible.
An important technique is to create loops, by using two animations that RunEvent eachother.
//Health Bonus Pulse
event HudHealthBonusPulse
Animate PlayerStatusHealthBonusImage Alpha "255" Linear 0.0 0.2
Animate PlayerStatusHealthBonusImage Alpha "0" Linear 0.2 0.4
RunEvent HudHealthBonusPulseLoop 0.4
// call to loop HudHealthBonusPulse
event HudHealthBonusPulseLoop
RunEvent HudHealthBonusPulse 0.0
event HudHealthBonusPulseStop
StopEvent HudHealthBonusPulse 0.0
StopEvent HudHealthBonusPulseLoop 0.0
This animation will make the PlayerStatusHealthBonusImage element appear and then disappear, and then run an event that immediately runs the original event again. The result is that the PlayerStatusHealthBonusImage will flash repeatedly, until the HudHealthBonusPulseStop event happens and it stops being animated.
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