LevelInit |
Triggered whenever a map is loaded |
OpenWeaponSelectionMenu |
CloseWeaponSelectionMenu |
MenuOpen |
Side map vote / voice menu open |
MenuClose |
Side map vote / voice menu close |
MenuPulse |
TimerIncrement |
TimerDecrement |
ResourceIncrement |
ResourceDecrement |
ResourcePickup |
HintMessageShow |
HintMessageHide |
KeyHintMessageShow |
KeyHintMessageHide |
HudHealthBonusPulse |
Overheal |
HudHealthBonusPulseLoop |
Loop event for HudHealthBonusPulse |
HudHealthBonusPulseStop |
No longer overhealed |
HudHealthDyingPulse |
Health below HealthDeathWarning (49% by default) |
HudHealthDyingPulseLoop |
Loop event for HudHealthDyingPulse |
HudHealthDyingPulseStop |
No longer below HealthDeathWarning |
HudLowAmmoPulse |
Ammo below half |
HudLowAmmoPulseLoop |
Loop event for HudLowAmmoPulse |
HudLowAmmoPulseStop |
No longer below half ammo |
ControlPointIconShrink |
ControlPointIconGrow |
AccountMoneyRemoved |
AccountMoneyAdded |
AccountMoneyInvisible |
FlagOutlineHide |
FlagOutline |
HudSpyDisguiseChanged |
HudSpyDisguiseHide |
HudSpyDisguiseFadeIn |
HudSpyDisguiseFadeOut |
OvertimeShow |
HudSnapShotReminderIn |
Reminds the player how to screenshot when viewing the death freeze panel |
HudReplayTipIn |
Reminds the player how to save a replay when viewing the death freeze panel |
HudReplayTipOut |
Hides replay reminder when freeze panel ends |
HudTournamentSetupPanelOpen |
Opens the team name and ready status in mp_tournament 1 |
HudTournamentSetupPanelClose |
Closes the team name and ready status in mp_tournament 1 |
HudMedicCharged |
Reaching 100% ubercharge |
HudMedicChargedLoop |
Loop event for HudMedicCharge |
HudMedicChargedStop |
When ubercharge reaches 0% |
VideoCaptionFadeIn |
VideoCaptionFadeOut |
ArenaVsPanelOnShow |
ArenaVsPanelSlideIn |
ArenaVsPanelSlideOut |
HudCartAlarmPulse |
HudCartAlarmPulseLoop |
HudCartAlarmPulseStop |
ActiveTimerBGPulse |
koth, tf_use_match_hud 0 |
ActiveTimerHighlight |
koth, when a team captures the point, tf_use_match_hud 1 |
ActiveTimerDim |
koth, when a team loses the point, the final visual result is what an inactive timer will use by default, tf_use_match_hud 1 |
OvertimeLabelPulseRed |
Pulses the overtime text red |
SuddenDeathLabelPulseRed |
Pulses the sudden death text red |
TeamsFullArrowAnimate |
TeamsFullArrowAnimateLoop |
TeamsFullArrowAnimateEnd |
TrainingHudBounce |
TrainingPressSpacebarBlink |
TrainingPressSpacebarBlinkLoop |
TrainingPressSpacebarBlinkStop |
IntroMovieContinueBlink |
IntroMovieContinueBlinkLoop |
IntroMovieContinueBlinkStop |
HasMOTDBlink |
HasMOTDBlinkLoop |
HasMOTDBlinkStop |
HasNotificationsBlink |
HasNotificationsBlinkLoop |
HasNotificationsBlinkStop |
AddToCartBlink |
NotificationsPresentBlink |
NotificationsPresentBlinkLoop |
NotificationsPresentBlinkStop |
DamagedPlayer |
Did damage to someone |
SpyWarningFlash |
SpyWarningFlashLoop |
SpyWarningFlashEnd |
HudReadyPulse |
Pulses the ready up instructions in tournament or MVM mode |
HudReadyPulseLoop |
Loops for HudReadyPulse |
HudReadyPulseEnd |
Ends the ready up pulse when player is ready |
RespecEarnedPulse |
RespecEarnedPulseLoop |
RespecEarnedPulseEnd |
RespecEarnedPulseLoss |
RespecEarnedPulseLoopLoss |
RespecEarnedPulseEndLoss |
RDPositiveScorePulse |
RDNegativeScorePulse |
QuestNotification_Present |
QuestNotification_Hide |
ItemCard_ShowPinHint |
ItemCard_HidePinHint |
ItemCard_ShowCloseButton |
ItemCard_HideCloseButton |
QuestItem_StaticPhoto_Reveal |
HideStamp |
CollectionCrafting_Intro |
CollectionCrafting_LetterStart |
CollectionCrafting_PlaceStamp |
CollectionCrafting_LetterSend |
StartParticle0 |
StartParticle1 |
StartParticle2 |
ShowFoundLabels |
CollectionCrafting_ItemRecieved |
CollectionCrafting_OKBlink_Repeatable |
CollectionCrafting_OKBlink |
CollectionCrafting_ShowSendButton |
CollectionCrafting_ShowWaiting |
CollectionCrafting_HideWaiting |
CollectionCrafting_ShowFailure |
CollectionCrafting_WaitForItemsOnly |
QuestItem_Identify_Expand |
QuestItem_Identify_Collapse |
QuestItem_Complete_Expand |
QuestItem_Complete_Collapse |
QuestItem_Complete_Progress |
QuestItem_Options_Flash |
QuestItem_Expand |
QuestItem_Collapse |
QuestItem_TurningIn |
QuestItem_Reset |
QuestItem_Operation2_Expand |
QuestItem_Operation2_Collapse |
QuestItem_Operation2_TurningIn |
QuestItem_Operation2_Reset |
QuestItem_DisableFrontMouse |
QuestItem_EnableFrontMouse |
QuestItem_Expand_Halloween |
QuestItem_Collapse_Halloween |
QuestItem_Reset_Halloween |
QuestItem_Front_Selected |
QuestItem_Front_OtherSelected |
QuestItem_Front_NoneSelected |
QuestItem_Back_Selected |
QuestItem_Back_OtherSelected |
QuestItem_Back_NoneSelected |
QuestItem_Highlight_On_Halloween |
QuestItem_Highlight_Off_Halloween |
CompetitiveGame_LowerChatWindow |
CompetitiveGame_RestoreChatWindow |
HudTournament_MoveChatWindow |
HudTournament_MoveTimerDown |
HudTournament_AnimateTeams_In |
HudTournament_AnimateTeams_Out |
HudMatchStatus_ShowMatchStartDoors |
HudMatchStatus_ShowRankMatch |
HudMatchStatus_ShowCountdown |
HudTournament_DoorsCleanup |
PlayDoorSlamParticles |
PlayDoorCloseAnim |
PlayDoorOpenAnim |
HudTournament_ShowTimerCompetitive |
Shows count down when a player is ready in competitive mode |
HudTournament_ShowTimerDefault |
Shows count down when a player is ready in MvM |
HudTournament_HideTimer |
HudTournament_ShowRoundSign |
HudTournament_PlaySignAnim |
TeamStatus_PlayerDead |
Match hud, when a player dies, tf_use_match_hud 1 |
TeamStatus_PlayerAlive |
Match hud, when a player respawns, tf_use_match_hud 1 |
HudMatchStatus_ShowMatchWinDoors |
HudMatchStatus_ShowMatchWinDoors_NoOpen |
HudMatchSummary_SlideInPanels |
Shows scores at the end of a casual match |
MMenu_PlayList_Expand |
MMenu_PlayList_Collapse |
MMenu_PlayList_Collapse_Immediate |
MMenu_SafeMode_Blink |
PvPRankModelClicked |
PvPRankLevelUpXPBar |
PvPRankLevelUpModel |
PvPRankLevelDownXPBar |
PvPRankLevelDownModel |
CompetitiveGame_ShowPvPRankPanel |
PvPRankPanelShowXPChange |
PyroVsHeavyWar_ShowChooseScene |
PyroVsHeavyWar_PyroWinnerScene |
CasualCategory_Checkbox_Hide |
CasualCategory_Checkbox_Show |
CasualCategory_Selected |
Removes dimming effect when a category is selected |
CasualCategory_NotSelected |
Dimming effect in the casual matchmaking hud for category selection |
HealthProgressBar_Selected |
Removes dimming effect when a map is selected |
HealthProgressBar_NotSelected |
Dimming effect in the casual matchmaking hud for single map selections |
MMenu_UpdateButton_StartGlow |
MMenu_UpdateButton_SubtleGlow |
XPSourceShow_Positive |
XPSourceShow_Negative |
SurveyShowSequence |
SurveySubmitSequence |
SurveyDelete |
SurveyHideSequence |
MapVoted |
WinningNextMapVote |
LosingNextMapVote |
QuestMap_Start |
Show contracker and its components |
QuestMap_MapLoaded |
Clear the static |
QuestMap_LoadingLoop |
QuestMap_StaticFadeOut |
QuestMap_StaticBar1Loop |
QuestMap_StaticBar2Loop |
QuestMap_StaticBarOverlayLoop |
QuestMap_StaticBarOverlayBrighten |
QuestMap_StaticBarOverlayDarken |
QuestNodeView_PinTipHighlight |
QuestMapIntro_StageReveal |
QuestMapIntro_ShowStage |
QuestMapIntro_ClearStage |
QuestNodeView_QuestPurchased |
QuestViewSubPanel_QuestPurchased |
QuestViewSubPanel_SelectMouseOver |
QuestViewSubPanel_SelectMouseExit |
QuestMap_ShowLegend |
QuestMap_HideLegend |
QuestMap_CreditNotificationAcknowledge |
QuestMap_CreditHideAnim |
QuestMap_CreditNotificationShow |
QuestMap_CreditShowAnim |
ObjectiveCompletedByUser |
QuestReport_ContractComplete |
QuestReport_ContractProgress |
ObjectiveCompletionFanfare |
ObjectiveCompletionFanfareEnd |
RegionZoom |
Entering a folder in the contracker |
StartRegionZoomIn |
StartRegionZoomOut |
EndRegionZoomIn |
EndRegionZoomOut |
DelayQuestMapClose |
Close contracker when power switch is set to off |