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931 lines (869 loc) · 52.1 KB

File metadata and controls

931 lines (869 loc) · 52.1 KB

File list

This is a master reference for all files used by tf2 huds.

For images of some of these files to make it clear what they might be, see here.


File Description
chapterbackgrounds.txt Controls the random backgrounds and characters that appear on the mainmenu
hudanimations.txt Controls hl2 animations
hudanimations_manifest.txt Controls which animations files are used
hudanimations_tf.txt Controls the majority of animations
hudlayout.res Controls the positioning of the majority of elements
mod_textures.txt Controls many miscellaneous icons and textures (such as killfeed icons)


File Description
chatscheme.res Like clientscheme, but for the chat box
chat_english.txt Controls some chat-related localization. Can add new localization to custom HUDs.
clientscheme.res Controls definitions for font declarations, font sizes, colors, borders
closecaption_english.dat Controls captions
closecaption_english.txt Source file to compile into closecaption_english.dat. Also acts as localization like chat_english.txt
gamemenu.res Controls tooltips, visibility ingame/inmenu, etc. of some main menu elements
sourcescheme.res Like clientscheme, but for old-style windows like the console

Of note, you can create custom closecaption files that can be named whatever you want (as long as they start with closecaption_). That said, they must have both the .dat and .txt file, though the .txt doesn't matter and can be completely blank (closecaption_english.txt is unnecessary, since it exists in the vpk's). These files can be loaded with the console command:

cc_lang custom // will load "resource/closecaption_custom.dat", the rest is implied

As well, custom localization can be added to chat_english.txt, or other languages. The full list of valid languages is:



File Description
abusereportsubmitdialog.res Abuse report compilation menu
achievementsdialog.res Achievements menu
annotationspanelcallout.res Ingame callout panel, arrows used in training mode
basechat.res Ingame chatbox
casualrankpanel.res Rank panel specifics for casual menu
casualwelcomedialog.res No longer in use
charinfoarmorysubpanel.res Mann co. Catalog
charinfoloadoutsubpanel.res Main loadout menu, contains buttons for each TF2 class as well as backpack, crafting, catalog, trading and warpaints
charinfopanel.res Loadout pages header and footer
chatpopup.res Party popup messages
cheatdetectiondialog.res Dialog displayed when a player gets detected with cheats
classloadoutpanel.res Class loadout menu
classmenu.res Contains the parent element of classselection.res
classselection.res Ingame class selection menu
classselection_sc.res Ingame Class selection menu [for steam controller]
classtipsitem.res Class tips displayed in the class selection screen [part of classselection.res]
classtipslist.res Contains the parent element of classtipsitem.res
coachedbypanel.res Ingame Coach panel, information shown when you're being coached [also in HudLayout.res > CoachedByPanel]
competitiveaccessinfo.res Competitive Menu - requirements needed for access message
competitivewelcomedialog.res No longer in use
comprankpanel.res Rank panel specifics for competitive menu
comprankstooltip.res Competitive Menu - shows the list of the achievable competitive mode ranks
compstats.res Competitive Menu - list of previous games played and statistics menu
confirmabandondialog.res Server disconnect confirmation dialog
controlpointcountdown.res Control point activation countdown
controlpointicon.res Control point icons used for CP, Koth, A/D gamemodes, includes the amount and icon of players capping [also in HudLayout.res > HudControlPointIcons]
controlpointprogressbar.res Control Point capture progress circle bar
craftingpanel.res Crafting Panel
craftingstatusdialog.res Successful crafting confirmation dialog
dashboardpartymember.res Dashboard's party members (avatar, name and status)
disguisestatuspanel.res Current spy disguise status [also in HudLayout.res > DisguiseStatus]
dynamicrecipepanel.res Killsteak Kits recipe menu
enemycountpanel.res MvM - attacking robots wave icons
explanationpopup.res Explanation messages box properties
flagstatus.res Flag icon and arrow [part of hudobjectiveflagpanel.res]
freezepanelcallout.res Indicates your body parts after death [also in HudLayout.res > FreezePanelCallout]
freezepanelkillerhealth.res Enemy health displayed on the freezecam [part of freezepanel_basic.res]
freezepanel_basic.res Freezecam of your killer [also in HudLayout.res > FreezePanel]
globalchat.res Dashboard's party chat
globalexplanations.res Explanations for casual, competitive, tutorial, warpaints, loadout, store
healthiconpanel.res Teammates health displayed above their head [only visible with tf_hud_target_id_disable_floating_health "0"]
hudaccountpanel.res Engineer metal count [also in HudLayout.res > CHudAccountPanel]
hudachievementtrackeritem.res On screen achievement progress tracking panel [also in HudLayout.res > HudAchievementTracker]
hudalert.res Incoming team balance warning [also in HudLayout.res > HudAlert]
hudammoweapons.res Personal ammo in clip and ammo in reserve [also in HudLayout.res > HudWeaponAmmo]
hudarenacappointcountdown.res Arena - control point activation countdown [also in HudLayout.res > HudArenaCapPointCountdown]
hudarenaclasslayout.res Arena - team composition panel [also in HudLayout.res > HudArenaClassLayout]
hudarenanotification.res Arena - notifications and tips [also in HudLayout.res > HudArenaNotification]
hudarenaplayercount.res Arena - alive palyers count [also in HudLayout.res > HudArenaPlayerCount]
hudarenateammenu.res Arena - Spectate/Fight selection menu
hudarenateammenu_sc.res Arena - Spectate/Fight selection menu [for steam controller]
hudarenavspanel.res Arena - Blue VS Red panel [also in HudLayout.res > HudArenaVsPanel]
hudarenawinpanel.res Arena - End round win/loss panel + scoreboard [also in HudLayout.res > ArenaWinPanel]
hudbosshealth.res Healthbar for Halloween bosses [also in HudLayout.res > HudBossHealth]
hudbowcharge.res Old charge meter for Huntsman [also in HudLayout.res > HudBowCharge]
hudcurrencyaccount.res MvM - Player's collected currency
huddamageaccount.res Damage numbers when hitting other players [also in HudLayout.res > CDamageAccountPanel]
huddemomancharge.res Charge meter for Stickybomb Launcher and Huntsman [also in HudLayout.res > HudDemomanCharge]
huddemomanpipes.res Demoman Stickies count and shields charge [also in HudLayout.res > HudDemomanPipes]
hudhealthaccount.res Plus health value displayed on health gain, ex: health kit pick up [also in HudLayout.res > CHealthAccountPanel]
hudinspectpanel.res Teammate carried items inspection panel [also in HudLayout.res > HudInspectPanel]
huditemattributetracker.res Contract progress tracker [also in HudLayout.res > ItemAttributeTracker]
huditemeffectmeter.res Charge meter for: Sandman / Wrap Assassin / Sandvich / Spy Watches / Jarate / Razorback / Cleaner's Carbine / Soldier Banners / Gas Passer
huditemeffectmeter_cleaver.res Charge meter for: Flying Guillotine
huditemeffectmeter_demoman.res Counter for: Eyelander heads and AirStrike
huditemeffectmeter_engineer.res Counter for: Frontier Justice and Manmelter
huditemeffectmeter_halloweensouls.res No longer in use
huditemeffectmeter_heavy.res Charge meter for: Heavy rage in MvM
huditemeffectmeter_kartcharge.res Charge meter for: Halloween Karts
huditemeffectmeter_killstreak.res Counter for: killstreak weapons
huditemeffectmeter_organs.res Counter for: Vita-Saw
huditemeffectmeter_particlecannon.res Charge meter for: Cow Mangler
huditemeffectmeter_pomson.res Charge meter for: Pomson
huditemeffectmeter_powerupbottle.res Counter for: PowerUp Canteen in MvM
huditemeffectmeter_pyro.res Charge meter for: Phlogistinator
huditemeffectmeter_raygun.res Charge meter for: Righteous Bison
huditemeffectmeter_sapper.res Charge meter for: Sapper
huditemeffectmeter_scout.res Charge meter for: Bonk! Atomic Punch/Crit-a-Cola/Mad Milk and MvM medic shield
huditemeffectmeter_sniper.res Counter for: Bazaar Bargain
huditemeffectmeter_sniperfocus.res Charge meter for: Hitman's Heatmaker
huditemeffectmeter_sodapopper.res Charge meter for: Sodapopper
huditemeffectmeter_spy.res Counter for: Diamondback
huditemeffectmeter_spyknife.res Charge for: Spy-cicle
hudkillstreaknotice.res Server's killstreaks notification, someone on the server has reached a Killstreak milestone
hudmannvsmachinestatus.res MvM - Main file, holds the positioning of most MvM elements such as money and wave status [also in HudLayout.res > HudMannVsMachineStatus]
hudmatchstatus.res Round Timer and Red & Blue team players status also contains the casual and competitive prematch doors animation [also in HudLayout.res > HudMatchStatus]
hudmatchsummary.res End of match summary scoreboard used for Casuals and Competitive gamemodes [also in HudLayout.res > MatchSummary]
hudmediccharge.res Medic's Ubercharge percentage, Vaccinator charges and resist icon [also in HudLayout.res > HudMedicCharge]
hudmenutauntselection.res Ingame taunt selection menu [also in HudLayout.res > HudMenuTauntSelection]
hudmenutauntselection_sc.res Ingame taunt selection menu [for steam controller]
hudminigame_base.res Main Halloween minigame file for sd_doomsday_event [also in HudLayout.res > HudMiniGame]
hudminigame_collection.res Halloween ducks collection race minigame for sd_doomsday_event
hudminigame_platform.res Halloween platform elimination minigame for sd_doomsday_event
hudminigame_soccer.res Halloween soccer minigame for sd_doomsday_event
hudminigame_soccersuddendeath.res Halloween soccer sudden death minigame for sd_doomsday_event
hudobjectiveflagpanel.res Flag/Intelligence status and blue & red scores for CTF mode
hudobjectivekothtimepanel.res King of the hill red and blue timers [also in HudLayout.res > HudKothTimeStatus]
hudobjectiveplayerdestruction.res Player destruction mode status
hudobjectiverobotdestruction.res Robot destruction counter for the robots destroyed
hudobjectivestatus.res No longer in use
hudobjectivetimepanel.res Contains the round timer background, clock icon and server timer as well as the labels for setup, overtime, waiting for players and sudden death
hudpasstime.res Parent element of the passtime HUD
hudpasstimeballstatus.res Passtime Ball status bar
hudpasstimeoffscreenarrow.res Passtime ball arrow
hudpasstimepassnotify.res Passtime in pass range and incominc pass notifications
hudpasstimeteamscore.res Passtime blue & red teams score panel
hudplayerclass.res Controls the 2D Class icon or 3D player model depending on convars, the spy diguise 2D model, spy silhouette and the carried weapon info
hudplayerhealth.res Personal health value and status icons
hudpowerupeffectmeter.res MannPower Supernova powerup meter
hudpvewinpanel.res MvM - Wave lost panel
hudrocketpack.res Charge meter for: Thermal Thruster
hudroundcounter.res Red and blue rounds won counter dots and backgrounds
hudspellselection.res Owned spells selection for halloween modes [also in HudLayout.res > HudSpellMenu]
hudstalemate.res Arena stalemate message [also in HudLayout.res > HudStalemate]
hudstopwatch.res Time to beat in Tournament Mode for payload and attack/defense maps [also in HudLayout.res > HudStopWatch]
hudteamgoal.res Summary of the game mode goals at the start of the round [also in HudLayout.res > HudTeamGoal]
hudteamgoaltournament.res Summary of the game mode goals for tounament game modes [also in HudLayout.res > HudTeamGoalTournament]
hudteamswitch.res Teams auto-balance message [also in HudLayout.res > HudTeamSwitch]
hudtournament.res Tournament mode Blue-Red teams ready status and game win conditions [also in HudLayout.res > HudTournament]
hudtournamentsetup.res Ready/Unready and team name change PopUp menu for tournament mode [also in HudLayout.res > HudTournamentSetup]
hudtraining.res Training mode instructor positioning messages
hudtrainingmsg.res Training mode instructor messages
hudupgradepanel.res MvM - upgrades menu [also in HudLayout.res > HudUpgradePanel]
hudwarcount.res No longer in use
hudweaponselection.res Ingame weapon selection menu, used with hud_fastswitch "0"
hud_obj_dispenser.res Engineer dispenser build status and Health [also in HudLayout.res > BuildingStatus_Engineer]
hud_obj_sapper.res Building sapped status [also in HudLayout.res > BuildingStatus_Spy]
hud_obj_sentrygun.res Engineer sentrygun build status, health, ammo [also in HudLayout.res > BuildingStatus_Engineer]
hud_obj_sentrygun_disp.res Optional MvM Minisentry build status, health, ammo [also in HudLayout.res > BuildingStatus_Engineer]
hud_obj_tele.res Engineer Teleport build status, health [also in HudLayout.res > BuildingStatus_Engineer]
hud_obj_tele_entrance.res Engineer Teleport entrance health [also in HudLayout.res > BuildingStatus_Engineer]
hud_obj_tele_exit.res Engineer Teleport exit health [also in HudLayout.res > BuildingStatus_Engineer]
importfiledialog.res Workshop Import menu
importfiletexteditdialog.res Workshop text edit menu
importmaterialeditdialog.res Workshop material edit menu
importpreviewitempanel.res Workshop preview menu
ingamequeuestatus.res Currently queued for Casual/Competitive/MvM ingame icon [also in HudLayout.res > QueueHUDStatus]
intromenu.res Gamemode explanation video displayed after joining a server
intromenu_sc.res Gamemode explanation video displayed after joining a server [for steam controller]
invitenotification.res Invite to party received message
itemoptionspanel.res Item style selection menu
itemquickswitch.res Ingame loadout and weapons quickswitch menu [also in HudLayout.res > ItemQuickSwitchPanel]
itemrenameconfirmationdialog.res Name Tag - Description Tag confirmation menu
itemrenamedialog.res Name Tag - Description Tag appliaction menus
itemrenameinvaliddialog.res Name Tag - Description Tag appliaction failed menu
itemselectionpanel.res Loadout item/weapon selection menu
layeredmappanel.res No longer in use
layeredmappanelitem.res No longer in use
layeredmappaneltooltip.res No longer in use
leaderboardentry.res Duels Leaderboard displayed in the loading screen
leaderboardentryrank.res Leaderboard displayed in the competitive menu
loadoutpresetpanel.res Loadout's A - B - C - D buttons
lobbycontainerframe.res No longer in use
lobbycontainerframe_casual.res No longer in use
lobbycontainerframe_comp.res No longer in use
lobbycontainerframe_mvm.res No longer in use
lobbypanel.res No longer in use
lobbypanel_casual.res No longer in use
lobbypanel_comp.res No longer in use
lobbypanel_mvm.res No longer in use
mainmenuoverride.res Central main menu file, holds most main menu elements
mainmenuplaylistentry.res Controls the buttons and descriptions of the casual, competitive, mvm, training, server browser gamemodes when the find a game button is clicked
mainmenu_saxxyawards.res Saxxy awards main menu elements
mapinfomenu.res Map informations menu
mapinfomenu_sc.res Map information menu [for steam controller]
matchhistoryentrypanel.res Comptitive Menu - matches history menu
matchmakingcasualcriteria.res Casual Menu - Main Casual mode menu file
matchmakingcategorymappanel.res Casual Menu - popup map list for each gamemode
matchmakingcategorypanel.res Casual Menu - game mode category panels
matchmakingdashboard.res Main Dashboard file that includes the party members, chat button, find a game, quit button and the queue status panels
matchmakingdashboardcasualcriteria.res Casual Menu - controls the queue button and moves/resizes the gamemodes list
matchmakingdashboardcomp.res Comptitive Menu - main competitive mode menu file
matchmakingdashboardcompaccess.res Comptitive Menu - parent panel of the comp access requirements list
matchmakingdashboardeventmatch.res Special events menu such as Halloween etc...
matchmakingdashboardleftsidepanel.res Contains the matchmaking panels backgrounds, shadows, close buttons used for the leftside panels (only ping panel currently)
matchmakingdashboardmvmcriteria.res MvM Menu - Main MvM Mode menu file
matchmakingdashboardmvmmodeselect.res MvM Menu - Practice/MannUp mode selection menu
matchmakingdashboardplaylist.res Similiar to matchmakingdashboardsidepanel.res but affects only find a game main panel
matchmakingdashboardpopup.res No longer in use
matchmakingdashboardpopup_mapvotepanel.res End of game next map vote buttons
matchmakingdashboardpopup_newmatch.res Popup panel displayed when a new matchmaking game is found
matchmakingdashboardpopup_nextmapvoting.res End of game next map vote panel
matchmakingdashboardpopup_nextmapwinner.res Next map vote winner
matchmakingdashboardsidepanel.res Contains the matchmaking panels backgrounds, shadows, close buttons used for the Casual,Comp,MvM... panels
matchmakingdatacenterpopulationpanel.res Server population panel used for matchmakingpingpanel
matchmakinggrouppanel.res Casual Menu - Controls the Casual enable/disable gamemode checkbutton bar
matchmakingpanel.res No longer in use
matchmakingpingpanel.res Ping and Party settings panel
matchmakingplaylist.res Contains the main find a game buttons (Casual,Comp,MvM,Training,Server,Create)
matchmakingtooltip.res Matchmaking tips
mediccallerpanel.res Medic call bubbles
mvmbombcarrierprogresspanel.res MvM - bomb progress bar
mvmcreditspendpanel.res MvM - Part of the MvM Scoreboard, shows the wave credits
mvmcreditsubpanel.res MvM - Part of the MvM Scoreboard, shows the full game credits
mvmcriteria.res MvM Menu - tour selection menus
mvmeconrequirementdialog.res MvM Menu - Mann up requirements panel
mvminworldcurrency.res MvM - wave gained/lost money
mvmscoreboard.res MvM - main scoreboard file
mvmscoreboardenemyinfo.res MvM - enemy wave icons
mvmvictorycontainer.res MvM - Main container for MvM victory MannUp and Normal
mvmvictorymannupentry.res MvM - MannUp victory loot collect panel
mvmvictorymannuploot.res MvM - MannUp victory received item icon
mvmvictorymannuppanel.res MvM - MannUp victory player tabs
mvmvictorymannuptab.res MvM - MannUp victory player tab specifics
mvmvictorypanel.res MvM - map victory panel
mvmvictorysplash.res MvM - course victory message
mvmwavelosspanel.res MvM - wave lost panel
navigationpaneltest.res no longes in use
objectivestatusescort.res Payload cart progress bar
objectivestatusmultipleescort.res Payload race carts red and blue progress bars
pvpcasualrankpanel.res Rank panel specifics for casual
pvpcomprankpanel.res Rank panel specifics for competitive
pvprankpanel.res Player Name, Level, Experience bar used for MainMenu and end game scoreboard
quickplaybusydialog.res No longer in use
quickplaydialog.res No longer in use
revivedialog.res MvM - teammate revive panel
robotdestructionstatus.res Robot destruction status icon and arrow
roundinfo.res Territorial control map information
saxxyawards_submitform.res Form application submit panel for the saxxy awards
scoreboard.res Scoreboard, Includes a list of the all the players currently in the server, all the personal stats and the server's timer and map name
selectmosthelpfulfrienddialog.res Helpful friend selection dialog, shows when F2P account upgrades to premium and the selected friend will receive the professors speks
selectplayerdialog.res Generic player selection Panel
selectplayerdialog_coach.res Select a player to be your coach Panel
selectplayerdialog_duel.res Select a player to duel Menu
servernotconnectedtosteam.res Lost connection to steam message
spectator.res Spectator panel, includes the respawn time and the spectated player carried items panel
spectatorcoach.res Spectator panel coach variant
spectatorguihealth.res Teammate Health [Part of TargetUI.res]
spectatortournament.res Spectator panel for tournament modes, includes Health,Name,Uber,Respawntimes for each teammate as well as the personal respawntime
spectatortournamentguihealth.res Teammates Health *[part of spectatortournament.res]
spectator_sc.res Spectator panel [for steam controller]
stampdonationadd.res store stamp donation menu
statpanel_base.res After death stats panel [also in HudLayout.res > StatPanel]
statsummary.res Connecting to server screen, includes the Map name/Category as well as all your personal stats
statsummary_embedded.res Personal stats for each class displayed on the loadout menu tab
steamfriendpanel.res Steam friends avatar, name and status displayed in the main menu's friends list
steamworkshopdialog.res Workshop menu
steamworkshopitem.res Workshop item import/preview
streamlistpanel.res No longer in use
streampanel.res No longer in use
supportnotificationdialog.res Valve's customer support messages
surveypanel_base.res Main file for the end of game surevey panel
surveypanel_casualinquiry.res End of game surevey for casual quality
surveypanel_compinquiry.res End of game surevey for competitive quality
surveypanel_mapquality.res End of game surevey for map quality
surveypanel_matchquality.res End of game surevey for match quality
surveypanel_randomcrit.res End of game surevey for random crits
tankprogressbar.res MvM - Tank Health bar
tankstatuspanel.res MvM - Tank Health bar background
targetid.res Teammates Name/Health/Ammo/Ubercharge displayed when looking at them or beign healed [also ins HudLayout.res > CMainTargetID, CSecondaryTargetID]
tauntcallerpanel.res Bubble displayed above a taunt player when you are able to join the taunt
teammenu.res Team selection Menu
teammenu_sc.res Team selection Menu [for steam controller]
testitembotcontrols.res ItemTest bot controls
testitemdialog.res ItemTest items panel
testitemroot.res ItemTest Main panel
textwindow.res MOTD message when joining a server
textwindowcustomserver.res Server intro message and HTML panel
textwindowcustomserver_sc.res Server intro message and HTML panel [for steam controller]
textwindow_sc.res MOTD message when joining a server [for steam controller]
tfadvancedoptionsdialog.res Advance Options Menu
tfhudrobotdestruction_activestate.res Robot destruction indicators, active state
tfhudrobotdestruction_deadstate.res Robot destruction indicators, dead state
tfhudrobotdestruction_robotindicator.res Robot destruction indicators
tfhudrobotdestruction_shieldedstate.res Robot destruction shiel state
trainingcomplete.res You have completed the training dialog
trainingdialog.res No longer in use
trainingdialog_old.res No longer in use
trainingitempanel.res No longer in use
upgradeboxdialog.res Free to Play / litimed account needs upgrade message
upgradebuypanel.res MvM - upgrade icon and buy/sell buttons [part of hudupgradepanel.res]
videopanel.res Video frame settings for the video panel
votehud.res Controls both vote menu and ingame vote popup [also in HudLayout.res > CHudVote]
vrcalibration.res Virtual reality device calibration instructions
wavecompletesummarypanel.res MvM - Wave complete message
wavestatuspanel.res MvM - Wave progress bar
winpanel.res Win/loss panel, displays the round's most valuable players and the blue and red current score [also in HudLayout.res > WinPanel]
xboxdialogs.res XBOX dialogs
xpsourcepanel.res Label for the experience gained at the end of a casual match


There are several different folders that all contain the same folder structure. They may not contain all files, however. They are:


The pipboy folder contains variants for the pipboy cosmetic. The _360 suffix is for the Xbox 360 controller hud. The _sc suffix is for the Steam Controller hud.

File Description
base_active.res Base file used when a building can be actively built
base_active_teleport_target.res Eureka effect teleport target
base_already_built.res Base file used when a building is already built
base_cant_afford.res Base file used when a building can't be afforded
base_unavailable.res Base file used for unavailable buildings [can only happen during the tutorial]
base_unavailable_teleport_target.res Eureka effect teleport target unavailable
dispenser_active.res Dispenser active panel
dispenser_already_built.res Dispenser already built panel
dispenser_cant_afford.res Dispenser can't be afforded panel
dispenser_unavailable.res Dispenser unavailable [can only happen during the tutorial]
eureka_target_home_avail.res Eureka effect home target selectable
eureka_target_home_unavail.res Eureka effect home target unavailable
eureka_target_tele_exit_avail.res Eureka effect teleport target selectable
eureka_target_tele_exit_unavail.res Eureka effect teleport target unavailable
hudmenuengybuild.res Defines layout and style of the build menu [also in HudLayout.res > HudMenuEngyBuild]
hudmenueurekaeffect.res Defines layout and style of the eureka effect menu [also in HudLayout.res > HudEurekaEffectTeleportMenu]
sentry_active.res Sentry active panel
sentry_already_built.res Sentry already built panel
sentry_cant_afford.res Sentry can't be afforded panel
sentry_unavailable.res Sentry unavailable [can only happen during the tutorial]
tele_entrance_active.res Teleport entrance active panel
tele_entrance_already_built.res Teleport entrance already built panel
tele_entrance_cant_afford.res Teleport entrance can't be afforded panel
tele_entrance_unavailable.res Teleport entrance unavailable [can only happen during the tutorial]
tele_exit_active.res Teleport exit active panel
tele_exit_already_built.res Teleport exit already built panel
tele_exit_cant_afford.res Teleport exit can't be afforded panel
tele_exit_unavailable.res Teleport exit unavailable [can only happen during the tutorial]


File Description
base_active.res PipBoy Base file used when a building can be actively built
base_active_teleport_target.res PipBoy Eureka effect teleport target
base_already_built.res PipBoy Base file used when a building is already built
base_cant_afford.res PipBoy Base file used when a building can't be afforded
base_unavailable.res PipBoy Base file used for unavailable buildings [can only happen during the tutorial]
base_unavailable_teleport_target.res PipBoy Eureka effect teleport target unavailable
dispenser_active.res PipBoy Dispenser active panel
dispenser_already_built.res PipBoy Dispenser already built panel
dispenser_cant_afford.res PipBoy Dispenser can't be afforded panel
dispenser_unavailable.res PipBoy Dispenser unavailable [can only happen during the tutorial]
eureka_target_home_avail.res PipBoy Eureka effect home target selectable
eureka_target_home_unavail.res PipBoy Eureka effect home target unavailable
eureka_target_tele_exit_avail.res PipBoy Eureka effect teleport target selectable
eureka_target_tele_exit_unavail.res PipBoy Eureka effect teleport target unavailable
hudmenuengybuild.res Defines layout and style of the PipBoy build menu [also in HudLayout.res > HudMenuEngyBuild]
hudmenueurekaeffect.res Defines layout and style of the PipBoy eureka effect menu [also in HudLayout.res > HudEurekaEffectTeleportMenu]
sentry_active.res PipBoy Sentry active panel
sentry_already_built.res PipBoy Sentry already built panel
sentry_cant_afford.res PipBoy Sentry can't be afforded panel
sentry_unavailable.res PipBoy Sentry unavailable [can only happen during the tutorial]
tele_entrance_active.res PipBoy Teleport entrance active panel
tele_entrance_already_built.res PipBoy Teleport entrance already built panel
tele_entrance_cant_afford.res PipBoy Teleport entrance can't be afforded panel
tele_entrance_unavailable.res PipBoy Teleport entrance unavailable [can only happen during the tutorial]
tele_exit_active.res PipBoy Teleport exit active panel
tele_exit_already_built.res PipBoy Teleport exit already built panel
tele_exit_cant_afford.res PipBoy Teleport exit can't be afforded panel
tele_exit_unavailable.res PipBoy Teleport exit unavailable [can only happen during the tutorial]


File Description
base_active.res XBOX Base file used when a building can be actively built
base_already_built.res XBOX Base file used when a building is already built
base_cant_afford.res XBOX Base file used when a building can't be afforded
dispenser_active.res XBOX Dispenser active panel
dispenser_already_built.res XBOX Dispenser already built panel
dispenser_cant_afford.res XBOX Dispenser can't be afforded panel
hudmenuengybuild.res Defines layout and style of the XBOX build menu
sentry_active.res XBOX Sentry active panel
sentry_already_built.res XBOX Sentry already built panel
sentry_cant_afford.res XBOX Sentry can't be afforded panel
tele_entrance_active.res XBOX Teleport entrance active panel
tele_entrance_already_built.res XBOX Teleport entrance already built panel
tele_entrance_cant_afford.res XBOX Teleport entrance can't be afforded panel
tele_exit_active.res XBOX Teleport exit active panel
tele_exit_already_built.res XBOX Teleport exit already built panel
tele_exit_cant_afford.res XBOX Teleport exit can't be afforded panel


File Description
base_active.res Base file used when a building can be actively built [for steam controller]
base_active_teleport_target.res Eureka effect teleport target [for steam controller]
base_already_built.res Base file used when a building is already built [for steam controller]
base_cant_afford.res Base file used when a building can't be afforded [for steam controller]
base_unavailable_teleport_target.res Eureka effect teleport target unavailable [for steam controller]
dispenser_active.res Dispenser active panel [for steam controller]
dispenser_already_built.res Dispenser already built panel [for steam controller]
dispenser_cant_afford.res Dispenser can't be afforded panel [for steam controller]
eureka_target_home_avail.res Eureka effect home target selectable [for steam controller]
eureka_target_home_unavail.res Eureka effect home target unavailable [for steam controller]
eureka_target_tele_exit_avail.res Eureka effect teleport target selectable [for steam controller]
eureka_target_tele_exit_unavail.res Eureka effect teleport target unavailable [for steam controller]
hudmenuengybuild.res Defines layout and style of the build menu [for steam controller] [also in HudLayout.res > HudMenuEngyBuild]
hudmenueurekaeffect.res Defines layout and style of the eureka effect menu [for steam controller] [also in HudLayout.res > HudEurekaEffectTeleportMenu]
sentry_active.res Sentry active panel [for steam controller]
sentry_already_built.res Sentry already built panel [for steam controller]
sentry_cant_afford.res Sentry can't be afforded panel [for steam controller]
tele_entrance_active.res Teleport entrance active panel [for steam controller]
tele_entrance_already_built.res Teleport entrance already built panel [for steam controller]
tele_entrance_cant_afford.res Teleport entrance can't be afforded panel [for steam controller]
tele_exit_active.res Teleport exit active panel [for steam controller]
tele_exit_already_built.res Teleport exit already built panel [for steam controller]
tele_exit_cant_afford.res Teleport exit can't be afforded panel [for steam controller]


Like the build_menu folder, the destroy menu also contains a pipboy subfolder that contains the same files.

File Description
base_active.res Base file used when a building can be actively destoyed
base_inactive.res Base file used when a building isn't yet built
dispenser_active.res Dispenser destroy panel
dispenser_inactive.res Dispenser not built panel
hudmenuengydestroy.res Defines layout and style of the destroy menu [also in HudLayout.res > HudMenuEngyDestroy]
sentry_active.res Sentry destroy panel
sentry_inactive.res Sentry not built panel
tele_entrance_active.res Tele Entrance destroy panel
tele_entrance_inactive.res Tele Entrance not built panel
tele_exit_active.res Tele Exit destroy panel
tele_exit_inactive.res Tele Exit not built panel


File Description
base_active.res PipBoy Base file used when a building can be actively destoyed
base_inactive.res PipBoy Base file used when a building isn't yet built
dispenser_active.res PipBoy Dispenser destroy panel
dispenser_inactive.res PipBoy Dispenser not built panel
hudmenuengydestroy.res Defines layout and style of the PipBoy destroy menu [also in HudLayout.res > HudMenuEngyDestroy]
sentry_active.res PipBoy Sentry destroy panel
sentry_inactive.res PipBoy Sentry not built panel
tele_entrance_active.res PipBoy Tele Entrance destroy panel
tele_entrance_inactive.res PipBoy Tele Entrance not built panel
tele_exit_active.res PipBoy Tele Exit destroy panel
tele_exit_inactive.res PipBoy Tele Exit not built panel


Also like the build_menu folders, the disguise_menu also has _360 and _sc versions of it.

File Description
demoman_blue.res class image - demoman
demoman_red.res class image - demoman
engineer_blue.res class image - engineer
engineer_red.res class image - engineer
heavy_blue.res class image - heavy
heavy_red.res class image - heavy
hudmenuspydisguise.res defines layout and style [also in HudLayout.res > HudMenuSpyDisguise]
medic_blue.res class image - medic
medic_red.res class image - medic
pyro_blue.res class image - pyro
pyro_red.res class image - pyro
scout_blue.res class image - scout
scout_red.res class image - scout
sniper_blue.res class image - sniper
sniper_red.res class image - sniper
soldier_blue.res class image - soldier
soldier_red.res class image - soldier
spy_blue.res class image - spy
spy_red.res class image - spy
  • Credit to Doodle for these descriptions


File Description
demoman_blue.res class image - demoman [for XBOX]
demoman_red.res class image - demoman [for XBOX]
engineer_blue.res class image - engineer [for XBOX]
engineer_red.res class image - engineer [for XBOX]
heavy_blue.res class image - heavy [for XBOX]
heavy_red.res class image - heavy [for XBOX]
hudmenuspydisguise.res defines layout and style [for XBOX]
medic_blue.res class image - medic [for XBOX]
medic_red.res class image - medic [for XBOX]
pyro_blue.res class image - pyro [for XBOX]
pyro_red.res class image - pyro [for XBOX]
scout_blue.res class image - scout [for XBOX]
scout_red.res class image - scout [for XBOX]
sniper_blue.res class image - sniper [for XBOX]
sniper_red.res class image - sniper [for XBOX]
soldier_blue.res class image - soldier [for XBOX]
soldier_red.res class image - soldier [for XBOX]
spy_blue.res class image - spy [for XBOX]
spy_red.res class image - spy [for XBOX]


File Description
demoman_blue.res class image - demoman [for steam controller]
demoman_red.res class image - demoman [for steam controller]
engineer_blue.res class image - engineer [for steam controller]
engineer_red.res class image - engineer [for steam controller]
heavy_blue.res class image - heavy [for steam controller]
heavy_red.res class image - heavy [for steam controller]
hudmenuspydisguise.res defines layout and style [for steam controller]
medic_blue.res class image - medic [for steam controller]
medic_red.res class image - medic [for steam controller]
pyro_blue.res class image - pyro [for steam controller]
pyro_red.res class image - pyro [for steam controller]
scout_blue.res class image - scout [for steam controller]
scout_red.res class image - scout [for steam controller]
sniper_blue.res class image - sniper [for steam controller]
sniper_red.res class image - sniper [for steam controller]
soldier_blue.res class image - soldier [for steam controller]
soldier_red.res class image - soldier [for steam controller]
spy_blue.res class image - spy [for steam controller]
spy_red.res class image - spy [for steam controller]


File Description
backpackpanel.res Backpack Menu
collectioncraftingdialog.res Contains some collectioncraftingdialog_base.res overrides for the trade up contract
collectioncraftingdialog_base.res Contains the elements for the unboxing screen and trade up contract
comboboxbackpackoverlaydialog.res Item Style selection Menu
confirmapplycardupgradeapplicationdialog.res Spell application menu
confirmapplydecodedialog.res Crate unbox confirmation menu
confirmapplyducktokendialog.res Duck token application menu
confirmapplygiftwrapdialog.res Gift wrap application menu
confirmapplypaintcandialog.res Paint application menu
confirmapplypaintkitdialog.res PaintKit application menu
confirmapplystrangepartapplicationdialog.res Strange Part application menu
confirmapplystrangerestrictionapplicationdialog.res Strange restriction application menu
confirmapplystrangifierdialog.res Strangifier application menu
confirmapplyteamcolorpaintcandialog.res Team colored paint application menu
confirmcustomizetexturedialog.res Texture application menu, used for The Conscientious Objector
confirmdialog.res Quit game confirmation message
confirmdialogabandonnopenalty.res Disconnect confirmation with no penalty
confirmdialogabandonpenalty.res Disconnect confirmation with penalty
confirmdialogabandonsafe.res Disconnect confirmation
confirmitempreviewdialog.res Item rent confirmation menu, used when you test an item from the store for a week
confirmspellbookpageapplicationdialog.res Spell Book Page application menu
confirmtransmogrifyapplicationdialog.res Costume Transmogrifier application menu
cyclingadcontainer.res Advertisement box
ducksleaderboardpanel.res Duck collection leaderboard
ducksleaderboards.res Duck collection leaderboard
genericnotificationtoast.res Ingame notification for trade, duel challenge, ringe received, new game found, you should equip the spellbook or powerupbottle message and more...
genericnotificationtoastmainmenu.res Main Menu generic notification message [example: You have a new item! label or when someone gets a ring etc...]
genericwaitingdialog.res Waiting for player to respond message
halloweenofferingdialog.res Contains some collectioncraftingdialog_base.res overrides for Gargoyle Halloween Transmuting trade up contract
inputstringforitembackpackoverlaydialog.res Taunt selection entry for Mann Co. Director's Cut Reel
inspectionpanel.res Inspect menu for weapons contains the war paints menu and war paints consume menus as well
inspectionpanel_cosmetic.res Inspect panel for cosmetics in general
itemdiscardpanel.res Item discard panel used when the backpack is full
itemmodelpanel.res Item properties: unusual, halloween, paint, strange, equipped icons
itemmodelpanelcollectioncosmeticitem.res Item properties for collection items
itemmodelpanelcollectionitem.res Item properties collection items
itempickuppanel.res New item found/received panel
manncotrade_commonstatclock.res Contains some collectioncraftingdialog_base.res overrides for the Civilian Stat Clock trade up contract
messageboxdialog Generic confirm action message
notificationqueuepanel.res Controls the buffer time between present ingame notifications
notificationspresentpanel.res Shows up when you are in the loadout menus such as backpack and there is a new notification unchecked
notificationtoastcontainer.res Ingame popup notification, contains the background and parent element of genericnotificationtoast.res
notificationtoastcontrol.res Main menu notification accept/decline buttons
paintkitconsumedialog.res PaintKit redeem menu
questmappanel.res Main Contracker file
questnotificationpanel_base.res Miss Pauling annoying incoming message for quests
scrollablequestdetails.res No longer in use
scrollablequestlist.res No longer in use
scrollablequestlist_halloween.res No longer in use
scrollablequestlist_toughbreak.res No longer in use
strangecounttransferdialog.res Strange count transfer tool menu
tradingpanel.res No longer in use
tradingstartdialog.res Trade exchange mode selection menu
warjoinpanel.res Pyro vs Heavy update, join war panel
warstandingpanel.res Pyro vs Heavy war update panel


File Description


File Description
storehome_base.res Store home
storehome_freetrial.res Store free trial panel
storehome_premium.res Premium callout image
storeitemcontrols.res Add to cart button
storemapstampsinfodialog.res Store map stamp preview
storepage.res Main file
storepage_bundles.res Store bundles [part of storepage.res]
storepage_items.res Store items [part of storepage.res]
storepage_maps.res Store maps [part of storepage.res]
storepanel.res Store pages header and footer
storepreviewitempanel.res Store item preview
storepreviewitempanel_fullscreen.res Store item fullscreen preview
storepreviewitempanel_maps.res Store map preview
storeviewcartpanel.res Store cart


File Description
base_notification.res Main notification file [also in HudLayout.res > NotificationPanel]
notify_competitive_gc_down.res Competitive game coordinatior down notification
notify_enemy_flag_captured_blue.res Enemy blue flag captured notification
notify_enemy_flag_captured_red.res Enemy red flag captured notification
notify_enemy_flag_dropped_blue.res Enemy blue flag dropped notification
notify_enemy_flag_dropped_red.res Enemy red flag dropped notification
notify_enemy_flag_returned_blue.res Enemy blue flag returned notification
notify_enemy_flag_returned_red.res Enemy red flag returned notification
notify_enemy_flag_taken_blue.res Enemy blue flag taken notification
notify_enemy_flag_taken_red.res Enemy red flag taken notification
notify_how_to_control_ghost.res Ghost controls explanation
notify_how_to_control_ghost_no_respawn.res Ghost controls explanation
notify_how_to_control_kart.res Kart controls explanation
notify_no_invuln_with_flag_blue.res Can't take the blue flag while ubered notification
notify_no_invuln_with_flag_red.res Can't take the red flag while ubered notification
notify_no_tele_with_flag_blue.res Can't teleport with blue flag notification
notify_no_tele_with_flag_red.res Can't teleport with red flag notification
notify_passtime_howto.res Passtime controls explanation
notify_your_flag_captured_blue.res Own blue flag captured notification
notify_your_flag_captured_red.res Own red flag captured notification
notify_your_flag_dropped_blue.res Own blue flag dropped notification
notify_your_flag_dropped_red.res Own red flag dropped notification
notify_your_flag_returned_blue.res Own blue flag returned notification
notify_your_flag_returned_red.res Own red flag returned notification
notify_your_flag_taken_blue.res Own blue flag taken notification
notify_your_flag_taken_red.res Own red flag taken notification


File Description
questitemtrackerpanel_base.res Base file for contract panel
questitemtrackerpanel_ingame_base.res Base file for contract progress bars
questitemtrackerpanel_questlog_base.res Base file for contract objective labels


File Description


File Description


File Description


File Description

resource/ui/quests/pauling/operation 2/

File Description


File Description
main.res Main training window file


File Description
classdetails.res Training selected class details
classpanel.res Training class image and progress label
classselection.res Training class selection panel


File Description
modepanel.res Contains the parents for Basic Training and Offline Practice
modeselection.res Training style selection


File Description
mapselection.res ffline practice map selection
practicemodeselection.res Offline practice gamemode selection


File Description
basepage.res Main replays panel
confirmquitdlg.res Quit confirmation message
cutspanel.res Replay cuts/takes list
detailspanel.res Replay details page, when a replay is selected
listthumbnail.res Replay thumbnail
mainpanel.res Header and footer, similiar to charinfopanel.res
playbackpanel.res Video playback panel
previewpanel.res Replay preview panel, when hovering a replay
recordspanel.res Replay's class played, score etc...
renderdialog.res Replay render dialogs
replaylistpanel.res Replays and movies list panel
thumbnailcollection.res Unrendered replays panel
thumbnailrow.res Parent of listthumbnail.res
titleeditpanel.res Title edit panel, inside the details page