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Meeting: Daily meeting

  • Agenda

THURSDAY 1800 IST 1230 UTC 2022-12-01

  • debrief on UN presentation
  • what worked
  • what didn't work
  • what impact we had
  • cleaning up (making sure we have all the material documented and archived)
  • protocol for next time
  • daily/weekly timetable
  • chapters web pages (need to be able to display each chapter instantly to the world)
  • contents
  • title,
  • toc,
  • exec summary,
  • intro,
  • faqs,
  • knowledge gaps
  • editor comments
  • .md files for hyperbook
  • use of github/discussions to keep notes
  • our working practices are part of our output! They must be a showcase

Meeting diccussion

Presentation to UN, GITA Talk

  • Aim: non technical audience message is more important then technical issue

  • Brand semanticClimate works

  • We have produced new slides Peter, Gita, Manny

  • yesterday was political meeting

  • Giving message is important.

  • Grants:

  • How we can manage, so that we can get fund from that

  • Intraction with public

  • Next Hackathon for wikimedian

FRIDAY 2022-12-02 0900UTC 1430 IST and/or 1230 UTC 1800 IST

Central dictionary

WE need IPCC onboarding

Independent website @Karthik. @Karthik- what`s happening on website

  • Next Technical Hackathon: In Janurary
Grants for dict.
  • UNDP head of india. very successful meeting will SPARC

Issue: UNlibrary did`t target us because lack of contacts

What can we add to this

Political meeting Focus on grants Work on grants

software respond

2 days to install py4ami

  • virtual env. Hosting vml file

Angram: Yake, Rake


content of system hypergraph


MONDAY 2022-12-05 0900 UTC 1430 IST

  • dictionaries

  • py4ami pdf2html is being refactored

  • review of proposal

  • Flow HTML for Chapters

Meeting Discussion

  • Doing central program
  • Dict. most important to show to the world

putting proposal to UNDP

  • Grants putting can be sensitive
  • Wikimedia grants can be sensitive

We are looking forward for contact here for large organisation

  • AXEL:
  • How to get funding from wikimedia
  • we got funded by wikimedia thrice

our Dict. are ontology

  • Structured terminology, links


summerise chapter

  • GPT3: open access is available

  • Automated Dict. observation

  • False negative

  • true positive

Tuesday 2022-12-06 0900UTC 1430IST

  • We need 3 dictionaries for each chapter. There must be no obvious false positives (e.g. not "total pages") - that may need manual filtering
  • Abbreviations
  • Keywords/phrases (docanalysis)
  • Manual
  • For each dictionary, In order of value. Do as much as you can
  • A list of words/phrases
  • A valid XML file wth
  • Wikidata IDs with ambiguities
  • Wikidata IDs resolved, with description

Word-cloud creation

prototype software

  • software issue dicussion

DICT Classification

  • Chapter specific
  • Climate specific
  • More general
  • link to wikidataID

WEDNESDAY 2022-12-07 0900 UTC 1430 IST.

  • Review of DID/WILL/BLOCK

  • Review of dictionaries

  • @Karthikeyan V: chapter05
  • @Parasu Nagesh Sunag: chapter03
  • @Mandeep: chapter06
  • @Priti: chapter17
  • Use table with numbers and traffic lights. light green means can-be-displayed. Should contain:
  • abbreviations
  • manual
  • word/phrases
  • explanation of chapters
  • dictionaries
  • ExecSummary
  • FAQs
  • Intro
  • knowledge gaps
  • list of images if possible
  • Jupyter notebook
  • presentations for Southern Univ Denmark
  • review of materials (mainly those above)

WEDNESDAY 2022-12-07 0900 UTC 1430 IST.

  • explanation of chapters()
  • dictionaries
  • ExecSummary
  • FAQs
  • Intro
  • knowledge gaps
  • list of images if possible
  • Jupyter notebook
  • presentations for Southern Univ Denmark
  • review of materials (mainly those above)

WEDNESDAY 2022-12-07 0900 UTC 1430 IST.

  • explanation of chapters(manual summary that can be understandable by high school student)
  • dictionaries
    • Manual Dict(created by Chapter owner)
    • Abbrevation Dict(created by Docanalysis using specific library spacy)
    • Keyword and phrases(created by gensim)
  • ExecSummary(Just copy paste from chapter)
  • FAQs(Just copy paste from chapter)
  • Intro(Just copy paste from chapter)
  • knowledge gaps(Just copy paste from chapter)
  • Jupyter notebook
  • presentations for Southern Univ Denmark
  • review of materials (mainly those above)

FRIDAY 2022-12-09 0900 UTC 1430 IST.

DENMARK VISIT: @GY, @Axel Dürkop, @Simon Worthington, @Shweata Hegde Discussed this visit in depth. The 4 current team below will create a series of presentations. @Peter Murray-Rust will coordinate these . Details may change *Introduction to IPCC chapters @Priti ca 3 minutes review by Chapter Owners @Mandeep (Chapter06)

@Parasu Nagesh Sunag(Chapter03)

@Karthikeyan V(Chapter05) ca 2 mins: personal summary of chapter 30 secs demo of IPCC component (ONE of FAQ, ExecSummary, Knowledge gaps, etc>) review of ONE dictionary (from Abbreviation, Manual, NLP/ML) We will rehearse these tomorrow at 0900 UTC. @Priti please coordinate who does which component and who does which dictionary Date 12th Dec time 14:15 - 15:00 Central European Time @Peter will add more details in #dictionaries and #outreach

MONDAY 2022-12-12 at 1845IST

Meeting with Southern university

TUESDAY 2022-12-13 at 1700IST 1330UTC

Meeting wwith Joe Miller

WEDNESDAY 2022-12-14 at 1800IST

Actions: Work on extraction of images Work on chapter readme files

FRIDAY 2022-12-16 at 1430IST 0900 UTC

  • Intern ROADMAP
  • high-level tasks (documents and software)
  • 3 per-chapter dictionaries (manual, abb, keyphrase NLPconsistent nomenclature validation reference material (non-Wikidata) entry-status (e.g. NYI) review of NLP methods
  • merge common terms between chapters
  • chapter snippets
  • exec summary
  • introduction
  • other sections
  • FAQ
  • knowledge gaps
  • ToC
  • captions
  • images (numbered by IPCC)
  • tables
  • explore hypermedia systems
  • obsidian
  • markup HTML chapters with dictionaries

MONDAY 2023-01-01 at 1430IST

SemanticClimate Vision

-toolkit for a typical chapter.






-knowledge graph

-for each chapter


-annotated chapters

-knowledge graph

-unify / automate for "all" IPCC






Roadmap: semanticClimate will create starter toolkits for any new project, including workshops. Other projects:

  • phytochemistry 2 interns (also @Manny)
  • chemistry dictionary (exists in CEVOpen)
  • plants dictionary (also CEVOpen)
  • imageanalysis semanticClimate (barcharts) (0.5-2 people) joined by @Anuv (info only) website for @GY(0.5 person)