From 85b5e580a7477dc904d05dead4e152bbbfe43bb8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Paliak <> Date: Mon, 28 Aug 2023 13:45:31 +0200 Subject: [PATCH] FIX: revert to old skill rotation simulation (#6530) --- src/Modules/CalcTriggers.lua | 227 +++++++++-------------------------- 1 file changed, 54 insertions(+), 173 deletions(-) diff --git a/src/Modules/CalcTriggers.lua b/src/Modules/CalcTriggers.lua index a0b8891122..2bd8bdb60a 100644 --- a/src/Modules/CalcTriggers.lua +++ b/src/Modules/CalcTriggers.lua @@ -80,185 +80,70 @@ end -- Calculate the impact other skills and source rate to trigger cooldown alignment have on the trigger rate -- for more details regarding the implementation see comments of #4599 and #5428 -function calcMultiSpellRotationImpact(env, skills, sourceRate, triggerCD, actor) - local actor = actor or env.player - local SIM_RESOLUTION = 2 - -- the breaking points are values in attacks per second - local function quickSim(env, skills, sourceRate) - local Activation = {} - function Activation:new(skill) - a = {skill = skill, deltaTime = 0, time = 0, count = 0} - setmetatable(a, self) - self.__index = self - return a - end - function Activation:timeReady() - -- returns the time when the skill is ready - return self.time + - end - function Activation:activate() - -- activate the skill at the given time, update the activation - self.deltaTime = time - self.time - self.time = time - self.count = self.count + 1 - end - - local State = {} - function State:new(skills) - s = {activations = {}, time = 0, currentActivation = 1} - for _, skill in ipairs(skills) do - t_insert(s.activations, Activation:new(skill)) - end - setmetatable(s, self) - self.__index = self - return s - end - function State:iter() - -- iterate over all activations in order - local idx = self.currentActivation - local count = #self.activations - local i = 0 - return function() - if i < count then - i = i + 1 - local current = idx - idx = (idx % count) + 1 - return self.activations[current] - end - end - end - function State:iterTimeReady() - -- iterate over all activations and the time at which each skill is ready - local att = 1/sourceRate - local timePenalty = self.time + att - local iter = self:iter() - return function() - local activation = iter() - if activation then - -- the time until the skill is ready - local timeReady = activation:timeReady() - -- wait for the next attack - timeReady = att * m_ceil(timeReady / att) - -- wait until the attack rotation is ready - timeReady = m_max(timeReady, timePenalty) - return timeReady, activation - end - end - end - function State:getNearestReady() - -- Returns the next activation and the time until the skill is ready - local nearestTime = 0 - local nearestActivation = nil - for timeReady, activation in self:iterTimeReady() do - if nearestActivation == nil or timeReady < nearestTime then - nearestTime = timeReady - nearestActivation = activation - end - end - return nearestTime, nearestActivation - end - function State:activate() - -- Activates the activation nearest to ready - time, nearestActivation = self:getNearestReady() - -- round up time to the next server tick - time = ceil_b(time, data.misc.ServerTickTime) - self.time = time - if nearestActivation then - nearestActivation:activate(time) - for i, activation in ipairs(self.activations) do - if nearestActivation.skill == activation.skill and nearestActivation.deltaTime == activation.deltaTime then - self.currentActivation = i - break - end +function calcMultiSpellRotationImpact(env, skillRotation, sourceRate, triggerCD, actor) + local SIM_TIME = 100.0 + local TIME_STEP = 0.0001 + local index = 1 + local time = 0 + local tick = 0 + local currTick = 0 + local next_trigger = 0 + local trigger_increment = 1 / sourceRate + local wasted = 0 + + for _, skill in ipairs(skillRotation) do + = m_max(skill.cdOverride or (( or 0) / (skill.icdr or 1) + (skill.addsCastTime or 0)), triggerCD) + skill.next_trig = 0 + skill.count = 0 + end + + while time < SIM_TIME do + local currIndex = index + + if time >= next_trigger then + while skillRotation[index].next_trig > time do + index = (index % #skillRotation) + 1 + if index == currIndex then + wasted = wasted + 1 + -- Triggers are free from the server tick so cooldown starts at current time + next_trigger = time + trigger_increment + break end end - return nearestActivation - end - function State:moveNextRound() - -- Move to the next round of activations. - local initial_activation = self.activations[self.currentActivation] - local is_initial = true - local activationsCount = #self.activations - while (self:activate() ~= nil) and (is_initial or self.activations[self.currentActivation].skill ~= initial_activation.skill and self.activations[self.currentActivation].deltaTime ~= initial_activation.deltaTime) do - self.currentActivation = (self.currentActivation % activationsCount) + 1 -- Skips one skill in the rotation. - is_initial = false - end - end - function State:anyUntriggered() - for activation in self:iter() do - if activation.count == 0 then - return true + + if skillRotation[index].next_trig <= time then + skillRotation[index].count = skillRotation[index].count + 1 + -- Cooldown starts at the beginning of current tick + skillRotation[index].next_trig = currTick + skillRotation[index].cd + local tempTick = tick + + while skillRotation[index].next_trig > tempTick do + tempTick = tempTick + (1/data.misc.ServerTickRate) end + -- Cooldown ends at the start of the next tick. Price is right rules. + skillRotation[index].next_trig = tempTick + index = (index % #skillRotation) + 1 + next_trigger = time + trigger_increment end - return false end - - local rates = {} - local skillCount = #skills - for i = 1, skillCount, 1 do - local state = State:new(skills) - state.currentActivation = i - local count = SIM_RESOLUTION + 1 - repeat - state:moveNextRound() - count = count-1 - until(not (count > 0 or state:anyUntriggered())) - - for i = 1, skillCount, 1 do - local avgRate = state.activations[i].time ~= 0 and (state.activations[i].count / state.activations[i].time) or 0 - rates[i] = (rates[i] or 0) + avgRate - end - end - for i = 1, skillCount, 1 do - skills[i].rate = rates[i] / skillCount + -- Increment time by smallest reasonable amount to attempt to hit every trigger event and every server tick. Frees attacks from the server tick. + time = time + TIME_STEP + -- Keep track of the server tick as the trigger cooldown is still bound by it + if tick < time then + currTick = tick + tick = tick + (1/data.misc.ServerTickRate) end end - -- breaking point, where the trigger time is only constrained by the attack speed - -- the region tt0 is a slope - local tt0_br = 0 - - -- breaking points, where the cooldown times of some skills are awaited - local tt1_brs = {} - local tt1_smallest_br = m_huge - for _, skill in ipairs(skills) do - = m_max(skill.cdOverride or (( or 0) / (skill.icdr or 1) + (skill.addsCastTime or 0)), triggerCD) - if > triggerCD then - local br = #skills / ceil_b(, data.misc.ServerTickTime) - t_insert(tt1_brs, br) - tt1_smallest_br = m_min(tt1_smallest_br, br) - end - end - for _, skill in ipairs(skills) do - -- the breaking point, where the trigger time is only constrained by the cooldown time - -- before this its its either tt0 or tt1, depending on the skills - -- after this the trigger time depends on resonance with the attack speed - tt2_br = #skills / ceil_b(, data.misc.ServerTickTime) * .8 - -- the breaking point where the the attack speed is so high, that the affect of resonance is negligible - tt3_br = #skills / floor_b(, data.misc.ServerTickTime) * 8 - -- classify in tt region the attack rate is in - if sourceRate >= tt3_br then - skill.rate = 1/ ceil_b(, data.misc.ServerTickTime) - elseif (sourceRate >= tt2_br) or (#tt1_brs > 0 and sourceRate >= tt1_smallest_br) then - quickSim(env, skills, sourceRate) - break - elseif sourceRate >= tt0_br then - skill.rate = sourceRate / #skills - else - skill.rate = 0 - end - end - - local mainRate - local trigRateTable = { simRes = SIM_RESOLUTION, rates = {}, } - for _, sd in ipairs(skills) do + + local mainRate = 0 + local trigRateTable = { simTime = SIM_TIME, rates = {}, } + for _, sd in ipairs(skillRotation) do if cacheSkillUUID(actor.mainSkill, env) == sd.uuid then - mainRate = sd.rate + mainRate = sd.count / SIM_TIME end - t_insert(trigRateTable.rates, { name = sd.uuid, rate = sd.rate }) - end - if not mainRate then - mainRate = trigRateTable.rates[1].rate + t_insert(trigRateTable.rates, { name = sd.uuid, rate = sd.count / SIM_TIME }) end + return mainRate, trigRateTable end @@ -528,8 +413,6 @@ local function CWCHandler(env) s_format("%.2f ^8(%s triggers per second)", triggerRateOfTrigger, triggerName), s_format("/ %.2f ^8(Estimated impact of linked spells)", (triggerRateOfTrigger / output.SkillTriggerRate) or 1), s_format("= %.2f ^8%s casts per second", output.SkillTriggerRate, triggeredName), - "", - s_format("Calculated Breakdown ^8(Resolution: %.2f)", simBreakdown.simRes), } if simBreakdown.extraSimInfo then @@ -1232,8 +1115,6 @@ local function defaultTriggerHandler(env, config) s_format("%.2f ^8(%s)", output.EffectiveSourceRate, (actor.mainSkill.skillData.triggeredByBrand and s_format("%s activations per second", or (not trigRate and s_format("%s triggers per second", skillName)) or "Effective source rate"), s_format("/ %.2f ^8(Estimated impact of skill rotation and cooldown alignment)", m_max(output.EffectiveSourceRate / output.SkillTriggerRate, 1)), s_format("= %.2f ^8per second", output.SkillTriggerRate), - "", - s_format("Calculated Breakdown ^8(Resolution: %.2f)", simBreakdown.simRes), } if triggerBotsEffective then t_insert(breakdown.SkillTriggerRate, 3, "x 2 ^8(Trigger bots effectively cause the skill to trigger twice)")