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cPath2: pathway data builder and server.

Java CI with Maven

cPath2 is a biological pathway data integration and query platform for Pathway Commons (PC) projects.

Pathway Commons is a convenient point of access to biological pathway information and analysis methods collected from several curated public pathway and interaction databases. Our effort builds on the diverse and active community of pathway databases, the development in this community of a common language for biological pathway data exchange (BioPAX) and work in the C. Sander and G. Bader groups since late 2002 in building infrastructure for managing, integrating, and analyzing biological pathway information.

BioPAX is a standard language that enables integration, exchange, visualization and complex analysis of biological pathway data. Specifically, BioPAX supports data exchange between pathway data groups and thus reduces the complexity of interchange between data formats by providing an accepted standard format for pathway data.

Our long-term vision is to achieve a complete computable map of the cell across all species and conditions. We aim to provide for the efficient exchange of pathway data; aggregation and integration of pathways from major available sources into a shared public information store; distribution in a value-added, standardized form; availability to the end-user via advanced internet web service technology; and dissemination of the technology of biological knowledge representation and pathway analysis by collaboration and training.


IntelliJ IDEA

Thanks: to many open source projects and groups, such as Apache, Eclipse, Spring, etc., and, of course, - to GitHub.

Funding: "Pathway Commons: Research Resource for Biological Pathways"; Chris Sander, Gary Bader; 1U41HG006623 (formerly NIH P41HG04118)

Build and try the demo app

Check out this project and switch to the project directory (cpath2) and build with maven:

mvn clean install

which takes some time (minutes, due to the ontology files get parsed and integration tests are run) and results in a new cpath2.jar created in the target folder and demo data in the target/work folder (mvn package would not do). Once complete, start the default (CPATH2_HOME="target/work") test/demo cpath2 server from the cpath2 project directory and go to http://localhost:8080:

java -jar target/cpath2.war -s

and watch the cpath2.log to see the app starts and prints "Working ('home') directory: target/work", then "Loading the BioPAX Model from target/work/downloads/PathwayCommonsDemo11.All.BIOPAX.owl.gz", and that the "model is ready", etc. Ignore the warnings for now, e.g., about blacklist.txt was not found, for it's not needed for demo and normally generated during the cpath2 "premerge" step, after index gets created.) Expect that most queries or example links won't return any result as there are not much data in the default instance; try to find e.g. all the pathways there with http://localhost:8080/search?q=*&type=pathway (remove type parameter to list all the objects; use "Accept:application/xml" header to get XML instead of JSON result).

Alternatively, can run/debug the demo/dev app as:

mvn spring-boot:run


Working directory

Directory e.g. './work' is defined by CPATH2_HOME environment property; this is where the configuration, data, and indices are or will be saved.

cd ./work

The directory may contain:

  • (to configure various server and model options);
  • metadata.json (describes the bio data to be imported/integrated);
  • data/ directory (where original and intermediate data are stored);
  • index/ (Lucene index directory for the final BioPAX model);
  • downloads/ (where blacklist.txt and all the output data archives are created);
  • logback.xml (custom logging can be enabled by -Dlogback.configurationFile=logback.xml JVM option);

To see available commands and options, run:


In order to prepare/create a new app/data instance, edit metadata.json, prepare input data archives (see below how), also install jq, gunzip, and run:

./ 2>&1 >build.log &

which takes about half a day (and uses about 60Gb of RAM) executing the integration steps (PREMERGE, MERGE, POSTMERGE):

  • import the metadata
  • transform (clean, convert, normalize) input data
  • build the intermediate BioPAX Warehouse model (from ChEBI, Uniprot and custom id-mapping files)
  • merge all the preprocessed input BioPAX models into the main BioPAX model (pc-biopax)
  • create full-text index of the pc-biopax model (index also includes id-mapping to chebi,uniprot for internal use)
  • create uniprot.txt, datasources.txt, blacklist.txt (used for converting BioPAX to SIF)

Run to convert the main pc-biopax model to SIF, GMT, TXT formats and also generate summary files about the bio pathways and physical entities.

./ 2>&1 >export.log & 

(- which takes a couple of days...).

Once the instance is configured and data processed, run the web service e.g. as follows:

./ --server 2>&1 &

(watch cpath2.log)


The cPath2 metadata configuration file is a JSON file (default is metadata.json).

The data Converter and Cleaner classes are not required to be implemented in the cpath2 project sources. It's possible to plug into the data build stage external cleaner/converter classes after the cpath2 JAR is released: simply include to the Java options like: -cp /path-to/MyDataCleanerImpl.class;/path-to/MyDataConverterImpl.class


One (a data manager) has to find, download, re-pack (zip) and put original biological pathway data files to the data/ subdirectory.

Warehouse data

Download UniProt, ChEBI, id-mapping tables into the data/ directory, e.g.:

  • wget
  • wget
  • etc...

Re-pack/rename the data, i.e., make,, etc.
Filenames must be the corresponding metadata identifier, as in metadata.json; only ZIP archive (can contain multiple files) is currently supported by cPath2 data importer (not .zip or no extension means the data will be read as is).

Pathway data

Note: BioPAX L1, L2 models will be auto-converted to the BioPAX Level3.

Prepare original BioPAX and PSI-MI/PSI-MITAB data archives in the './data' dir as follows:

  • download an original file/archive from the pathway resource (e.g., wget
  • extract what you need (e.g. some species data only)
  • create a new zip archive using name like <IDENTIFIER>.zip (datasource identifier, e.g.,


build the project and image from sources

mvn clean install
mvn dockerfile:build
#mvn dockerfile:tag
#mvn dockerfile:push


Run with docker (can also do with compose or terraform). Have to bind /work dir (test/demo instance data is in the target/work)

docker run --rm --name cpath2 -v '<fullpath_to>/target/work:/work' -p 8080:8080 -it pathwaycommons/cpath2