This repository contains open-source code, data, & text files for
For information regarding the project, please visit:
Sprunger, C., S.W. Culman, A.L. Peralta, S.T. DuPont, J.T. Lennon, and S.S. Snapp (2019) Perennial grain crop roots and nitrogen management shape soil food webs and soil carbon dynamics. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 137.
Raw sequences can be found at NCBI SRA BioProject ID PRJNA548308.
Aim 1.): How does perenniality and different N management influence roots, soil carbon pools, and soil food webs?
Aim 2.): In what ways could a perennial grain crop positively impact soil carbon stabilization and food web structure and function?
analyses:: An R Markdown file that includes R script written by Ariane Peralta containing functions used in analysis of soil and microbial sequence data.
- MothurTools.R: An R script written by Mario Muscarella (Indiana University, now at University of Illinois) containing functions used in the analysis of community sequence data.
data:: Files associated with soil and microbial data sets.
figures:: Figures (of soil, microbes) generated according to R script located in R Markdown file.
mothur:: Files containing script for bioinformatic analysis of 16S rRNA gene sequences (Illumina MiSeq platform) using mothur pipeline.
Dr. Ariane Peralta: Assistant Professor, Department of Biology, East Carolina University. Principal Investigator of the Peralta Lab
Mario Muscarella: Postdoc in the O'Dwyer Lab at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign