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STM8 Tiny BASIC version 5.0R1 language refenrece

main index

main index

Data types

The only data type supported is 24 bits signed integers in range -8388608...8388607.

For PRINT and INPUT commands and only for these 2 commands quoted string are supported.

Also \c, i.e. a backslash followed by an ASCII character is also supported by PRINT and as parameter for some commands.

It is also possible to print a character from its ASCII code usint CHAR function. This function can also be used in expressions. When an expression using CHAR function is given as a parameter to command PRINT the CHAR function must not be the first factor of the expression.

 >? char(33),2*char(33)
!	66 

>? char(33)*2
run time error, syntax error
    0 ? CHAR ( 33 ) * 


main index


In Tiny BASIC there was only 26 variables given the names of alphabet letters {A..Z}. This hold in this BASIC but more variables can be created using keyword DIM. The maximum length of the dynamic variables is 15 characters.


There is a predefine single dimension array named '@'. A minimum 10 elements are reserved for this array but its actual size depend on program size and the number of dynamic variables and constants defined in the program. The leftover free space is given to @ array.

The first indice of the array is 1 and the last is known by invoking UBOUND function.


Labels are name used as first element of a BASIC line to identify a GOSUB or GOTO target.

Labels name have the same format as dynamic variables and constants names.

  1. Maximum 15 characters
  2. Begin with a letter
  3. Can include digits,'.','_' and '?' characters

main index

Arithmetic expressions

There is 5 arithmetic operators, plus parenthesis. Order of priority is:

  1. '('expression')'
  2. '-|+' unary minus or plus.
  3. '*' multiplication, '/' division and '%' modulo
  4. '+' addition and '-' substraction

Quotient is rounded toward zero.

Relational operators

Expressions can be compared for size with the following operators. Relations return -1 for true and 0 for false.

  1. '>' True if left is greater than right expression.
  2. '<' True if left is smaller than right expression.
  3. '>=' True if left is greater or equal to right expression.
  4. '<=' True if left is smaller or equal to right expression.
  5. '=' True if both expressions have the same value.
  6. '<>' or '><' True if expressions have a different value.

Boolean operators

The NOT,AND,OR and XOR are binary operators like their machine level equivalent. But as relations return only 0|-1 they are effective as boolean expression operators used as condition in IF and UNTIL statement.

main index


The code use for writing program is ASCII.

Each program line start with a line number in range {1..32767} followed optionally by a label then a list of commands separated by ':' character. If no line number is given the line is compiled and interpreted immedialety.

>let t=ticks:for i=1 to 10000: let a=10:next i : ? ticks-t

A command is followed by its parameters list. The comma separate the parameters. Function parameters must be between parentheses but functions without parameters don't require parenthesis.

As names can comprise digits it is important to put a space after a command or function name if it is followed by un number.

?3*5  ' don't need space after '?'.

> for i=1to 100 :? i;: next i  ' need a space between 'to' and '100' 

Names can be entered in lower case and are converted to upper case. The language is not case sensitive.

The command PRINT can be replacec by ?.

The keyword REM can be replaced by a tick '.

End of line mark the end of command. There is no command continuation on next line.

main index

Numeric bases

Integers can be typed in 3 numeric bases.

  1. Decimal: ['-'|'+']*digit+
    • -1343
    • +4677
    • 987
  2. Hexadecimal: ['-'|'+']*hex_digit+
    • -$ffe
    • +$134a
    • $A5a5
  3. binary: ['-'|'+']*['0'|'1']+
    • -%101
    • +%1011
    • %11111101

Integers are printable only in decimal or hexadecimal.

main index

Command line

At startup a beep is sounded and system information is displayed on terminal. followed by > which is the prompt.

TTiny BASIC for STM8
Copyright, Jacques Deschenes 2019,2022,2023
version 5.0R1


From there the user can enter direct commands or edit program lines. A line is limited to 79 characters and edition is terminated by ENTER key. When ENTER is pressed the input text is compiled to a tokens list. If there no line number this tokens list is executed immediately.

Otherwise the line is inserted in program space in RAM area.

  • Line numbers are limited to range {1...32767}.

  • if an existing line with the same number as the last edited one exist the new one replace it.

  • If the new line as no text an a line with that number exist then it is erased.

  • Lines are inserted sorted in increasing line number.

Some commands can only be used in direct mode others only inside programs. An error is displayed if a command is used in bad context.

The program in RAM is lost each time then MCU is resetted but it can be save in FLASH memory using SAVE commmand.

On Linux systems it is possible to write programs in a text editor on the PC the send it to the board using script.

Editing hot keys

The following hot keys can be used while entering a text line in terminal.

key function
BS Delete character left of cursor
ln CTRL+E ln being a line number this display that line for editing.
CTLR+R Redisplay last line entered.
CTRL+D Delete currently edted line.
HOME Move cursor to beginning of line.
END Move cursor to end of line.
left arrow Move cursor left one character.
right arrow Move cursor right one character.
CTRL+O Toggle between insert and overwirte mode. Cursor change shape.

main index

Commands and functions reference

{C,P} after command name indicate which context is valid for this command. C for command line and P for program.

main index

Vocabulary index

name description
ABS function that return absolute value.
ADCON Power analog to digital converter.
ADCREAD Read analog input pin.
AND Boolean operator.
ASC Return ASCII value of a character.
AWU Put board in sleep mode for some msec.
BRES Reset a bit in a peripheral register.
BSET Set a bit in a peripheral register.
BTEST Return the state of a bit in a peripheral register.
BTOGL Toggle a bit in a peripheral register.
BUFFER Allocate a buffer in RAM.
BYE But board in sleep mode.
CHAIN Chain program execution.
CHAR Return the character corresponding to ASCII code.
CLOCK Switch master clock to external clock
CONST Keyword to define symboli constants.
CR1 Return offset of GPIO CR1 register.
CR2 Return offset of GPIO CR2 register.
DATA keyword that introduce a data line.
DDR Return the offser of GPIO DDR register.
DEC Define decimal base as output for PRINT command.
DIM Keyword used to define dynamic variables.
DIR Lis programs saved in FLASH memory.
DO Keyword to introduce a DO..UNTIL control structure.
DREAD Read a digital pin.
DWRITE Write a digital pin.
EDIT Load in RAM a program saved in FLASH for edition.
EEFREE Return EEPROM free address.
EEPROM REturn EEPROM start address.
END Terminate program execution.
ERASE Erase a program saved in FLASH memory.
FCPU Set MCU operating frequency.
FOR Keyword that start a FOR..NEXT control structure
FREE Return free RAM bytes.
GET Read a character in variable, not wait.
GOSUB Subroutine call.
GOTO Unconditional jump.
HEX Set hexadecimal base for PRINT command.
HSE High speed external clock identifier.
HSI High speed internal clock identifier.
I2C.CLOSE Close I2C peripheral.
I2C.OPEN Open I2C peripheral.
I2C.READ read data from I2C peripheral.
I2C.WRITE Write data to I2C peripheral.
IDR Return GPIO IDR register offset.
IF Keyword for conditional execution.
INPUT Input number in a variable.
IWDGEN Enable Independant Watchdog Timer.
IWDGREF Refresh IWDG before it expire.
KEY wait a key from termnal.
KEY? Check if there is a key waiting in terminal queue.
LET Keyword to initialize variables.
LIST List program in RAM.
LOG2 Return base 2 log of an integer.
LSHIFT Shift left an integer.
NEW Clear RAM memory from program.
NEXT Close FOR..NEXT loop.
NOT Boolean NOT operator.
ODR Return GPIO ODR register offset.
ON Keyword for selective GOTO or GOSUB.
OR Boolean operator OR.
PAD Return address of 128 bytes working buffer.
PAUSE Suspend execution for some milliseconds.
PEEK Return byte value at some address.
PINP Read one of Arduino digital pin.
POKE Set byte value at some address.
POUT Change state of Arduino digital pin.
PRINT or ? Print, string, charater or integer to terminal.
PORTA Return base address GPIO A
PORTB Return base address GPIO B
PORTC Return base address GPIO C
PORTD Return base address GPIO D
PORTE Return base address GPIO E
PORTF Return base address GPIO F
PORTG Return base address GPIO G
PORTI Return base address GPIO I
PWM.CH.EN Enable PWM channel.
PWM.EN Enable PWM controls.
PWM.OUT Output PWM control to channel.
RANDMOMIZE initilize PRNG seed.
READ Read in a variable data item from DATA line.
REBOOT Reinitialize MCU.
REM ou ' Start a comment.
RESTORE Reinitialize DATA pointer.
RETURN Exit from subroutine.
RND Return a random number.
RSHIFT Shift right an integer.
RUN Execute program.
SAVE Save program in RAM to FLASH memory.
SERVO.POS Send a position command to servo-motor.
SIZE Display address and size of active program.
SLEEP Put MCU in low energy mode.
SPI.EN Enable SPI peripheral.
SPI.RD Read data from SPI peripheral.
SPI.SEL Select SPI channel.
SPI.WR Write data to SPI peripheral.
STEP Keyword used in FOR..NEXT loop to set increment.
STOP Stop program execution without resetting it.
TICKS Return milliseconds coutn since power up.
TIMEOUT Return true if TIMER as expired.
TO Keyword used in FOR..NEXT loop to set limit.
TONE Tone generator.
UBOUND Return last indice of @ array.
UFLASH Return first free block address of FLASH memory.
UNTIL Keyword that close DO..UNTIL control loop.
USR Function to call machine code routine.
WAIT Monitor some register state for expected change.
WORDS List vocabulary with token index.
WRITE Write data to FLASH or EEPROM.
XOR Boolean operator exclusive OR.

main index

ABS(expr) {C,P}

This function return the absolute value of the expression.

>? abs(-45)


ADCON 0|1 [,divisor]

This command power on|off the analog/digital converter. 1 for ON, 0 for *OFF
divisor parameter determine converter convertisseur et doit-être un entier dans l'intervalle {0..7}. This divisor is applied to Master clock Fosc. 11 clock cycles are required per convertion. If divisor is not given it is consired to be 0.

paramer divisor Fconv
0 2 8Mhz
1 3 5,33Mhz
2 4 4Mhz
3 6 2,66Mhz
4 8 2Mhz
5 10 1,6Mhz
6 12 1,33Mhz
7 18 0,89Mhz
>adcon 1,0 ' enable ADC maximum frequency

>?adcread(0) 'read channel 0 

>adcon 0 ' disable ADC 

Disabling ADC reduce MCU power consumption.


ADCREAD(channer) {C,P}

Read one of 7 analog inputs on CN4. Pinout is different for each board.

0 6 12
1 5 11
2 4 10
3 3 9
4 2 7
5 1 8
12 CN9:16 6
>adcon 1,0 ' active ADC fréquence maximale

>?adcread(0) 'Lecture canal 0 


expr1|rel1|cond1 AND expr2|rel2|cond2 {C,P}

Boolean operator to insert between two expressions or relations. This is a bit to bit AND operator.

When these allocated slots are no more used never forget to free them with DROP.

See also NOT,OR,XOR.

>a=2 ? a

>b=4 ? b

>if a>=2 and b<=4 ? "true" 




ASC(string|\c) {C,P}

This function return the ASCII value for first character of a string or of single character. See also CHAR function which is the opposite of this one.

    >? asc("AB")

    >? asc(\Z)



AWU expr {C,P}

This command put MCU in low power mode (HALT) for some amount of milliseconds defined by expr. After wakeup the program continue execution after this command. The command name come from the peripheral used Auto-WakeUp.

expr must be in range {1..32720}. The maximum delay is around 30.7 secondes.

>awu 1  ' 1 millisecond

>awu 30720 ' 30.7 seconds



BRES addr,bit {C,P}

This command reset a bit at addr. The address can be RAM or register.

  • addr address of registre or RAM.
  • bit {0..7} which bit is to be reset.
>bres PORTC,5 ' turn off user LED on board. 


BSET addr,bit {C,P}

This command set a bit at addr. The address can be RAM or register.

  • addr address of registre or RAM.
  • bit {0..7} which bit is to be set.
>bset $500a,5 ' turn on user LED on board.


BTEST(addr,bit) {C,P}

This function return the state of a single bit at addr. bit is the position of bit to be tested in range {0..7}.

>? btest($50f3,5) ' BEEP_CSR enable bit 


BTOGL addr,bit {C,P}

This command invert a bit at addr. The address can be RAM or register.

  • addr address of register or RAM.
  • bit {0..7} which bit is to be inverted.
>btogl PORTC,5 ' toggle user LED state.


BUFFER name, size {P}

This command reserve buffer space in RAM. This buffer can written to with POKE and read from with PEEK.

For usage examples look at i2c_eeprom.bas and i2c_oled.bas programs.

  • name is the name of variable holding buffer address.

  • size is in BYTES.

Size is limited by free RAM leftover by the program.

   10  BUFFER BUF , 16: ' create buffer 
   20  FOR I= BUF  TO I+ 15 POKE I, RND( 255) NEXT I : ' write to buffer
   30  FOR I= BUF  TO I+ 15 PRINT PEEK( I); NEXT I : ' read from buffer
program address:  $90, program size:  108 bytes in RAM memory

 215 248 88 147 11 229 252 86 214 192 27 194 136 88 227 115



This command place the MCU in HALT mode from which only a reset can reset it.


CHAIN name {P}

This command is used to run a progrm stored in file system from the actual running program.

  • name is the program file name.

When the chained program leave execution continue at the calling program after the CHAIN command.

A chained program can itself use CHAIN to execute another program file. The depth of chaining is limited by stack size.


CHAR(expr) {C,P}

This function return the ASCII character corresponding code expr which must be in the range {0..127}.

>for a=32 to 126:? char(a);:next a 



This command select master clock source.

  • CLOCK HSE,Fmhz To select external clock signal Fmhz is the frequence in Megahertz and must be an integer.
  • CLOCK HSI To select internal high speed oscillator. No frequency is given because it is fixed to 16Mhz.



CONST name=value [,name=value] {P}

This keyword is used to define symbolic constants. The list of constants to be defined are separated by comma ','.

  • name is constant name.
  • value is a constant expression.
   5 ' Test symbolic constant speed in comparison to literal constant.
  10 CONST TEST = 1024 
  20 ? "assign a varaible." 
  24 ? "literal constant: " ; 
  30 LET T = TICKS : FOR I = 1 TO 10000 : LET A = 20490 : NEXT I 
  32 ? TICKS - T ; "MSEC." 
  34 ? "symbolic constant: " ; 
  40 LET T = TICKS : FOR I = 1 TO 10000 : LET A = TEST : NEXT I 
  44 ? TICKS - T ; "MSEC." 
  50 CONST LED = 20490 
  60 ? "Test toggling user LED on board." 
  64 ? "Literal constant: " ; 
  70 LET T = TICKS : FOR I = 1 TO 10000 : BTOGL 20490 , 32 : NEXT I 
  72 ? TICKS - T ; "MSEC." 
  74 ? "Symbolic constant: " ; 
  80 LET T = TICKS : FOR I = 1 TO 10000 : BTOGL LED , 32 : NEXT I 
  90 ? TICKS - T ; "MSEC." 
program address: $91, program size: 496 bytes in RAM memory

assign a varaible.
literal constant: 418 MSEC.
symbolic constant: 541 MSEC.
Test toggling user LED on board.
Literal constant: 587 MSEC.
Symbolic constant: 714 MSEC.



CR1 (C,P)

This constant is the offset of CR1 register from GPIO base address. It must be added to PORTx constant to be accessed.

In input mode this register configure pull-up and in output mode it select between push-pull and open-drain.

See also ODR,IDR,DDR,CR2


CR2 {C,P}

This constant is the offset of CR2 register from GPIO base address. It must be added to PORTx constant to be accessed.

In input mode it is used to enable or disable external interrupt on pin. In output mode it is used to limit port slew ratte (i.e. toggling speed).

See also ODR,IDR,DDR,CR1



This keyword is used to declare a line containing only data. The interpreter skip over data lines. The data is accessed using READ function. Each the a data item is read the data pointer is moved to next item. Reading data after the last item is a fatal error. Note that contrary to Microsoft BASIC this is a function not a command. It doesn't accept any parameter.

See also RESTORE.

    5 ' Play a tune from score in DATA lines 
   10 RESTORE 
   20 DATA 440,250,440,250,466,250,523,250,523,250,466,250,440,250
   30 DATA 392,250,349,250,349,250,392,250,440,250,440,375,392,125
   40 DATA 392,500



This constant is the offset of DDR register from GPIO base address. It must be added to PORTx constant to be accessed.

This register is used to set GPIO pin as input or output.

See also ODR,IDR,CR1,CR2

>bset portc+ddr,bit(5) ' set user led pin as output




This command is used to set the number printing format to decimal. It is the default format at startup.

See also HEX.



DIM var_name[=expr][,var_name[=expr]] {P}

This keyword is used to define symbolic variables in extra to the 26 Tiny BASIC variables {A..Z}.

  • var_name is variable name and must be at least 2 characters beginning with a letter. The first letter can be followed by '_','.','?' and letters. The maximum length is 15 characters.

  • expr is optional and used to initialize the variable. If not present the variable is initialized to 0.

  • The comma ',' is used as list separator.


DO {C,P}

Keyword used to introduce a **DO..UNTIL condition ** loop. The instructions inside the loop are executed until condition become true.

See also UNTIL.

   10 A = 1 
   20 DO 
   30 PRINT A;
   40 A =A + 1 
   50 UNTIL A > 10 

   1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10



This command display the list of program saved in file system. Program saved with command SAVE are run in place.

See also SAVE,ERASE.

$BB04 84 bytes,BLINK
$BB84 218 bytes,HYMNE
$BC84 127 bytes,FIBONACCI



This function return the state of a digital pin which as been defined as input with PMODE. The value returned is either 0 or 1. Tables below give pinout for each board.

Arduino Dx board con
PD6 D0_RX CN7:1
PD5 D1_TX CN7:2
PE0 D2_IO CN7:3
PC1 D3_TIM CN7:4
PG0 D4_IO CN7:5
PC2 D5_TIM CN7:6
PC3 D6_TIM CN7:7
PD1 D7_IO CN7_8
PD3 D8_IO CN8:1
PC4 D9_TIM CN8:2
PC7 D12_MISO CN8:5
PC5 D13_SPI_CK CN8:6
PE2 D14_SDA CN8:9
PE1 D15_SCL CN8:10

Arduino Dx board con
PD5 D0_TX CN3:1
PD6 D1_RX CN3:2
PD0 D2 CN3:5
PC1 D3 CN3:6
PD2 D4 CN3:7
PC2 D5 CN3:8
PC3 D6 CN3:9
PA1 D7 CN3:10
PA2 D8 CN3:11
PC4 D9 CN3:12
PD4 D10 CN3:13
PD3 D11 CN3:14
PC7 D12 CN3:15
20 ? DREAD(5)


DWRITE pin,level

This command change the state of a digital output pin defined as output by command PMODE.

  • pin is one of available Dx on board.

  • level is 1 or 0.

See also PMODE, DREAD.

10 PMODE 10,POUT ' configure D10 as output 
20 DWRITE 10, 0  ' set pin to 0 level 


EDIT name {C}

Copy a program file from FLASH to RAM for modification.

$BB04 84 bytes,BLINK
$BB84 218 bytes,HYMNE

>edit blink

    1 BLINK 
    5 ' Blink LED2 on card 
   20 LET A = KEY 
   30 BRES PORTC , BIT ( 5 ) 
   40 END 
program address: $91, program size: 84 bytes in RAM memory




This function return first free EEPROM address. The EEPROM is scanned from start address until 8 consecutives 0 values are found. The EEPROM is consedered free from that first zero to end.

See also EEPROM.

>hex ? eeprom

>autorun blink

>? eeprom

>for i=EEPROM to i+15:? i;peek(i):next i
$4000 $41 
$4001 $52 
$4002 $BB 
$4003 $0 
$4004 $0 
$4005 $0 
$4006 $0 
$4007 $0 
$4008 $0 
$4009 $0 
$400A $0 
$400B $0 
$400C $0 
$400D $0 
$400E $0 
$400F $0 

>? eefree




Return the base address of EEPROM.

See also EEFREE.

>hex:? eeprom,peek(eeprom)
$4000 	$41 




This keyword end program. It can be place anywhere in a program.

See also STOP

   10 LET A = 0 
   20 LET A = A + 1 
   30 ? A ; : IF A > 100 : END 
   40 GOTO 20 
program address: $91, program size: 52 bytes in RAM memory

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 



This command is used to erase persistant memory, FLASH or EEPROM.

  • \E erase all EEPROM
  • \F erase all FLASH memory starting at app_space, i.e. after system firmware.
  • NAME erase a specific program file.

See also SAVE,DIR


FCPU integer

This command set CPU clock frequency without affecting peripheral clock which stay at 16Mhz.

  • integer in range {0..7}, Fcpu=16Mhz/2^7.

Reducing CPU clock frequency reduce energy consumption.

>fcpu 7 ' 125Khz

>let t=ticks: for i=1 to 10000:next i: ? ticks-t;" msec"
18140  msec

>fcpu 0 ' 16 Mhz 

>let t=ticks: for i=1 to 10000:next i: ? ticks-t;" msec"
97  msec



FOR var=expr1 TO expr2 [STEP expr3] NEXT var {C,P}

Keyword FOR intialiaze a counted loop that exit when the control variable pass the limit.

  • var is the control variable {A..Z}.
  • expr1 is initial value of variable.
  • TO keyword to introduce loop limit.
  • expr2 limit value.
  • STEP keyword introduce the increment applied at variable at end of each loop.
  • expr3 increment value.
  • NEXT keyword that close the loop. NEXT apply the increment and check for limit. if limit is crossed over the loop exit.
  • var same as control variable.

A FOR..NEXT loop can span many lines of codes except for the initialization which must me on the same line.

FOR..NEXT loops can be nested.

    5 'multipliation table 1..10 
   10 FOR A = 1 TO 10 
   20 FOR B = 1 TO 10 
   30 ? A * B ,; 
   40 NEXT B : ? 
   50 NEXT A 
program address: $91, program size: 91 bytes in RAM memory

1 	2 	3 	4 	5 	6 	7 	8 	9 	10 	
2 	4 	6 	8 	10 	12 	14 	16 	18 	20 	
3 	6 	9 	12 	15 	18 	21 	24 	27 	30 	
4 	8 	12 	16 	20 	24 	28 	32 	36 	40 	
5 	10 	15 	20 	25 	30 	35 	40 	45 	50 	
6 	12 	18 	24 	30 	36 	42 	48 	54 	60 	
7 	14 	21 	28 	35 	42 	49 	56 	63 	70 	
8 	16 	24 	32 	40 	48 	56 	64 	72 	80 	
9 	18 	27 	36 	45 	54 	63 	72 	81 	90 	
10 	20 	30 	40 	50 	60 	70 	80 	90 	100 	




This function return size of free RAM in BYTES.


>? free

>10 ? "hello world!"

>? free



GET var

This command read a character in a variable from terminal but contrary to KEY it doesn't wait for it. If no character is available when invoked it return 0.

See also KEY,KEY?

10 PRINT "Press a key to end.\n" : PAUSE 400
20 DO ? "hello ";:  GET A: UNTIL A<>0 


GOSUB line#|label {P}

Subroutine call.

  • line# is the line number where the subroutine is located.
  • label placed at beginning of line can be used as subroutine name instead of line number. label name obey same rules as variables and constants names.
5 ' test GOSUB with line# and label
10 GOSUB 100 
30 END 
100 ? "GOSUB line# works!" return 
200 LBL1 ? "GOSUB label works!" return 

GOSUB line# works!
GOSUB label works!



GOTO line#|label {P}

This keyword do an unconditionnal jump to some other program line.

  • line# is target program line.
  • label is a label at beginning of a line used as GOTO target.
    5 ' test GOTO avec line# et label 
   10 GOTO 100
   20  LBL1 PRINT "GOTO label works!"
   30 END
  100 PRINT "GOTO line# works!"GOTO LBL1 
program address:  $80, program size:  119 bytes in RAM memory

GOTO line# works!
GOTO label works!




This command select integer output format for PRINT command.

See also DEC.

>HEX ?-10 DEC:?-10



This system constant is used as parameter for CLOCK command. It idenfy the High Speed External clock signal as master clock. When this parameter is used Frequency in Mhz of the signal must be given as secon parameter.

CLOCK HSE,8  ' use external clock at 8Mhz

See CLOCK, HSI index


This system constant is used as parameter for CLOCK command. It identify the High Speed Internal oscillator as master clock. This oscillator is 16Mhz. Frequency parameter is ignored if given.

CLOCK HSI ' switch to Internal 16Mhz oscillator for master clock



This command disable the I2C peripheral. The I2C peripheral is a 2 wires communication device. The alternate function 6 must be programmed in OPT2 register and MCU rebooted before using this peripheral.



I2C.OPEN freq (C,P)

This command enable I2C periphal. The I2C peripheral is a 2 wires communication device. Good examples of usage are i2c_eeprom.bas and i2c_oled.bas.

  • freq in KiloHertz of communication speed. Usually 100 or 400 .

Pin out for each board.

SCL PB4 A1 (CN4:1) A5 (CN4:8)
SDA PB5 A0 (CN4:2) A4 (CN4:7)

This peripheral is available as an alternate function. The OPT2 bit 6 must be set and MCU rebooted before using it. It can be done on command line. It need to be done only once. It is persistant unless the device is reprogrammed.

>LET A=PEEK($4803) OR 64:WRITE $4803,A:REBOOT ' connect I2C to pins 

Tiny BASIC for STM8
Copyright, Jacques Deschenes 2019,2022
version 2.5R1


To disconnet I2C alternate function:

>LET A=NOT 64 AND PEEK($4803):WRITE $4803,A: REBOOT ' disconnect I2C from pins. 

Tiny BASIC for STM8
Copyright, Jacques Deschenes 2019,2022
version 2.5R1




I2C.READ dev_id,count,buf,stop {C,P}

This command read data from I2C peripheral in a buffer.

  • dev_id is the 7 bit address of device to read.
  • count How many bytes to read.
  • buf buffer address to receive bytes.
  • stop Take 0 or 1. 0 -> free bus after transaction. 1 keep hold on bus after transaction.

For usage example see i2c_eeprom.bas.



I2C.WRITE dev_id,count,buf,stop {C,P}

This command is used to write data to I2C device. See i2c_eeprom.bas and i2c_oled.bas usage examples.

  • dev_id device 7 bits address.
  • count number of bytes to be written.
  • buf buffer address containing data to be transmitted.
  • stop Take 0 or 1 value. 0 -> free bus after transaction. 1 hold bus after transaction.




This constant is the offset of register IDR from PORTx address. To be accessed it is added to PORTx value.

GPIO port use 5 registers:

  • ODR Output Data Register, offset 0

  • IDR Input Data Register, offset 1

  • DDR Data Direction Register, offset 2

  • CR1 *Control Register 1, offset 3

  • CR2 *Control Register 2, offset 4

>? "Nucleo board user LED ODR address: " PORTC+ODR
Nucleo board user LED ODR address:20490 



IF condition : cmd [:cmd]* {C,P}

This keyword is used for conditionnal execution. The commands that follow the condition on the same line are executed only if condition is true.

  • condition can be any integer expression, comparison or boolean expression.

  • cmd [:cmd]* is list of commands to be executed if condition is true.

>a=5%2:if a:?"vrai",a
vrai   1

>if a>2 : ? "vrai",a



INPUT [string]var [,[string]var]+ {C,P}

This command is used to prompt user to enter some integer value.

  • string optional prompt string
  • var variable to store inputted value.
  • More than 1 value can be queried separated by a comma.
    5 ' test INPUT command 
   10 INPUT "age? " A , "sex(1=M,2=F)? " S 
   14 IF A = 0 : END 
   20 IF S = 1 ? "man " ; : GOTO 40 
   30 ? "woman " ; 
   40 IF A > 59 : ? "babyboomer" : GOTO 10 
   50 ? "still young" : GOTO 10 
program address: $91, program size: 162 bytes in RAM memory

age? :60
sex(1=M,2=F)? :1
man babyboomer
age? :40
sex(1=M,2=F)? :2
woman still young
age? :0
sex(1=M,2=F)? :0



IWDGEN expr {C,P}

This command enable the Independant WatchDog timer.

  • expr in the range {1.16383} is delay for watchdog to expired and trigger an MCU reboot. To avoid MCU reboot the IWDGREF command must be called before this delay.

16383 value is about 1 second.

    5 ' indepencdent watchdog timer test 
   10 IWDGEN 16383 ' enable **IWDG** with 1 second delay  
   20 IF KEY?  GOTO 40
   30 PRINT \.,:PAUSE 100:IWDGREF ' refresh **IWDG** before it expire. 
   34 GOTO 20
   40 PRINT "\nThe IWDG will reset MCU in 1 second ."
program address:  $80, program size:  225 bytes in RAM memory

The IWDG will reset MCU in 1 second .

> �

Tiny BASIC for STM8
Copyright, Jacques Deschenes 2019,2022
version 2.0




This command is used to reset IWDG before its delay to avoid MCU reboot.

See also IWDGEN.



This function wait for a character from terminal and return its integer value.

>do let a=a+1 until key? : ? a,char(key)
53266 	q


See also KEY?,CHAR


KEY? {C,P}

This function return TRUE (-1) if a character is available in terminal reception queue. If none in queue return FALSE (0).

>do LET A=A+1 until key? : ? a, char(key)
  -1 v


See also KEY,CHAR


LET var=expr [,var=expr] {C,P}

This keyword is used to initialize variables. More than one variable can be initialize in the same command provide they are separated by comma.

  • var is variable to initialize, may be a single letter variable, a symbolic one or an array element.

  • expr may be integer expr, relation or boolean condition.

>LET A=24*2+3:?a
>LET A=31416, b=2*A:?B
>LET C=-4*(a<51):?C
>LET @(3)=24*3




LIST [line_start][,line_end] {C}

This command print on terminal the listing of active program. This program can be in RAM or in FLASH depending which is active.

  • line_start start listing from this line or next above if doesn't exist.
  • line_end end listing at this line or nearest below if doesn't exist.
    5 ' test INPUT command 
   10 INPUT "age? " A , "sex(1=M,2=F)? " S 
   14 IF A = 0 : END 
   20 IF S = 1 ? "man " ; : GOTO 40 
   30 ? "woman " ; 
   40 IF A > 59 : ? "babyboomer" : GOTO 10 
   50 ? "still young" : GOTO 10 
program address: $91, program size: 162 bytes in RAM memory

>list 10-30
   10 INPUT "age? " A , "sex(1=M,2=F)? " S 
   14 IF A = 0 : END 
   20 IF S = 1 ? "man " ; : GOTO 40 
   30 ? "woman " ; 
program address: $91, program size: 162 bytes in RAM memory

>list -30
    5 ' test INPUT command 
   10 INPUT "age? " A , "sex(1=M,2=F)? " S 
   14 IF A = 0 : END 
   20 IF S = 1 ? "man " ; : GOTO 40 
   30 ? "woman " ; 
program address: $91, program size: 162 bytes in RAM memory

>list 10-
   10 INPUT "age? " A , "sex(1=M,2=F)? " S 
   14 IF A = 0 : END 
   20 IF S = 1 ? "man " ; : GOTO 40 
   30 ? "woman " ; 
   40 IF A > 59 : ? "babyboomer" : GOTO 10 
   50 ? "still young" : GOTO 10 
program address: $91, program size: 162 bytes in RAM memory



LOG2(expr) {C,P}

This function return the base 2 logarithm of expr. The logarithm is truncate toward zero.

>i=1 do ? log2(i),:i=i*2 until i=$400000 
   0    1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9   10   11   12   13   14   15   16   17   18   19   20   21 

This function is the inverse of BIT.

>? log(bit(7))


LSHIFT(expr1,expr2) {C,P}

This function shift left expr1, expr2 bits the least be being replaced by 0.

>? lshift(1,15)

>? lshift(3,2)


See also RSHIFT



Clear program from RAM.


NEXT var {C,P}

This keyword is part of FOR..NEXT loop. It does the variable increment and check for limit crossover.

See also FOR, TO,STEP.


NOT expr {C,P}

Unary boolean operator. Take the value of expr and invert all bits. It as the highest priority of all boolean operators.

See also AND,OR,XOR.


>? not 0

>? not $ffffff

>? not 5

>? not $fffffa




This constant is the offset of ODR register from PORTx constant. To access this register its value must be added to PORTx value.

>bset portc+odr,bit(5) ' turn on user LED

>bres portc+odr,bit(5) ' turn off user LED 


See also IDR,DDR,CR1, CR2.


ON expr GOTO|GOSUB target_list

This keyword is used as a selector for GOSUB or GOTO.

  • expr to be evaluate to select the target in target_list
  • target_list comma separated list of line number or label.

expr must evaluate in range {1..length(list_target)} otherwise program execution continue on next line.

The selected target is the one at position corresponding to expr value counting from left to right, starting at count 1.

    5 ? "testing ON expr GOTO line#,line#,..." 
    7 INPUT "select 1-5" A 
   10 ON A GOTO 100 , LBL1 , 300 , 400 , EXIT 
   14 ? "Woops! selector out of range." : END 
   20 GOTO 500 
  100 ? "selected GOTO 100" : GOTO 500 
  200 LBL1 ? "selected GOTO LBL1" : GOTO 500 
  300 ? "selected GOTO 300" : GOTO 500 
  400 ? "selected GOTO 400" 
  500 ? "testing ON expr GOSUB line#,line#..." 
  505 INPUT "select 1-7" B 
  510 LET A = 1 : ON A * B GOSUB 600 , 700 , 800 , 900 , 1000 , LBL2 , EXIT 
  520 IF B < 1 OR B > 7 : GOTO 14 
  524 GOTO 5 
  600 ? "selected GOSUB 600" : RETURN 
  700 ? "selected GOSUB 700" : RETURN 
  800 ? "selected GOSUB 800" : RETURN 
  900 ? "selected GOSUB 900" : RETURN 
 1000 ? "selected GOSUB 1000" : RETURN 
 1100 LBL2 ? "selected GOSUB LBL2" : RETURN 
 2000 EXIT ? "selected EXIT" 
 2010 END 
program address: $91, program size: 618 bytes in RAM memory

testing ON expr GOTO line#,line#,...
select 1-5:2
selected GOTO LBL1
testing ON expr GOSUB line#,line#...
select 1-7:4
selected GOSUB 900
testing ON expr GOTO line#,line#,...
select 1-5:6
Woops! selector out of range.



expr1 OR expr2 {C,P}

This boolean operator combine bit to bit with an OR operator value of expr1 with value of expr2.

>a=3:b=5 if a>3 or a<5 ? b

>if a<3 or a>5 ? a


See also AND,NOT,XOR.



This function return the address of a 128 bytes working buffer. This buffer is used from other usage to program FLASH memory block. Using it in program is safe provide there is no FLASH writing or number printing.

>? pad



PAUSE expr {C,P}

This command suspend execution for the value of expr in milliseconds.

   10 input"suspend for seconds? "s
   20 if s=0:end
   30 pause 1000*s
   40 goto 10

suspend for seconds? 5
suspend for seconds? 10
suspend for seconds? 0



PEEK(expr) {C,P}

Return byte value at address resulting from evaluation of expr.

There is 32 interrupt vectors and they all begin with instruction INT which binary code is...

>hex: for i=$8000 to i+31*4 step 4: ? peek(i);:next i
$82 $82 $82 $82 $82 $82 $82 $82 $82 $82 $82 $82 $82 $82 $82 $82 $82 $82 $82 $82 $82 $82 $82 $82 $82 $82 $82 $82 $82 $82 $82 $82 

index {C,P}

PINP pin

This is a constant used by command PMODE to set pin as digital input.


PMODE pin,mode

This command configure Dx pin as digital input PINP or digital output POUT. The power on default mode is digital input.

NUCLEO-8S208RB Dx pins.

PIN connector
D0 CN7:1
D1 CN7:2
D2 CN7:3
D3 CN7:4
D4 CN7:5
D5 CN7:6
D6 CN7:7
D7 CN7:8
D8 CN8:1
D9 CN8:2
D10 CN8:3
D11 CN8:4
D12 CN8:5
D13 CN8:6
D14 CN8:9
D15 CN8:10

NUCLEO-8S207K8 Dx pins.

PIN connector
D0 CN3:2
D1 CN3:1
D2 CN3:5
D3 CN3:6
D4 CN3:7
D5 CN3:8
D6 CN3:9
D7 CN3:10
D8 CN3:11
D9 CN3:12
D10 CN3:13
D11 CN3:14
D12 CN3:15
20 DWRITE 10, 1

See also PINP,POUT


POKE expr1,expr2

Put byte value of expr2 at address of expr1

  • expr1 must result in a RAM address or register address.
  • expr2 result in an integer in range {0..255}.
>poke PORTC,32 ' turn on user LED.


See also PEEK



This constant is used by PMODE to configure Dx pin as digital output.


PRINT [string|expr|char][,string|expr|char][';'] {C,P}

This command type to terminal. It accept 3 types of information.

  • string Quoted string.
  • expr any integer, relation or boolean expression.
  • char ASCII character preceded by \ or CHAR function.
  • ',' comma send a tabulation character to terminal, i.e ASCII 9. This move terminal cursor right to next column. Column width depend on terminal configuration.
  • ';' semi-colon at end of PRINT command cancel carriage-return. Between items it is a separator.

The PRINT command can be abbreviate by '?' character.

>? 3


>? "hello";" world!"
hello world!

>? "hello","world!"
hello	world!

>? "hello" "world!"

>LET A=51: ? "A=",a      
A=	51 





For each GPIO port there is a constant which value is the base address of the registers set of the port. Each use 5 registers for its configuration and data I/O.

  • ODR Output data register
  • IDR Input data register
  • DDR Data direction register
  • CR1 Configuration register 1
  • CR2 Configuration register 2

For each of these register there is a defined constant when added to PORTx address give access to that register.

>? porta

>? portc+ddr

>hex: ? portc+odr

>bset portc+odr,bit(5) ' turn on user LED 


PWM.CH.EN ch#, 0|1 {C,P}

This command is used to enable or disable PWM control channel.

  • ch# is channel number {1..4}.
  • 0 To disable channel.
  • 1 To enable channel.

PWM control use the same TIMER and outputs as servo motor control. They can't be used simultanously.

This command is used after the PWM as been enabled by PWM.EN. This one is to enable a specific channel.

output conn.
1 D3 CN3:6 CN7:4
2 D5 CN3:8 CN7:6
3 D6 CN3:9 CN7:7
4 D9 CN3:12 CN8:2

See also PWM.EN, PWM.OUT

Example program: BASIC/rgb-led.bas


PWM.EN 0|1, bits {C,P}

Enable or disable PWM control. The PWM control must be enabled before enabling a channel.

  • 0 Disable PWM control.
  • 1 Enable PWM control.
  • bits PWM resolution in bits. PMW.OUT value range is {0...2^bits-1}. Higher resolution means lower PWM frequency:
bits Freq.
8 62500 0...255
10 15625 0...1023
16 244 0...65535


Example program: BASIC/rgb-led.bas


PWM.OUT ch#, value {C,P}

Output a control value to PWM channel. This value set pulse width. Duty cycle, i.e. pulse width/PWM period*100 is:

  • ch# Channel number {1..4}.
  • value Control Duty Cycle.

See alos PWM.CH.EN, PWM.EN

Example program: BASIC/rgb-led.bas



This command is used to initialize the seed for RND() function.

  • expr is used to initialize the seed variable unless it as a zero value. In that case the systeme variables ticks is used insttead. Initializing with a constant value will result in always the same sequence of pseudo-random numbers. But if expr==0 the sequence depend on the value of ticks variable.
>randomize 27: for i=1 to 16: ? rnd(256);:next i
126 87 111 9 246 169 8 242 9 224 96 250 116 41 256 20 
>randomize 27: for i=1 to 16: ? rnd(256);:next i
126 87 111 9 246 169 8 242 9 224 96 250 116 41 256 20 

>randomize 0: for i=1 to 16: ? rnd(256);:next i
237 131 206 33 161 116 256 31 39 205 248 36 252 73 125 112 
>randomize 0: for i=1 to 16: ? rnd(256);:next i
109 196 97 167 114 26 175 33 193 163 207 186 35 76 169 37 



This function read next DATA item and move pointer to next item.

  • Data items are separated by a comma.
  • DATA lines must be grouped for all items to be read.
  • Many DATA group may exist in the same program but at startup the DATA pointer is set to first group. To READ others group the command RESTORE must be used to set the DATA pointer to a specific group.

Reading over the last DATA item result in a fatal error.

   10 RESTORE 
   20 DATA 100,200
   30 DATA 300

 100 200 300
No data found.

At any point in a program the command RESTORE can be used to reset the pointer or set it to some specific line number.



This command reset the MCU.


Tiny BASIC for STM8
Copyright, Jacques Deschenes 2019,2022
version 2.0



REM|' texte

The keyword REM which can be replaced by the tick ' character mark a comment. Comments end with the line but can be after one or more commands.

In listing only the tick is used to mark comments.

>10 rem This is a comment.  

>20 ' Comment are skipped by the interpreter. 

   10 ' This is a comment. 
   20 ' Comment are skipped by the interpreter.
program address:  $80, program size:   69 bytes in RAM memory



RESTORE [line#] {p}

This command is used to restore data pointer to first line of data if there is no parameter or to line# if one is given.

It is a fatal error to RESTORE to a line that doesn't exist or is not a data line.

    5 ? "test RESTORE command." 
   10 RESTORE 
   30 RESTORE 300 
   50 END 
  100 DATA 1 , 2 , 3 
  200 DATA 4 , 5 , 6 
  300 DATA 7 , 8 , 9 
program address: $91, program size: 102 bytes in RAM memory

test RESTORE command.
1 2 3 
7 8 9 




This keyword is used to exit from a subroutine and return after the GOSUB that called that subroutine.

   10 GOSUB 100 : ? "back from subroutine" 
   20 END 
  100 ? "inside subroutine" 
  110 RETURN 
program address: $91, program size: 65 bytes in RAM memory

inside subroutine
back from subroutine




This function return a pseudo random integer in the interval {1..expr}

expr must be a positive integer otherwise it is a fatal error.

   10 FOR I = 1 TO 100 
   20 ? RND ( 1000 ) , ; : IF I % 10 = 0 : ? 
   30 NEXT I 
program address: $91, program size: 49 bytes in RAM memory

767 	286 	763 	974 	413 	313 	955 	592 	228 	979 	
784 	5 	372 	393 	765 	989 	354 	794 	254 	938 	
598 	456 	318 	233 	945 	228 	803 	608 	831 	126 	
638 	981 	459 	505 	247 	616 	859 	799 	753 	893 	
163 	439 	844 	637 	964 	195 	637 	876 	2 	859 	
766 	983 	5 	78 	525 	929 	193 	108 	936 	187 	
437 	778 	261 	367 	676 	266 	561 	774 	473 	318 	
420 	132 	179 	379 	708 	921 	356 	5 	759 	637 	
140 	279 	580 	713 	930 	657 	294 	709 	177 	179 	
827 	520 	117 	541 	214 	197 	58 	799 	330 	581 	



RSHIFT(expr1,expr2) {C,P}

This function shift right the value of expr1 by expr2 bits. The most significant bit is replaced by 0.

  • expr1 value to be right shifted
  • expr2 value must be in range {0..15} and is the number positions to be shifted.

See also LSHIFT

>? rshift($80,7)




RUN [name] {C}

Without parameter execute the program residing in RAM. If name is given, a program file with that name is searched and if found executed from FLASH memory.

There is 3 hot keys to stop a running program.

  1. CTRL+C end program and fall back to command line.
  2. CTRL+X reboot the MCU.
  3. CTRL+Z clear autorun data in EEPROM and reboot.
$B984   97 bytes,BLINK
$BA04  138 bytes,FIBONACCI

>run fibonacci
   0    1    1    2    3    5    8   13   21   34   55   89  144  233  377  610  987 1597 2584 4181 6765 10946 17711 28657 46368 75025 121393 196418 317811 514229 832040 1346269 2178309 3524578 5702887



This command is used to save the program in RAM to the file system in FLASH memory. To be saved the first line of the program must be labeled. A program saved can be run from giving its name to the command RUN. The command DIR list on the terminal the files saved.

A program saved with MAIN name is automatically executed at startup or at reboot command.


SERVO.CH.EN ch#,0|1 {C,P}

This command is used to enable or disable a servo-motor channel.

  • ch# select the channel {1..4}
  • 0|1 0 to disable the channel, 1 to enable it.

Before using this command the servo-motor function must be enabled using SERVO.EN command.

To position a specific servo-motor the command SERVO.POS is used.


SERVO.EN 0|1 {C,P}

This command is used to enable or disable the servo-motor control fonction.

  • 0|1 0 disable function, 1 enable function.

This command only configure TIMER1 for a 20msec period, which is repetition rate of servo-motor control pulses.

Each servo-motor channel must be actived separately by SERVO.CH.EN command.

SERVO.POS command is used to position individual servo-motor.

output conn.
1 D3 CN3:6 CN7:4
2 D5 CN3:8 CN7:6
3 D6 CN3:9 CN7:7
4 D9 CN3:12 CN8:2

NOTE: When TIMER1 is used for this function channels that are not used for servo-motor control can't use TIMER1 for other function.


SERVO.POS ch#,pos {C,P}

This command is used to send a positionning command to servo-motor.

  • ch# select the channel to command {1..4}.
  • pos Is the widh of control pulse in microseconds. Usually servo-motors have a pulse width range of {500 usec ... 2500 usec}. The servo-motor specification should be checked.



This command display the address and size of the program in RAM or in FLASH if such a program was the last executed.



This command is used to place the MCU in HALT mode. In this mode the internal oscillator is stopped an the MCU is in lowest energy mode. Only a reset or an external interrupt can wake it up. All peripherals are suspended in this mode except for the IWDG if this one is clocked by the LSI.

If the SLEEP command is called inside a program and the MCU is woke up by an external interrupt the program continue execution after the SLEEP command.


SPI.EN 0|1 [,div]

This command enable or disable the SPI peripheral.

  • 0|1 0 disable, 1 enable.
  • div clock frequency divisor {0..7}, Fspi=Fmstr/(2^(div+1)) {2..256}. This parameter is optionnal and default to 0 for maximum clock frequency. WARNING: when first parameter is 0 this must be omitted.

NUCLEO-8S208RB pinout

MCU pin
NSS CN8:3 D10 PE5
SCLK CN8:6 D13 PC5
MOSI CN8:4 D11 PC6
MISO CN8:5 D12 PC7

NUCLEO-8S207K8 pinout

MCU pin
NSS CN3:13 D10 PE5
SCLK CN4:15 D13 PC5
MOSI CN3:14 D11 PC6
MISO CN3:15 D12 PC7


SPI.SEL 1|0 (NUCLEO-8S208RB only)

This command is used to select or deselect SPI device.

  • 1|0 The ~CS pin follow the inverse of this value.
    • 1 select, i.e.~CS is low.
    • 0 deselect, i.e. ~CS is high.

1 enable peripheral.

10 SPI.EN 0,1 'enable SPI at Fspi=Fmstr/4. 
20 SPI.SEL 1  ' Select the device.  
30 SPI.WR 5   ' write **5** to device.
40 ? SPI.RD   ' read value from device.
50 SPI.SEL 0  ' deselect device. 
60 SPI.EN 0   ' disable SPI interface.


SPI.RD (NUCLEO-8S208RB only)

This function return a byte read from an SPI device.


SPI.WR byte [, byte] (NUCLEO-8S208RB only)

This command write one or more bytes to SPI device. The following program demonstrate the use of an 25LC640 SPI EEPROM. Writing 16 random values and reading them back.

    4 ' test SPI with 25LC640 EEPROM 
   10 SPI.EN 1 , 2 ' Fspi=Fmstr/8
   14 SPI.SEL 1 : SPI.WR 6 : SPI.SEL 0 'enable WEL bit in EEPROM 
   18 SPI.SEL 1 : SPI.WR 5 : IF ( SPI.RD AND 2 ) : GOTO 26 
   22 GOTO 200 
   26 SPI.SEL 0 
   30 ? "writing 16 random values to EEPROM\n{" 
   34 SPI.SEL 1 : SPI.WR 2 , 0 , 0 
   38 FOR I = 0 TO 15 
   42 LET D = RND ( 256 ) : ? D ; : SPI.WR D : NEXT I : ? "}" 
   46 SPI.SEL 0 
   50 GOSUB 100 ' wait for write completed 
   54 SPI.SEL 1 : SPI.WR 3 , 0 , 0 
   58 ? "\nreading back EEPROM\n{" 
   62 FOR I = 0 TO 15 : ? SPI.RD ; : NEXT I : ? "}" 
   66 SPI.SEL 0 : 
   70 SPI.EN 0 
   74 END 
   98 ' wait for write completed 
  100 SPI.SEL 1 : SPI.WR 5 : LET S = SPI.RD : SPI.SEL 0 
  110 IF S AND 1 : GOTO 100 
  120 RETURN 
  200 ? "failed to enable WEL bit in EEPROM " ; A 
  210 SPI.SEL 0 ' deselect EEPROM 
  220 SPI.EN 0 ' disable SPI 
program address: $91, program size: 571 bytes in RAM memory

writing 16 random values to EEPROM
79 92 210 100 85 145 17 15 67 227 238 252 1 111 145 37 }
reading back EEPROM
79 92 210 100 85 145 17 15 67 227 238 252 1 111 145 37 }


STEP expr {C,P}

This keyword is part of FOR..NEXT loop initialization. It set the increment of control variable.




This command is a tool to help debugging a program. It is used to stop execution of a program at some point and go to command line. From command line variables content can be viewed or changed. When the RUN command is invoked after a stop the program continue after the STOP point.

If [END]](#end) command is invoked from command line while in STOP mode, the program is ended.


break point, RUN to resume.

break point, RUN to resume.

break point, RUN to resume.

break point, RUN to resume.


break point, RUN to resume.





The system as an internal 24 bits counter incremented every millisecond. TIMER4 is used for that purpose. TICKS function return the value of this counter. The counter rollover at 0x7fffff to stay in positive values. the give about 2.3 hours rollover. When the AWU or SLEEP is used the ticks counter is suspended during HALT period.

>let t=ticks: for a=1 to 1000:next a : ?ticks-t " msec"
  10 msec 



This function check if the TIMER is expired. It return TRUE if so.

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 


TIMER expr {C,P}

This command set a countdown timer. This count is decremented every millisecond. The function TIMEOUT is used to know when the count reach 0.

>timer 1000: do until timeout ' time out after 1 second



TO expr {C,P}

This keyword is part of FOR..NEXT loop initialization. It is used to set the limit.


TONE expr1,expr2 {C,P}

This command is used to generate a tone.

  • expr1 value is tone frequency.
  • expr2 value is tone duration in milliseconds.

The audio output for NUCLEO-8S208RB is on CN9:6 (D4).

The audio outpout for NUCLEO-8S207K8 is on CN3:13 (D10).

This tone is generated using TIMER2 channel 1 configured in PWM mode with 50% duty cycle.

    5 ' play scale
   10 LET @ ( 1 ) = 440 , @ ( 2 ) = 466 , @ ( 3 ) = 494 , @ ( 4 ) = 523 , @ ( 5 ) = 554 , @ ( 6 ) = 587 
   20 LET @ ( 7 ) = 622 , @ ( 8 ) = 659 , @ ( 9 ) = 698 , @ ( 10 ) = 740 , @ ( 11 ) = 784 , @ ( 12 ) = 831 
   30 FOR I = 1 TO 12 : TONE @ ( I ) , 200 : NEXT I 
program address: $91, program size: 187 bytes in RAM memory




This function return the last indice of @ array. As this value depend on RAM left free when a program is loaded a runtime function is required to know this value. The @ array is garanteed to have at least a size of 10.

The @ indices are in range {1..ubound}.



This function return the address of FLASH free for program use. This value varies as the numbers of files and size varies. So it should be called whenever a program want to write to FLASH memory.

This address is always aligned to FLASH block which are 128 bytes in size.

    1 BLINK 
    5 ' Blink LED2 on card 
   20 LET A = KEY 
   30 BRES PORTC , BIT ( 5 ) 
   40 END 
program address: $91, program size: 84 bytes in RAM memory

>? uflash


$BB04 84 bytes,BLINK

>? uflash



UNTIL expr {C,P}

This keyword close a DO..UNTIL loop. When the expr evaluate to any not null integer the loop exit.

   10 LET A = 1 
   20 DO 
   30 ? A ; 
   40 LET A = A + 1 
   50 UNTIL A > 10 
program address: $91, program size: 51 bytes in RAM memory

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 


USR(addr,expr) {C,P}

This function is used to call a machine code routine. The machine code routine return a value on data stack.

  • addr is address of machine code routine
  • expr is a value used as input parameter to subroutine.
  • An integer is pushed to data stack by the machine code routine.

In the following example the machine code stored in DATA line is written to FLASH memory then it is called to compute the square of a small integer.

machine code routine, file square.asm

   .area CODE 

.include "inc/" 
.include "inc/"
.include "" 
   rrwa X
   ld xl,a 
   mul x,a 
  clr a 

command to assemble source file.

picatout:~/github/stm8_tbi$ sdasstm8 -l  square.asm

part of listing containing the binary code, file square.lst

                                      7 .list 
      000000                          8  square:
      000000                          9    _at_top  
      000000 90 F6            [ 1]    1         ld a,(y)
      000002 93               [ 1]    2         ldw x,y 
      000003 EE 01            [ 2]    3         ldw x,(1,x)
      000005 01               [ 1]   10    rrwa X
      000006 97               [ 1]   11    ld xl,a 
      000007 42               [ 4]   12    mul x,a 
      000008 4F               [ 1]   13   clr a 
      000009                         14   _xpush 
      000009 72 A2 00 03      [ 2]    1         subw y,#CELL_SIZE
      00000D 90 F7            [ 1]    2         ld (y),a 
      00000F 90 EF 01         [ 2]    3         ldw (1,y),x 
      000012 81               [ 4]   15    ret

BASIC program with DATA lines containing binary code, file usr_test.bas

    1 ' write binary code in flash and execute it.
    2 ' square a number 
   20 RESTORE 
   22 ' machine code 
   30 DATA 144 , 246 , 147 , 238 , 1 , 1 , 151 , 66 , 79 , 114 , 162 
   40 DATA 0 , 3 , 144 , 247 , 144 , 239 , 1 , 129 
   50 LET A = UFLASH : ? "routine at " ; A 
   60 FOR I = 0 TO 18 
   70 WRITE A + I , READ 
   80 NEXT I 
   90 INPUT "number {1..255, 0 quit} to square?" N 
  100 ? USR ( A , N ) 
  110 IF N <> 0 : GOTO 90 
program address: $91, program size: 382 bytes in RAM memory

routine at 48000 
number {1..255, 0 quit} to square?:255
number {1..255, 0 quit} to square?:125
number {1..255, 0 quit} to square?:40
number {1..255, 0 quit} to square?:20
number {1..255, 0 quit} to square?:12
number {1..255, 0 quit} to square?:0


If there is space available in RAM a BUFFER for machine code can be created in RAM and data poked to that buffer instead of writting it to FLASH. That would reduce FLASH wear out.


WAIT expr1,expr2[,*expr3] {C,P}

This command wait for a change of state in a register or memory.

  • expr1 address of register or memory
  • expr2 AND mask to apply to value at address.
  • expr3 XOR mask to apply after the AND mask. If the parameter is missing value 0 is used.

This command can be used to wait for an input pin to switch from low to high and verse-versa. Or for some register state change. The following example poke a value to UART1_DR register and wait for the transmission to complete by polling bit 6 of UART1_SR register as this bit goes to 1 when transmission is completed.

>poke $5231,65:wait $5230,bit(6)



This command is used to print on terminal the list of commands, functions and operators used by Tiny BASIC with token number of each. This dictionary is used by compiler and decompiler.

107 words in dictionary



WRITE expr1,expr2[,expr]*

This command is used to write data to persistant memory, i.e. EEPROM and FLASH.

  • expr1 is the starting address.
  • data1,[,data2]* is a list of data elements to be written in consecutives adressess. these data elements can be of 3 types.
    • integer expression resulting in value {0..255}. If value is >255 only the least significant byte is used.
    • Quoted string, written as zero terminated string.
    • escaped character, i.e. \c where c is any ASCII character.
>write EEPROM,"Hello world!"

>for i=eeprom to i+11:? char(peek(i));:next i
Hello world!


term1 XOR term2 {C,P}

This boolean operator apply excluive or bit to bit between left and right terms. Terms can be

  • arithmetic expression.
  • comparison between 2 arithmetic expressions.
  • or boolean expressions themselve.

See arithmetic expressions for operators priorities.

>let a=5,b=10

>? a xor b

>? a>b xor b>9

>? a>b xor b<9

>? a and b xor 7

>? a and 4 xor 7



main index

Files system

The are edited in RAM to minimize wear out of FLASH. Once a program is debugged it should be saved in FLASH memory. The file system is a very simple one. As the MCU block erase is organized in block 128 bytes the file system is orgnaize around this size. So a program file always take a multiple of 128 bytes in FLASH memory. The memory used for this file system is the one left after Tiny BASIC. When no files are saved the size can be known by the following command:

Tiny BASIC for STM8
Copyright, Jacques Deschenes 2019,2022,2023
version 5.0R1

>? $1000-uflash

>? $10000-uflash

As program files saved in this file system are executed in situ, the file system doesn't use extended memory, i.e. memory address over 65535.

Executing BASIC program in extended memory would require a modification to interpreter that would increase its size and slow it down. As it is not all STM8 MCU that have extended memory the choice was made to limit the system to {0...65535} memory range. But extended memory can be used for program data storage. It can be written with command WRITE and read with function PEEK.

main index

Firmware installation

The first step is to select options in file.

  • DEBUG should be set to 0 for stable build where debugging is not required.
  • SEPARATE should be set to 0 in most case. It is use only when debugging because sdasstm8 assembler message report is quite anoying. It doesn't report in which file there is an error when they are all assembled together.
  • NUCLEO_8S208RB put this to 1 if this is the target board otherwise set it to 0. The NUCLEO_8S207K8 is automatically selected when this one is deselected.

In the root directory there is bash script to launch the build process. This script take only 2 parameters:

  • first parameter s207 or s208 to select the target board.
  • second and optional is flash if you want to flash the board after successfull build. If the build fail there will be no flash operation.
picatout:~/github/stm8_tbi$ ./ s207 flash

cleaning files
rm -f build/*

compiling TinyBasic  for stm8s207K8      
sdasstm8 -g -l -o build/TinyBasic.rel hardware_init.asm  arithm24.asm debug_support.asm flash_prog.asm files.asm terminal.asm code_address.asm compiler.asm i2c.asm decompiler.asm TinyBasic.asm app.asm 
sdcc -mstm8 -lstm8 -L -I../inc -Wl-u -o build/TinyBasic.ihx build/TinyBasic.rel 
objcopy -Iihex -Obinary  build/TinyBasic.ihx build/TinyBasic.bin 

-rw-rw-r-- 1 jacques jacques 15108 nov 27 11:12 build/TinyBasic.bin

flashing stm8s207K8 
stm8flash -c stlinkv21 -p stm8s207K8 -s flash -w build/TinyBasic.ihx 
Determine FLASH area
STLink: v2, JTAG: v25, SWIM: v7, VID: 8304, PID: 4b37
Due to its file extension (or lack thereof), "build/TinyBasic.ihx" is considered as INTEL HEX format!
15108 bytes at 0x8000... OK
Bytes written: 15108

main index

Using NUCLEO-8S20x board

STM8 TinyBASIC is developped and built on Ubuntu system but the binary can be flashed on the board on Windows system as well. When the board is connected to PC USB port a new drive appears in file system. Dropping the file build/TinyBasic.bin on this drive will flash the firmware on the board.

The STLINK programmer on the board also emulate a serial port. The only requirement to communicate with TinyBASIC system is to have a terminal emulator configured to connect on that serial port at 115200 BAUD, 8 bit, 1 STOP, no parity. On Windows system TeraTerm or Putty can be used. On Ubuntu there is many options. I use GTKterm

main index

Sending a BASIC program to NUCLEO-8S20x board

Although STM8 TinyBASIC as a line editor in the 80'S 8 bits BASIC computer style. Writting your program on the PC using a full featured editor is nice and can be done.

I have written a small command line tool that can be used to send a BASIC program written on the PC to the board. This tool is only compiled for linux system though. There also bash script in root directory This script expect the BASIC program to be in BASIC directory.

picatout:~/github/stm8_tbi$ ./ blink.bas
port=/dev/ttyACM0, baud=115200,delay=100 
Sending file BASIC/blink.bas

5 ' Blink LED2 on card 
40 END 
8 lines sent


When the board receive the program the program lines scroll on terminal screen.

main index

Source code

The source code for this project is on

main index