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Poodmund edited this page Jan 11, 2016 · 2 revisions

Poodmund's Outer Planets Mod - Visual Overhaul

1 - About

Pood's OPM-VO is a graphical overhaul modification for Kerbal Space Program's additional planet/moon mod, Outer Planets Mod, that is developed by CaptRobau & Eudae55. Pood's OPM-VO builds upon the OPM mod by adding additional atmospheric and cloud effects using original artwork through the following mods: Environmental Visual Enhancements by rbray89, Scatterer by Blackrack, Module Manager by Sarbian and Kopernicus by Thomas P.

2 - Features

  • New Gas Giant colour maps
  • Cloud layers on Atmosphere bodies
  • Scatterer configs for Atmospheric bodies
  • Auroras where relevant
  • Volumetric cloud layers
  • Surface fog/dust
  • Heavy, dark Hydrocarbon Seas on Tekto
  • Storms on Tekto (planned)
  • Sigma OPM-Tilt support for Urlum
  • Procedural Gas Giants textures on Sarnus and Neidon from Kopernicus Expansion
  • Suggest more!

3 - Known Issues

  • Gas Giant Scatterer effects are not included at this time as Scatterer causes nulRefs and FPS to drop dramatically when loaded around a Gas Giant (Blackrack is aware of this issue).
  • Volumetric particles don't tile "brilliantly" and you may see edge tiling in some areas.
  • Scatterer can sometimes cause saturated bands of colour to appear at Sunrise/Sunset, this is probably due to bad configs on my end.
  • At this time it may cause some other Cloud/Texture/Visual packs to function incorrectly, if this is the case, please let me know as soon as possible so that I can try to rectify the issue.
  • With Kopernicus Expansion the Gas Giants' texture maps may appear to be mirrored vertically, this isn't necessarily horrible but is known about.

4 - How to Install

Extract the GameData folder found in the downloadable .zip directly into your Kerbal Space Program install directory. If located correctly, the PoodsOPMVO directory should be found at:

Drive:*\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\PoodsOPMVO

5 - Dependencies

The following KSP mods must be installed prior to using PoodsOPMVO for it to function correctly (KSP Forum links attached):

6 - Warnings

PoodsOPMVO utilises many very hi-res textures and therefore can increase system RAM usage to the point where it may cause KSP to crash unexpectedly when run through a 32bit launcher (pre KSP v1.1). It is advisable if using PoodsOPMVO to run a discrete GPU and also KSP in OpenGL to offload the texture caching to the GPU's VRAM. If running KSP through a 64bit launcher, this should not be an issue if your system has a large amount of system RAM.

7 - Changelog

  • v0.1.2 - 11th Jan. 16 - Included support for OPM Tilt and Kopernicus Expansion. Compatibility with KSPRC has been fixed by included updated pqs.cfg file for KSPRC (bundled in distribution).
  • v0.1.1 - 8th Jan. 16 - Forgot to include Scatterer files within .zip (Doh!)
  • v0.1.0 - 6th Jan. 16 - Initial Release - First GitHub commit & beta release

8 - Mini-AVC

This mod includes version checking using MiniAVC. If you opt-in, it will use the internet to check whether there is a new version available. Data is only read from the internet and no personal information is sent. For a more comprehensive version checking experience, please download the KSP-AVC Plugin -

9 - License

Poodmund's Outer Planets Mod - Visual Overhaul is licensed under the CC-BY-ND license, however, any/all other work contained within this distribution is licensed under it's respective owner's license where applicable.

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