WIP: Fix broken tests #1725
WIP: Fix broken tests #1725
Build #PowerShell.PSResourceGet-2410.10007 had test failures
- Failed: 9 (0.27%)
- Passed: 3,231 (95.76%)
- Other: 134 (3.97%)
- Total: 3,374
Check failure on line 40 in Build log
azure-pipelines / PowerShell.PSResourceGet
Build log #L40
Failed to install Microsoft.Security.CredScan.Client required for running analysis.
Check failure on line 41 in Build log
azure-pipelines / PowerShell.PSResourceGet
Build log #L41
Please contact guardianhelp@microsoft.com for support if the issue persists.
Check failure on line 42 in Build log
azure-pipelines / PowerShell.PSResourceGet
Build log #L42
Exception Details:
Check failure on line 43 in Build log
azure-pipelines / PowerShell.PSResourceGet
Build log #L43
System.Exception: Unexpected exit code 1 returned from tool nuget.exe
azure-pipelines / PowerShell.PSResourceGet
Test Install-PSResource for V3Server scenarios.Should not install resource given nonexistant name
Expected strings to be the same, but they were different.
Expected length: 82
Actual length: 77
Strings differ at index 0.
Expected: 'InstallPac...'
But was: 'ResourceNo...'
Raw output
at <ScriptBlock>, /home/vsts/work/1/s/test/InstallPSResourceTests/InstallPSResourceADOV2Server.Tests.ps1: line 67
67: $err[0].FullyQualifiedErrorId | Should -BeExactly "InstallPackageFailure,Microsoft.PowerShell.PSResourceGet.Cmdlets.InstallPSResource"
azure-pipelines / PowerShell.PSResourceGet
Test Install-PSResource for V3Server scenarios.Should install resource given name and exact range inclusive [1.0.0, 5.0.0]
Expected '5.0.0', but got 1.0.0.
Raw output
at <ScriptBlock>, /home/vsts/work/1/s/test/InstallPSResourceTests/InstallPSResourceADOV2Server.Tests.ps1: line 89
89: $pkg.Version | Should -Be "5.0.0"
azure-pipelines / PowerShell.PSResourceGet
Test Install-PSResource for V3Server scenarios.Should not install resource given nonexistant name
Expected strings to be the same, but they were different.
Expected length: 82
Actual length: 77
Strings differ at index 0.
Expected: 'InstallPac...'
But was: 'ResourceNo...'
Raw output
at <ScriptBlock>, D:\a\1\s\test\InstallPSResourceTests\InstallPSResourceADOV2Server.Tests.ps1: line 67
67: $err[0].FullyQualifiedErrorId | Should -BeExactly "InstallPackageFailure,Microsoft.PowerShell.PSResourceGet.Cmdlets.InstallPSResource"
azure-pipelines / PowerShell.PSResourceGet
Test Install-PSResource for local repositories.Install .nupkg that contains directories (specific package throws errors when accessed by ZipFile.OpenRead)
Expected 'Microsoft.Web.Webview2', but got $null.
Raw output
at <ScriptBlock>, /home/vsts/work/1/s/test/InstallPSResourceTests/InstallPSResourceLocal.Tests.ps1: line 295
295: $pkg.Name | Should -Be $nupkgName