To use this code, manually load the shapefile into the QGIS interface and specify data_dir to a folder containing 1) landuse geotiff, 2) landuse legend and 3) lowSpeed.shp (created by running and for whatever reason you have to run it twice.
09.07.2020 - Add field prepared for Landuse Name and Nr(Jannis)
- Extract landuse nr of the raster into the point shapefile
- Function for a first plot of landuse distribution
- Function containing preprocess of landuse legend
- First try on converting landuse nr to landuse label (Doesn't work yet)
10.07.2020 - Add Label and improving plots (Jannis)
- Conversion of float landuse identifier to int (new field)
- Conversion of int landuse identifier using legend to label (new field, String)
- Improved histogram plot
- Created pie chart of landuses
11.07.2020 - Improve coding style (Jannis)
- add docstrings
- changed structure
12.07.2020 - Changed landuse raster (Jannis)
- add csv legend to data folder
- added plots in plot folder
19.07.2020 Changed colours of pie chart (Jannis)
- Unification