This repository contains the StoryWeaver web front-end.
To run in debug mode, make sure you have a reasonably modern Node and NPM set up (we use 8.1.4 as of July 19, 2017). Then:
$ npm install # install dependencies
$ npm start # start the development server
To create an optimized production build:
$ npm install # install dependencies
$ npm build # create optimized bundles in the `build/` directory
To place the debug/build output in a non-default directory, use the SW_BUILD_DIR
environment variable. E.g:
$ SW_BUILD_DIR=/home/kendrick/sw-js-build/ npm start
$ SW_BUILD_DIR=/home/kendrick/sw-js-build/ npm build
To use google analytics, replace %GA_PROPERTY_ID% in index.html with the Google Analytics property ID , while doing npm build. After this, the Google Analytics tracking script will be injected into the page's header each time it's loaded and the analytics middleware will start tracking certain analytics events.
Specifies a key for the Loggly logging service. If the app is being run in development mode and this environment variable is defined, the Loggly script will be injected into the app. The primary purpose of this is to help with debgging UC Browser.
Specifies a base URL for the API.
Specifies whether to enable the Offline feature.
Specifies whether to enable the new signup and login feature.
appId for Facebook Login
clientId for Google Login
Specifies whether to enable the peoples tab in Expanded Search.
Specifies whether to enable the Organisation tab in Expanded Search.
Specifies whether to enable storyweaver platform attribution panel for whitelabel in the bottom of site footer.