A dating website for people who code. This website uses the following NPM packages:
- bcrypt
- Used to encrypt a user's password.
- coludinary
- Allows users to upload images to the site.
- connect-session-sequelize
- Stores session data in the SQL database
- dovenv
- Loads environment variables from a .env file.
- express
- Web framework for node
- express-handlebars
- A Handlebars view engine for Express
- express-session
- Creates cookie information
- handlebars
- An extension to the mustache templating language.
- mysql2
- Connect to a SQL database
- nodemailer
- Used to send emails from node.
- On this site it's part of the error logging. If there's an error on the site, the error is logged and an e-mail is sent infroming the admin that there's an error.
- sequelize
- A promise-based node tool for MySQL
- Website - Coder-Mingle
- API Links
- Website Errors
- Users
- Images
- Matches
Charlotte Hulseman - GitHub Profile
Julian Voros - GitHub Profile
Sherry Zheng - GitHub Profile
Zach Smith - GitHub Profile