- September Security Patch
- Strong Integrity Passes as of 7/9/24
- Fixed Game Space
- EOL Update. On our way to A15
- August Security Patch
- Blaze Launcher in both variants (Blaze launcher is optional in Gapps Build)
- Fixed the face unlock icon overlap on locksreen
- Bring back QTI framework boost
- July security patch
- Added depth wallpaper
- Added Device as Webcam feature
- Fixed annoying notification feature
- Fixed "DONE" button in Bluetooth QS tile
- Fixed deep sleep info
- Split status bar vibrate and mute icon
- Fixed battery styles percentage options
- Fixed UDFPS animation position
- Made BlazeHouse scrolling smooth
- Enabled Now Playing
- Added FPS Info tile
- June security patch
- Merged android QPR3
- Added charging control
- Added 2 new AI based Blaze wallpapers by @mfxrce
- Replaced Google Dialer with AOSP Dialer in GAPPS build
- Added Auto Call recording in AOSP Dialer
- Vanilla build has Launcher3 (but not adapted to blaze yet)
- Fixed tap to sleep option in BlazeHouse
- Removed buggy Google NumOverlay Clock style which was causing bootloop
- Fixed screen recording for some devices
- [TEMP] Removed HD VoLTE Icon
- May security patch
- Fixed wired headphones
- Fixed A11 rectangle and rounded rectangle QS tile shapes
- Fixed Hide Navigation Bar (Reverse Logic)
- Added Custom Lockscreen clock styles
- Added Battery friendly pocket mode
- Added Datura Firewall from CalyxOS
- Dropped Rising UI volume panel
- Make AOSP volume panel expandable
- Implement Cutout FullScreen
- Separated per-app volume from volume panel
- Fix landscape and right and left battery styles
- Fix cloned apps
- Added AppLock
- Add Blink Flashlight on calls
- Added Custom Vibration patterns
- Fixed Google dialer call notification
- Bring back udfps animations and icons
- Fixed Lockscreen shortcut paddings
- Added Google Pixel navigation bar home button
- Introduce OOS Style clear all button
- Added toggle for fingerprint authentication vibration
- Added old Blaze UI from Android 13 & 12.1 with a toggle
- Fixed Disable QS in secure lockscreen toggle
- Minor refinements in Music Pulse Settings
- Major refinements done A11 QS Style settings panel
- Fixed screencast making whole System UI crash
- Added Gamespace
- Vanilla build supports Blaze Launcher
- Added OTA Support in ROM (From June update you will get direct OTA updates)
Credits: @takixamru for Implementing the OTA
- Whole source rebase on QPR2
- Merged April security patch
- Redesigned About Phone, Settings Dashboard, Storage and Battery pages
- Added new bootanimation, logo
- Bring back statusbar tuner
- Added 4G , Roaming, Data Disabled toggles
- Added statusbar clock and battery styles customisations
- Added statusbar logo
- Added privacy indicator toggles
- Added network traffic indicators
- Statusbar colored app icons
- Statusbar app notification counter
- Added Theming support alongwith monet Theming
- Added brightness slider styles and position tunable customisation
- Added A11 QS style with option to switch back to Stock A14
- Added QS transparency
- Less boring heads up, Disable QS on secure lockscreen
- Vibrate on tiles option
- Island Notification
- Rising UI Volume panel
- Fingerprint Ripple toggle
- Lockscreen charging info
- Screen off animations
- Lockscreen music pulse
- In call vibration options
- Advanced Restart
- Ignore window secure flag
- Haptic feedback on back gesture
- Spoofing options toggle
- 3 finger screenshot
- Advanced Screenrecorder
- Safetynet passed out of build
- Remove IME button space
- Navbar hint toggle
- Extra QS tiles
- Double tap to doze and wake options
Dropped things or deprecated in QPR2
- Applock ( Can be added in future )
- Gamespace ( Can be added in future )
- Lockscreen media art
Future Addition probable things
- Udfps customization ( Can be added in future )
- Pocket mode ( Can be added in future )
- Full source rebase to QPR1
- Merged february security patch
- Bring back old Blaze UI/UX
- A14 and A11 QS Panel Style
- Added Gamespace
- Old blaze About phone
- Screen off fod
- Theming Options including monet theming
- Statusbar Customisations
- Notifications Panel customisations
- Lockscreen Customisations
- Some system blazehouse settings
- Advanced restart
- Added PixelPropUtils
- Per-app volume panel
- Double tap to wake and sleep options
- Peak and minimum refresh rate
- Smooth display options
- A14 Lockscreen clock styles
- Vanilla build also available with Launcher3 (vanilla release depends on maintainer)
- Volume button customisations
- Ignore window secure flags
- Music Pulse
- Lockscreen media art
- Network Traffic Monitor
- Swipe to screenshot
- Data disabled icon
- Roaming indicator icon
- 4G data icon
- Colored status bar icon
- Notification count toggle
- Redesigned Settings UI
- Redesigned About Phone
- Added new design for BlazeHouse
- Icon Pack Styles
- Icon Shapes customizations
- Fonts Customizations
- Use 4G instead of LTE
- Added Paranoidsense Face Unlock
- Added Black Theme
- Added option to enable AOD on charging only
- Added smart pixels
- Added xdroid-OSS inspired settings base layout
- Added toggle for smart 5G
- Imported vibration patterns from OOS
- Added Ambient Music Ticker
- Added Monet Engine
- Added screen off fod
- Added Smart Pause
- Added OnePlus camera and MIUI camera support
- Added AOD Customizations
- Added data switch, caffeine, wifi and mobile data, heads up, AOD, sync,sound,etc QS Tiles
- Added Less Boring Heads Up option
- Added vibrations patterns options
- Added Navigation bar customizations
- Added Smooth display options and force peak refresh rate
- Added contextual dashboard message
- Added toggle for Windows secure flags option
- Added in-call vibrations options
- Added option to enable/disable lockscreen charging info
- Added lockscreen media artwork customizations
- Added swipe to screenshot
- Added double tap to sleep gesture
- Added Advanced Reboot options
- Added playback control
- Added akeyboard cursor control
- Added option to hide power menu on lockscreen
- Added statusbar tuner in BlazeHouse
- Redesigned seekbar
- Added expandable volume panel
- Added Quick QS pull down
- Added Blaze exclusive wallpapers