GA Release: 11/7/2024
The Pure Storage PowerShell SDK for FlashArray provides integration with the Purity Operating Environment and the FlashArray. It provides the functionalities of Purity's REST API as PowerShell cmdlets.
This release requires at least .NET Core 2.1 ( This release is compatible with Purity FlashArrays that support Pure Storage REST API 2.0 to 2.33 inclusive. This release is also compatible to be installed side by side with Pure Storage PowerShell SDK 1.x. This release requires a 64-bit operating system. This release requires the following PowerShell minimum versions:
OS | PowerShell Version |
Windows 10 | 5.1.17134.858 |
Windows Server 2019 | 5.1.17763.1007 |
Windows Server 2016 | 5.1.14393.3471 |
Windows Server 2012R2 | 5.1.14409.1018 |
*Mac OS | 7.0.1 |
*Linux | 7.0.1 |
- Not fully tested.
The Pure Storage FlashArray PowerShell SDK version 2 can be installed via the PowerShell Gallery by using the Install-Module cmdlet:
Install-Module -Name PureStoragePowerShellSDK2
To install a beta or pre-release version (not to be used in production) of the PowerShell SDK version 2:
Install-Module -Name PureStoragePowerShellSDK2 -AllowPrerelease -Force
See for more details on how to discover resources on the PowerShell Gallery.
To update the Pure Storage PowerShell SDK 2 module, perform the following.
Update-Module -Name PureStoragePowerShellSDK2
To remove the Pure Storage PowerShell SDK 2 module, perform the following.
Remove-Module -Name PureStoragePowerShellSDK2
Download the detailed help using the command Update-Help -Module PureStoragePowerShellSDK2
Get help using Get-Help -Name Get-Pfa2Volume
for cmdlet Get-Pfa2Volume.
To find what about topics are available: Get-Help -Name About_Pfa2*
- Get-Pfa2ArrayCloudCapacity
- Update-Pfa2ArrayCloudCapacity
- Get-Pfa2ArrayCloudCapacitySupportedStep
- New-Pfa2DirectoryServiceRole
- Remove-Pfa2DirectoryServiceRole
- Get-Pfa2Fleet
- New-Pfa2Fleet
- Update-Pfa2Fleet
- Get-Pfa2FleetKey
- New-Pfa2FleetKey
- Get-Pfa2FleetMember
- New-Pfa2FleetMember
- Remove-Pfa2FleetMember
- New-Pfa2PodTest
- Get-Pfa2PodReplicaLinkMappingPolicy
- Update-Pfa2PodReplicaLinkMappingPolicy
- Get-Pfa2PolicyAlertWatcher
- New-Pfa2PolicyAlertWatcher
- Remove-Pfa2PolicyAlertWatcher
- Get-Pfa2PolicyAlertWatcherRule
- New-Pfa2PolicyAlertWatcherRule
- Remove-Pfa2PolicyAlertWatcherRule
- Get-Pfa2PolicyAlertWatcherRuleTest
- Get-Pfa2VchostConnection
- New-Pfa2VchostConnection
- Remove-Pfa2VchostConnection
- 'New-Pfa2Login' have the following new parameter(s):
- XRequestId
- 'New-Pfa2Logout' have the following new parameter(s):
- XRequestId
- 'New-Pfa2ActiveDirectory' have the following new parameter(s):
- ServicePrincipalName
- 'Get-Pfa2Admin' have the following new parameter(s):
- ExposePublicKey
- 'New-Pfa2Admin' have the following new parameter(s):
- ManagementAccessPoliciesId
- ManagementAccessPoliciesName
- ManagementAccessPoliciesResourceType
- 'Update-Pfa2Admin' have the following new parameter(s):
- ManagementAccessPoliciesId
- ManagementAccessPoliciesName
- ManagementAccessPoliciesResourceType
- 'Update-Pfa2AdminSetting' have the following new parameter(s):
- RequiredAuthenticationMethodsSsh
- RequiredAuthenticationMethodsWebUi
- 'New-Pfa2ApiClient' have the following new parameter(s):
- AccessPoliciesId
- AccessPoliciesName
- AccessPoliciesResourceType
- 'Remove-Pfa2ArrayFactoryResetToken' have the following new parameter(s):
- XRequestId
- 'New-Pfa2ArrayConnection' have the following new parameter(s):
- Encryption
- 'Update-Pfa2ArrayConnection' have the following new parameter(s):
- Refresh
- RenewEncryptionKey
- ConnectionKey
- Encryption
- ManagementAddress
- ReplicationAddress
- Type
- ThrottleDefaultLimit
- ThrottleWindowLimit
- ThrottleWindowEnd
- ThrottleWindowStart
- 'Remove-Pfa2ArrayConnection' have the following new parameter(s):
- Unreachable
- 'Get-Pfa2ArrayConnectionKey' have the following new parameter(s):
- XRequestId
- Encrypted
- 'New-Pfa2Certificate' have the following new parameter(s):
- KeyAlgorithm
- 'Update-Pfa2Certificate' have the following new parameter(s):
- KeyAlgorithm
- 'New-Pfa2DirectoryPolicyNfs' have the following new parameter(s):
- PoliciesExportEnabled
- 'New-Pfa2DirectoryPolicySmb' have the following new parameter(s):
- PoliciesExportEnabled
- 'New-Pfa2DirectoryExport' have the following new parameter(s):
- ExportEnabled
- 'Remove-Pfa2DirectoryExport' have the following new parameter(s):
- DirectoryId
- DirectoryName
- 'Update-Pfa2DirectoryService' have the following new parameter(s):
- CaCertificateRefId
- CaCertificateRefName
- CaCertificateRefResourceType
- ManagementSshPublicKeyAttribute
- 'Get-Pfa2DirectoryServiceRole' have the following new parameter(s):
- Name
- 'Update-Pfa2DirectoryServiceRole' have the following new parameter(s):
- Name
- DirectoryServiceRolesName
- ManagementAccessPoliciesId
- ManagementAccessPoliciesName
- NewRoleName
- 'Update-Pfa2DirectoryServiceLocalUser' have the following new parameter(s):
- NewUid
- 'New-Pfa2DirectoryLockNlmReclamation' have the following new parameter(s):
- XRequestId
- 'New-Pfa2Dns' have the following new parameter(s):
- CaCertificateId
- CaCertificateName
- CaCertificateResourceType
- CaCertificateGroupId
- CaCertificateGroupName
- CaCertificateGroupResourceType
- 'Update-Pfa2Dns' have the following new parameter(s):
- CaCertificateId
- CaCertificateName
- CaCertificateResourceType
- CaCertificateGroupId
- CaCertificateGroupName
- CaCertificateGroupResourceType
- 'Get-Pfa2HostGroup' have the following new parameter(s):
- Destroyed
- 'New-Pfa2HostGroup' have the following new parameter(s):
- Personality
- IpRangesEnd
- IpRangesStart
- 'Update-Pfa2HostGroup' have the following new parameter(s):
- Personality
- AddIpRangesEnd
- AddIpRangesStart
- 'Get-Pfa2Host' have the following new parameter(s):
- Destroyed
- 'New-Pfa2Kmip' have the following new parameter(s):
- CaCertificateRefId
- CaCertificateRefName
- CaCertificateRefResourceType
- CertificateId
- CertificateResourceType
- 'Update-Pfa2Kmip' have the following new parameter(s):
- CaCertificateRefId
- CaCertificateRefName
- CaCertificateRefResourceType
- CertificateId
- CertificateResourceType
- 'New-Pfa2Pod' have the following new parameter(s):
- AllowThrottle
- 'Update-Pfa2Pod' have the following new parameter(s):
- FromMemberId
- FromMemberNames
- ToMemberId
- ToMemberName
- MoveWithHostName
- MoveWithHostGroupName
- 'New-Pfa2PolicyNfs' have the following new parameter(s):
- PolicyMappingMapping
- 'Update-Pfa2PolicyNfs' have the following new parameter(s):
- Security
- 'New-Pfa2PolicyNfsClientRule' have the following new parameter(s):
- RulesSecurity
- 'New-Pfa2PolicyNfsMember' have the following new parameter(s):
- MembersExportEnabled
- 'New-Pfa2PolicySmb' have the following new parameter(s):
- PolicyMappingMapping
- 'New-Pfa2PolicySmbMember' have the following new parameter(s):
- MembersExportEnabled
- 'Get-Pfa2ProtectionGroupTarget' have the following new parameter(s):
- MemberId
- 'New-Pfa2ProtectionGroupTarget' have the following new parameter(s):
- MemberId
- 'Update-Pfa2ProtectionGroupTarget' have the following new parameter(s):
- MemberId
- 'Remove-Pfa2ProtectionGroupTarget' have the following new parameter(s):
- MemberId
- 'New-Pfa2RemoteVolumeSnapshot' have the following new parameter(s):
- Suffix
- 'Update-Pfa2SmtpServer' have the following new parameter(s):
- BodyPrefix
- EncryptionMode
- SenderUsername
- SubjectPrefix
- 'Remove-Pfa2Software' have the following new parameter(s):
- XRequestId
- 'Get-Pfa2SoftwareBundle' have the following new parameter(s):
- XRequestId
- 'New-Pfa2SoftwareBundle' have the following new parameter(s):
- XRequestId
- 'Remove-Pfa2SoftwareCheck' have the following new parameter(s):
- XRequestId
- 'New-Pfa2SoftwareInstallation' have the following new parameter(s):
- UpgradeParametersName
- UpgradeParametersValue
- 'New-Pfa2SoftwarePatch' have the following new parameter(s):
- AllowHaReduction
- 'New-Pfa2SsoSaml2' have the following new parameter(s):
- IdpVerificationCertificateRefId
- IdpVerificationCertificateRefName
- IdpVerificationCertificateRefResourceType
- SpDecryptionCredentialId
- SpDecryptionCredentialResourceType
- SpSigningCredentialId
- SpSigningCredentialResourceType
- 'Update-Pfa2SsoSaml2' have the following new parameter(s):
- IdpVerificationCertificateRefId
- IdpVerificationCertificateRefName
- IdpVerificationCertificateRefResourceType
- SpDecryptionCredentialId
- SpDecryptionCredentialResourceType
- SpSigningCredentialId
- SpSigningCredentialResourceType
- 'Update-Pfa2SsoSaml2Test' have the following new parameter(s):
- IdpVerificationCertificateRefId
- IdpVerificationCertificateRefName
- IdpVerificationCertificateRefResourceType
- SpDecryptionCredentialId
- SpDecryptionCredentialResourceType
- SpSigningCredentialId
- SpSigningCredentialResourceType
- 'Update-Pfa2Support' have the following new parameter(s):
- RemoteAssistDuration
- 'New-Pfa2SyslogServer' have the following new parameter(s):
- Service
- SourcesName
- 'Update-Pfa2SyslogServer' have the following new parameter(s):
- Service
- SourcesName
- 'Update-Pfa2SyslogServerSetting' have the following new parameter(s):
- CaCertificateRefId
- CaCertificateRefName
- CaCertificateRefResourceType
- 'New-Pfa2VchostCertificate' have the following new parameter(s):
- CertificateId
- 'New-Pfa2Volume' have the following new parameter(s):
- AllowThrottle
- ProtocolEndpointContainerVersion
- 'Update-Pfa2Volume' have the following new parameter(s):
- ProtocolEndpointContainerVersion
- 'New-Pfa2Certificate' dropped the following parameter(s):
- CertificateName
- 'Update-Pfa2Certificate' dropped the following parameter(s):
- CertificateName
- 'Update-Pfa2DirectoryServiceLocalUser' dropped the following parameter(s):
- Uids
- 'New-Pfa2Offload' dropped the following parameter(s):
- GoogleCloudAuthRegion
- 'Update-Pfa2ProtectionGroupTarget' dropped the following parameter(s):
- TargetName
No performance testing was done for this release.
Please review licenses.txt