Releases: Puzzlepart/prosjektportalen365
Releases · Puzzlepart/prosjektportalen365
- Added ViewId for views in aggregated web parts which is set in the url
- Added timeline configuration list (Customize how timeline elements are displayed, their colors, sorting and more) #678
- This applies to Portfolio, Project and Program timelines
- Added possibility to include project deliveries on timeline (beta) #679
- This applies to Portfolio, Project and Program timelines
- Added ability to run hooks in the txt provisioning template #700
- Example: Trigger API's, Flows, Logic Apps, Azure Functions, etc...
- Expanded aggregated webparts with similar functionality as PortfolioOverview #706
- Views, Filters, Grouping has been added to make them more dynamic
- The aggregated webparts are: 'Erfaringslogg', 'Leveranseoversikt' and 'Risikooversikt'
- 'Gevinstoversikt'has been reworked as an aggregated webpart and will work the same
- 'Datakilder' list has been expanded with three new columns connected to 'Prosjektinnholdskolonner' list
- Added 'Prosjektinnholdskolonner' list to define columns which are used for the aggregated webparts
- 'Datakilder' has been expanded with 'Prosjekt odata spørring' column to filter the projects in the datasource query
- Improvements to styling, sorting and information messages for the Document Template Selector #711
- Fixed issue with syncing of project properties not always triggering #736
- Fixed issue with resource allocation percentage not showing #610.
- N.B.: The script UpgradeAllSitesToLatest.ps1 needs to be run to fix the issue for existing sites!
- Fixed issue with setup dialog, where having more than 6 default items didn't render well #702
- Fixed bug when there are more than six elements in "Listeinnhold" #658
- Added proper currency formatting support with grouping #694
- Fixed empty ChildProject column on old projects #695
- Fix for users without email that runs upgrade script
- Null catch when converting older projects to parent project #696
- Fixed issue with missing app packages
- Fixed issue with invalid URL in PostInstall
- Fixed issue with project status sections showing even without values
- Fixed issue with project properties section buttons
With this release we introduce the program and child-parent relationship between projects. More info to come.
- Added functionality for dynamic project welcome pages based on project phases #643
- Added 'Vis alle egenskaper' button with panel to ProjectInformation webpart #650
- Added support for {site} token in Planner-tasks #646
- Add possibility to lock project template configurations #645
- Supporting permission groups for specific project template #651
- Added Program and parent functionality (Can add projects as children of another to give the following overviews):
- General Overview and status (Portfolio overview)
- Benefits overview
- Timeline
- Deliveries
- Risks and opportunities
- Changed header in projectstatus report to show date when published instead of when created #654
- If there are no items in the list "Fasesjekkeliste". "Gå til fasesjekklisten" button won't show and the empty dialog when changing phase is skipped #660
- Fixed bug where ProjectTimeline would not load properly #661
- Fixed bug where Risks, Deliveries and Exp.Log would sometimes not load #668
Note: Breaking changes (if you use custom project templates)
More information about the primary change with regards to project templates in this release can be found at You have to update and reapply your template configuration.
- Added new template configuration list "Maloppsett" used for project setup #617 #594
- Added GtProjectLifecycleStatus in "Prosjektegenskaper" and as a filter in "Porteføljeoversikt" #587
- No longer resetting portfolio navigation on upgrade #567
- Fixed persistant filter checkbox on view change #545
- Fixed installation error with hidden fieldrefs #622
- Fixed issue where changing phase via phase selector web part was not synced to the portfolio site #628
- Fixed small alignment issue with project template selector #638
- Reformulated GtShowInPorfolio description to encompass more than uncertainties #615
- Added support for syncing number and currency fields in project properties #612
- Changed behavior when deleting a status report #597
- Changed behavior when deleting timeline item #569
Full Changelog: v1.3.1...v1.4.
- Script for upgrading existing projects to 1.3 - Adding project timeline page (see Oppgrader eksisterende prosjekter)
- Minor changes to build-process, package upgrades and project setup code improvements
Full Changelog: v1.3.0...v1.3.1
- Added a new project webpart 'Prosjekttidslinje' for showcasing projects and items for the current project on a timeline #497
- Added read-only project cards to project list on the frontpage #498
- Added new multi-user field Prosjektstøtte #526
- Added "Avventer" as a new choice for "Prosjektstatus" #537
- Removed "Home" from Portfolio menu bar #527
- Removed list views and risk matrix from previous status reports #374
- Improved rendering of user fields in "Prosjektinformasjon" #576
- Added visual indicator in the portfolio overview for projects where you don't have access #563 #578
- Fixed UI bug by downgrading the office-ui-fabric-react package version to 6.214.0 #535
- Fixed redirect after creating a new project status #530
- Fixed project wizard bug when project is attached to another hub #532
- Fixed wrong phases being displayed when switching between projects with different phases #520
- Fixed issue with upgrading where deprecated pages/webparts were not removed #588