Spatial and Temporal Trends Analysis of Criminal Activity in LA
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In recent years, the importance of spatiotemporal integration has been increasingly recognized. However, methods for analyzing patterns of association with place and time in crime research remain to be further developed.
Crime has become one of the most striking problems in the United States. This project aims to help us better visualize and understand spatial and temporal trends in criminal activity.
- Crime Data from 2020 to Present
- Data can be accessed from:
- Data processing: selected crimes that completed investigation in Los Angeles from 2020 to the present and deleted the types of cases that happened less than 500 times.
- World map: Visualize the number of crimes from 2020 to present, and display crime incident locations on the map using leaflet.
- Aggregate data & temporal trends: The overall percentage of each types of crime. And specifically, how robbery and burglary change over time.
- Correlation Analysis:Explore the correlation between crime rate for each week day versus crime category, distrct, month, and year.
- Shiyun Li(
- Peiyuan Huo (
- Jun Ma (
- Kimberly Shan(