Added CSMarket Command that allows you to search the steam market for item prices
Fixed bug with kanji command where it only used N5 Kanji, added argument to select level
Added kanji command
Added the games module, the only game right now is deathroll
(google it)
Added the translate command which translates a message from any* language to english
Added roll command
Updated server info bot posting stuff to include and
fixed broken yt parsing
Added a disconnection functionality that auto disconnects tsubasa when all users leave the voice channel
Changed presence counting method because we were denied gate intents for it
Added anime and donate to the docs
Added more sources to get images from, more fallbacks, etc
Added message for when request to danbooru fails
Refactored all music commands to reduce code duplication, no functional changes
Added Tsubasa website into the main project combining the two
Added donate command which links to my ko-fi
Changed presence message slightly to reflect user count better
Final Changes and patches to version command, man I messed it up early.. lol.
Our savior has arrived
Added more version tracking to the project, added t>version command to get versioning info.
made matching better for hentai command
Added Commands doujin, doujintop, sauce